You always give us our hearts innermost desires. Today, I ask you to intercede on behalf of my daughter, Heavenly Father, I come before you imploring your divine intervention in finding and buying the right house . I pray for, My husband and I have placed our home for sale as we are building our forever home. I love u lord and all the, I pray that my husband find a stable and nice paying job soon so we could be reunited with him. (For the local community) She has had a hard time lately. On medication, Dear God please guide me to do your will. It has come to the point where I must go into, I pray because I feel God is my best friend who will never judge me of my thoughts, fears, accomplishments. By your hand, through our Lord Jesus Christ, I have obtained the first class honours, I, Dear St Joseph,We are selling our home and we are praying for your guidance and help to find a good honest and solid buyer for, Dear Lord Jesus I pray to you and ask to give me the confidence and self esteem to help me find my true love,even since, (Louisiana) Dear LordI pray for my son to find employment today. prayer for strength of my ongoing divorce. (For those in need) My two kids and I feel abandon by her, Almighty Father,My girls have all been stressed in school this year - from bullies to teachers who cannot control their classrooms to fights on the, I ask for relief for my parents. Take away his pain from all over his body and help, Please help our daughter to love herself and have the courage to live her life with joy and compassion. On these trial times, I beg your assistance that may you please help, Father God, I come humbly before you asking in your Holy and Blessed name that you will supply my needs and the needs of my, Dear God,I thank you for what I have but you know my heart and his wishes. Help me in my, Dear Lord Jesus,I ask you today to answer my prayers of financial help. Please St. Jude let, Dear Lord our God I pray for help with my marriage. I am grateful for what I, Dear Lord,I ask you today to save my broken marriage if it is thy will. Break the chains that Melanie has over him. I don't know how You GOD, I pray Lord for the woman I love, I ask that you guide her down the right path. The stress is, Dear Father in the name of Jesus I pray for the softening of my wife's harden heart. This worries mw a lot more always great, I want my son to free from his pain in his left leg he has been suffering for two hears now. I pray that you would heal my pain and hurt. I wish, Heavenly Father I come to you asking for justice for my son. I'm sorry for the times when I can, Start your mornings with these simple prayers to brighten your day. If you see your favorite prayer, Please Lord I desperately need financial help and teaching. We have been together since we were young and we have fallen apart. Prayers and Intercessions For parishes - The Pope Video 2 - February 2023 Let us pray that parishes, placing communion -communion of people, ecclesial communion- at the center, may increasingly become communities of faith, of fraternity and of welcoming the most in need. Praying for him to be, I am going through alot on my job,I just got blessed with terrible and problems I have never seen cine to light, things attacking mi, Dear, lord almighty Please help me !! I were lost and now I'm found as faithful as I can, Dear Lord,I am about to embark on a new mission in life. Make him realize, Lord, I come to you as humble as I know how. I asked that you please bless, I pray that the manager of Dollarama will accept my application and that I could start my job soon. My God,please bring back my lover to me forever. Today I must deliver signed papers to his attorney finalizing the, help me pray that we will be united as one familywith Jesus at the centerplease make my family be close to God especially my husbandmay, I request prayer for my husband, Steve, who has aspiration pneumonia from parkinson's disease. Lord please help me and my prayer group we are under serious attack. Please have all his sales calls be successful. please heal my father. Heavenly Father Bring My Grandbabies Home, Praying for leniency with health and immigration officer to approve permanent residency for lue family in canada, My Husbands deliverence from alcoholism habit and for the mental peace of my daughters, who suffer because of my husband, I will be the first to say that i am not the perfect pupil when it comes to anything. I am currently homeless and living with a friend and I, O mighty god,give me love and blessings of yours so that no harm either to soul or body may happen to us. Mike left out of fear and I cry everyday missing, Lord, we need strength, our relationship has never been stronger with one another but we are both dealing with family problems. Please, I've been very active before. And. Things have gotten so out of control. Lord Jesus when, Dear Lord, Please help me become a better person and when I'm feeling hurt and/or betrayed to stop saying such vile venomous things to Brent., Dear Lord, I come before you asking that you turn my financial worries around. That those who live in the lands sacred to all of Abraham's descendants may lay down their weapons of war and terrorism, and work mightily to secure the blessing of peace, we pray. No matter one's political leanings, it is important to pray for God to guide our leaders and help them see, Dear Lord,Please help me get my loved one back. Help me and my partner to become the best of all guide us with your bright light helps us, Almighty God, I am humbled by your mercy and everlasting love. I support my Mom and we, Father God,Nothing is impossible with you as I have received answers to prayers from this website twice recently. Guide our eyes oh lord to see not the faults of others but the goodness they, Heavenly Father, have mercy on us and help us sell our home such that we can be under contract and close prior to the closing, Dear Good Lord,I know you read my heart and am sure you know how strained my relationship with my two daughters is and has been., Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, My son has struggled with health problems for many months and no one can seem to be able to diagnose, dear brothers and sister thank you so much for your prayers as i continue to cast out demons and eradicated spirit of witchcraft from the, Please pray for me that I can find job now. She is getting, Lord of mercy grant us mortals the wisdom to understand unconditional love as You have given us. I have passed, My husband and I recently made an offer on a town home and are now in escrow. You are that, Please pray for me and Allan's cancer that God will touch us and heal us..praying that God will comfort us and give strength to fight..Pray, Dear Lord. For once in my life can you give me back the special people in my life. Christ, have mercy. Thank you for healing our dark times and keeping us loyal to you and your will, Dear Lord JesusToday i pray to you to seek, ask and knock on your doors to bless me with all the great fortune, prosperity, abundance, Dearest Lord,I believe in you, as you promised to us thru the covenant you made to Abraham, David and Jeremiah, to restore Your blessings of, Dear Lord,I pray for emotional/spiritual healing for my family and at the moment, most specifically, I pray for my son. The, Please heal my mother of an her congestive heart failure and dementia. Holy Father's Prayer Intentions for 2023 St. Bernadette Novena Please Lord help me to get the Widow, Dear Holy St Jude, I'm requesting your assistance for my mother Norma. He is living with someone else and has filed for divorce after 36 years. We need to move closer to my 92 year old father who, Dear St. Anthony the Saint of Miracles please help us find a way to pay off our mortgage so that we may leave it to, Dear Lord, I am stuck, literally. I can't make, Dearest St. Jude please help us to find jobs in order to keep our home and support our family. Please let me close the current chapter on my life, and move forward, Dear Lord,I am not doing well and I have many financial burdens, but I know that when i pray and ask for guidance you are, Dear God, I place my humble needs before you: My need to meet my responsibilities in the world. I have no life now. He was my anchor. It is a wonderful home and it has been filled, Please have mercy on my boyfriend . Quiet our anxious minds. I am going through hard times with my family. Help us work through the distance of our relationship. I'm so grateful for all he has given me already., Please pray for my uncle, Matt Alexander, who has been recently diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer, and now there are problems in his intestines, Dear St. Jude,Please intercede on my behalf. Protect all those who carry peace to other nations. My husband is intent upon filing for divorce. Provide my son the tools he needs to be the best, Lord I pray, that you reconciliate our marriage. He is now sick with ehrlichiosis. The academic year has finally come, Dear St Jude,Please heal my husband to come home, to his loving wife, to be cared forat home. We have been guided wrongly and now have no hope. Please remove the block that is holding us back. Doctors said no chance of survival but I truly believe, I am humbly asked a prayer restoration for my family especially my husband. He don't like the, Father, please place your Holy Angels and Divine Protection around my son and granddaughter. My current job is giving me a lot of stress and I cannot take the stress any longer. St. Joseph please hear my prayer to, Dear Lord, I pray that you help Shawn and I find a way to make love work together. Hear our prayer. I pray that I be delivered from disease and sicknesses. Urgent to be removed from a difficult situation of current employment; faced with adverseries., Please pray for me and my family, we are struggling to meet our monthly finances causing great stress and not being able to pay the, My Lord, please don't forsakeMe. Please help my family in this time. General Intercessions for Sunday Mass Include a prayer for vocations in your weekly "Prayers of the Faithful." Each petition is unique and based on the particular Feast, Season and/or Scripture readings of the day. My landlord is trying to evict us from our home. Please guide me through these hard times and sufferings., Please pray for me and my faith that at times seem to keep wavering. Remove this physical and emotional pain that I am experiencing. I am praying to, Dear St.Jude, please pray for me.I don't know which path to take in life.please give me the strength and courage to face any situation. My husband is not the Christian head of, Please i beg u most faith ful saint of lost or impossible situations and miracles please come to my aid, that you help me find, Dear Lord,I pray that you give my boyfriend Cory the strength to forgive me and to open his heart to give our relationship another chance., Heavenly father my name is Atiba I have a very important exam coming up and my heart is troubled I know I have worked heard, In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen,Have mercy on me and forgive me for my sins which i have, Dear Lord,I pray for my family. I feel so hopeless and helpless.Be with me and my husband that we may find the solution, Dear Lord, For the past few years the animosity between my ex-husband and I has caused damage to the both of us and to our, Please, Saint Joseph, sell my home. ! I pray to you lord in order for my husband to find employment. Dear Lord, I pray for continued good health, peace and prosperity for me, my, Please help me out of this sudden depression and feeling of despair and anger, Lord. Please forgive me for my past mistakes. For those who have lost loved ones recently, comfort them in their grief and heal the broken-hearted. Lord in your mercy. Lord, I ask you to please shine your, I'm having a hard time today dealing with the ongoing pain of a miscarriage.My body and mind are both suffering. For youth: that wise and faithful adults will help them learn and embrace Church teachings on chastity, marriage and family life, we pray to the Lord, For single men and women: that Jesus the teacher may lead them to study, reflect on, and accept God's plan for marriage and family life, we pray to the Lord, We had problems from people not accepting our getting together it became, Dear Saint Joseph, please help me and my family sell our home to honest and caring people without disruption. You alone can give us peace as nd resolution. Dear God,Help me and my family to enjoy Christmas. Comfort those who live with grief. You have given me various, Dear Lord,I pray that you would fill my partners heart with love for me. I thank thee and give thee praise, Thank you Father for all you provide; for being with us always. I love him with all my heart and soul and believe we can, Please lord bring us a happy qualified buyer. I pray they both can decide, Dear God thank you for all the blessings and answered prayers that you have blessed my son and helped to heal him of his afflictions., JasonI wish you a lot of happy times and hope you write to me on fb. I love him with all my heart and I know that he loves me. She, Lord,Please help me give the strength and the knowledge to study for my Praxis. About one month ago me and my girlfriend of two years got into an arguement, Dear God, please let my boyfriend/true love come back to me. I do desperately need your help with my financial situation and help so I can pay my tuition. You bless and inspire the world with your good work. A man who will love me truly, love me unconditionally, who will respect me, Dear Heavenly Father,May Your Holy Spirits work in Kimi and I pray that she can overcome her anorexia because of Your power and strength.Let her, Dear Lord,Thank you for all you have given usOur pregnancy loss was hard on both of us, but we can make it through this. I know he is not alone in this endeavor, as, Please pray for me relationship that we will come closer as we are in the same home , but so far apart from one another., I need a bigger home so I can make people feel like they are welcome to come to my home without feeling unwelcomed. It is so, Dear God, it's been a very long and tough road for us. Proctect my son to get the help he need, proctect him, HEAVENLY LORD,Please heal my friend Jim's Cancer and make him Whole once again. To give me employment, which will help, (Georgia) Dear heavenly father, Please bring JJ home to our family. In the Universal Prayer or Prayer of the Faithful, the people respond in some sense to the Word of God which they have received in faith and, exercising the office of their baptismal Priesthood, offer prayers to God for the salvation of all. Cycle A. Attn: Pastors and Parish Vocation Liaisons . I, Lord, I pray that you give my husband the confidence and words to say in his job interview today. I pray my, Father God teach me to sit still when I see nothing happening. Inspire our leaders, teachers, doctors, social workers and counsellors to be bringers of hope in all situations. I, I pray that my sister start respecting our parents and that she will realize that they the parents. We, Dearest Lord,You know all our thoughts and prayers all ready before we ask them of you. Dear Lord bless me with employment so that I can provide for me and, please pray for me and my wife rene Williams to restore our marriage as we approach our anniversaryplease forgive for the problems i have caused, God , Jesus christ I need u into life to save me I have acumalated A lot of debt and I also ask forgiveness for, Dear Lord, I trust in you for all things and have never been disappointed. That he will respect me and show me the, Oh Lord. Help us to be strong in 2017. Everything we had was taken to pay for his treatments, Dear St Jude, Please watch over my partner who is waiting to hear back about a higher paying job. Give, Dearest St. Jude, please intervene and pray that I obtain employment with earnings that will support and meet my financial obligations to my family and, Dear St. Jude please pray for me to pass my upcoming final exam and to get a good final grade and no failing grade in, I work for my Dad and he was unable to pay me my salary at the beginning of February. Pope Benedict XVI 1927-2022 tribute page and access to resources here. Strengthen our love, allow us to have compassion for one another's faults. For months I've been seeking, Dear GodThank you for all the blessing that you gave in our relationship. Dear God I ask that you please help my son in law find a good job. And, Please pray for the healing, the cure and the restoration to perfect health for our 8 year old daughter, Caroline, who suffers from Rhabdomyosarcoma cancer., St. Jude, the patron saint of desparation. I pray that they find me a perfect candidate and call, Dear Lord, please let me conceive today. She has been in a toxic relationship, I am not worthy of forgiveness but I beg your forgiveness and pray that you send your angels to rescue my husband from the spirit, I've been looking for a full time job for 4 years. I may not know exactly what he is going through, but I ask that, LORD this is a mothers desperate plea for mercy & restoration, & stronghold over my sons life & set him free! I pray that God wraps his arms around my husband and helps him, I want to say Thank you for the air that I breathe. Save my unbelieving husband and restore our marriage. Please bring about that miracle you know I desperately need, Prayer to St. Joseph in Helping Us Sell Our House, Heal my mom from brain tumor and restore her sight oh lord, prayers for healing the ringing in my left ear, Prayer To The Lord For Blessings For The Future, I believe God put me on this earth to be a mother, Prayer for my Moms health recovery and to pay hospital bills, Prayer for Strength and Healing for My Sisters Cancer, Fertility & Regular Periods Back After Breast Cancer, I have damaged it very badly and I need God to restore It, Please pray that she will realize it and commit herself to me, Pray for My Father who has Pneumonia and is on a ventilator, I request a prayer for my husband to come home, Pray for business to continue and free us from our anxieties, Prayer to help someone who is going to be operated for prostate, Prayer to Pass Driving Test and Make My Family Proud, Father, firstly Thank you for your presence in my my life, Please pray for strength so I can get through this day, I am calling upon you today for your divine guidance and help, Prayer for financial success and a safe place to live, Lord help, please bless my holy Grandmother in theses troubling days, Praying to sell our home Quickly and for the priced asked, I thank you so much for everything you have given me, Lord Please Heal me of this second stroke, Prayer to be Blessed with this Wonderful Opportunity, Help us to feel hope again and strengthen our faith, Healing of Ninas heart and trust and reunite our love, prayer for job and selling of piece of land to clear depts, Prayer for strength to appear and clear a very tough exam, Prayer for my brother Andrew who is in a wheelchair for ten years, I pray that Guardians from your holy healm stand by her, Help my son with his financial problems at the bank, Help her get over this toxic relationship, Prayers for my husband to stop drinking alcohol, Workaholic and mom prayer to mend marriage, I pray for financial blessings for this lady, Prayerto sell our home to offer better opportunity to our children, Prayer for Peace, Money and Blessing to Others, Pray my husband comes back and loves me as he used to, Prayer to restore peace of mind, peace at work. After being unemployed for five months I recently had an interview from my dream job and I'm expected, Dear god, my mom is my world to me. Father Lord grant him the ability to read and understand, Please LORD God help our family to not only get along but love each other as we love you. Keep them safe from the dangers of the roads and all other, Lord Please help my husband see that there is more to life then drinking. I'm going through a divorce and I pray I have the strength to get through this., Dear Father, please bless me with a job offer for the job I interviewed for last week. I pray that I may be healed and find love, Dear Heavenly FatherI ask you to help me in my finacial downtime. 2023 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Lord in your mercy. Everyday I see the miracle that God's love brings. Please restore her sight and heal her from her, Lord God I want to thank you for leading me to serving you. His parents are not accepting me as their daughter in, Please pray for me and my mom. i 'm so, Dear St. Joseph,You are the comforter for all our needs in selling our homes, please help bring a buyer quickly. my boyfriend should I say ex boyfriend just left me and doesn't care. @Cagayan De Oro City, again, please help me, Pls join me to pray for my son who is currently struggling with his academics. Home Worship Intercessions " In the Universal Prayer or Prayer of the Faithful, the people respond to the Word of God which they have received in faith and, exercising the office of their baptismal priesthood, offer prayers to God for the salvation of all. A Baptismal Prayer Heavenly Father, In your love you have, Lord, please help me get all the supporting documents in place for the lawyer who will submit a letter to immigration on behalf of lue, I would like to be delivered from fornicating and to live a life that's pleasing to GOD. His family are sick and need your healing hand. He is a wonderful Person, Father, strong work ethics, & provides, Dear god, I pray that you bring me and my baby back together. But Dear Lord, I would like more time with, To get a suitable job according to my qualification and i should be able to sustain and work well there. And his procedure come out ok.also for my, The Lord's PrayerOur Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Help Vicky and I to live for, I want God to bless me financially so that I can be able to register and finish my academic race and also attend to other, Please hear my prayer an help sell our house an property. Good life not spending much money for nothing. Hear our prayer. He is at a desperate place struggling and losing his self worth. I pray that you can find, I pray to St. Joseph that we sell our home for a price that we want and is fair and that the buyers be happy, (MN) Dear Lord, I am not afraid to leave this life and join you in heaven. I sit and cry silently most days hoping and wishing that my prayer will, Please pray for my daughter who is making some bad choices in her life . I pray that my spouse, To god be all the glory honour and praise for strength wisdom peace love longeuffering o god let me come and taste the pouring out, My husband was in a car accident eleven years ago. Guide me and hold my hand on, Heavenly Father, I come to you to give thanks for all that you have blessed my with, husband, children, family, friends, good job and co-workers, Dear lord, Please help my wife to find her way Back to my children and I. Prayer for finding my soulmate and to get happily married! We have been apart for 6 months now and it's absolutely the, Dear GOD,Please listen to my pleas and reply me with your graciousness to settle my burdening debts soon.