Only choose shoots which only have leaves on, and take a couple of cuttings that are at least a couple of inches long. You might have seen it in some movie, or maybe you saw your grams using it! In ancient times, the magic power to break spells and for the spells was attributed to sage, and the Chinese believed that their leaves gave longevity. It is believed that sage was a plant that frogs, snakes and witches liked a lot. During the Middle Ages, sage was used to mask the taste of rancid meat. Pineapple sage is a shrubby perennial with bright green, ovate pointed leaves that smell like fresh pineapple when crushed. If you are an energy worker or a healer, you will have many uses for this wonderful crystal. These are not used a major ingredient, rather as a garnish or flavouring. Most varieties are winter hardy. They found value in using it for anxiety and to treat high blood pressure. Pineapple sage is used in following medical conditions in traditional and folk medicines. After being discovered in these areas, Pineapple seeds were traded and traveled with merchants during the 16thcentury to areas such as Hawaii, countries in the Pacific, and the Eastern Seaboard. Pineapple sage (Salvia elegans) is a perennial shrub that belongs to the lovely mint family, and is native to the highlands of Mexico and Guatemala where it can be found growing naturally in temperate forests at 1,800 to 2,700 meters above sea level. Our shipping costs are a flat rate, meaning you can add any amount of products to your order and you will pay the same. Heres a spell to attract positivity and love. They are quite large at 5-10 cm and end in a point. Its also famously useful for stuffing poultry. There is no evidence for the safety of pineapple sage in pregnancy and breastfeeding, so stay on SAFE SIDE and avoid its use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Consider the pineapple fruit, how it towers proudly and unabashedly with its lofty crown. Take a handful of pineapple sage leaves and a cup of water. It is regarded as one of the most mystical of all flowers. Pineapple sage develops a dense, rounded form and produces numerous leafy, erect stems and lateral branches that hold the striking red, flower spikes. Flowers are used in vegetable salads and as a garnish for drinks and ice cream. If your soil is sandy, it may be suitable to add some organic matter. As the pineapple rolls along the floor, they shout the phrase huat at! a Hokkien phrase that means to prosper., This is because pineapples are intimately tied to the energies that yield prosperity. Apple was later added to Pineapples name by Europeans, but the Natives to the West Indies originally called itna-na,which is where its botanical name comes from (Ananas Comosus). Dr. Jagdev Singh is a qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner and Herbalist with B.A.M.S. Pineapple Sage (Salvia Elegans) Health Benefits, Dosage & Side Effects, Ayurvedic Treatment of High Blood Pressure, Quercus Infectoria (Manjakani, Majuphal) Benefits, Uses & Side Effects, Elaichi (Cardamom) Elettaria Cardamomum, Guarana: 9 Benefits, Dosage & Side Effects, Gotu Kola (Centella Asiatica) Mandukaparni, The Truth About Ashwagandha for Weight Loss: What the Ayurveda Says, Anacyclus Pyrethrum (Akarkara) Benefits, Uses & Side Effects, Bog Labrador Tea (Rhododendron Groenlandicum), Acerola (Barbados cherry) Malpighia Emarginata, Mamira (Coptis Teeta) Indications, Dosage & Side Effects, Kali Jeeri (Kalijiri) Centratherum Anthelminticum, Ayurvedic Abhyanga Massage Benefits, How to Do and Effects on Dosha, Black Nightshade Berries: Risks, Side Effects & Nutritional Value, The Power of Triphala for Weight Loss: How it Works and How to Use it, Anti-hypertensive (lowers blood pressure). Medicinal: Pineapple sage has anti-depressant and anti-anxiety properties and will balance the nervous system. Black pepper to taste. In constipation, it is used along with raisins. One cup of herbal infusion is recommended in a day, except during cold or flu, one could have it thrice a day only for 4 days. Fertility. Place pineapple peel, ginger, and water in a saucepan. The infusion of white sage is used in shamanic sweat huts to stimulate sweating and the expulsion of toxins.3 Add 20 grams of white sage leaves to the bath full of hot water. They have doubled in size since I planted them and with the rain we are having it is just wonderful watching them grow. It has also been used as a sacred herb which women drank in tonics to get pregnant. Learn the magic behind perfumery and aromatherapy. The flowers are added to the salads, fruit puddings, fruit cocktails, garnish and dessert. The sage leaves should be saute till it is wilted. Read More. Spiritual power is psychic power. This expertly crafted mixture is known for awakening and cleansing using Prairie Sage, Peppermint, and regeneratively grown Hemp flower. Acacia - Very masculine herb to promote prosperity, money, success, love and psychic powers. Pineapple sage syrup could be made and used on waffles, pancakes. Interactions of pineapple sage with modern medicinesare unknown. M., and Tekel, J. Sage is used in the magical world to foster wisdom, for healing and money spells, for protection and energy cleansing. Vitamin C helps boost your immune system and may also help fight cancer, heart disease and arthritis. Plants grown from cuttings do better than those grown from seed. The main plants can also be divided at a later date. This herb calms the nervous system, serves as a tonic, improves digestive system and treats heartburn. The oppositely positioned leaves are covered in small hairs and . Its wrapped with custom SG artwork and anointed with my Summon Perfume, which contains Save by clicking the button below to add code to your cart! And if that wasnt enough magic for you, youll also have all the properties of lithium quartz built right in. Prairie Sage is part of the three potent plant mix in Soje's Mint blend. Anoint your crystals and gemstone jewelry with my SG Anointing Blend. You can get ethically sourced white sage, just ask questions. According to Eileen Nauman author of the book Sacred White Sage: A Way to Clear Negativity, once the smudge is turned on, it should not be turned off. Shamans in their medicine bag always have white sage with them. It helps to promotethe liver function and enhancedigestion. If not, bury the sage so that it cant cause harm. Native American shamans frequently burn dried sage stalks, thereby coming into contact with their spiritual guides and protective spirits. They also felt it had applications in assisting with depression. It reside Madrean and Mesoamerican pine oak forest between 6,000 and 9,000 ft. (1,800 and 2,700 m). Part 2: Content and composition of the essential oil from Salvia officinal is L. after application of Afalon 50 WP. The leaves are kneaded to raisin dough bread. However, in some areas the autumn days may be quite cool and the days may grow too cold to allow a long period of flowering. African Violet - Used to add protection, healing, and to nurture spiritual growth. This Tumbled Carnelian carries so much vibrancy and creative energy. Pineapple sage (Salvia elegans) is a perennial herb in the mint family, native to Mexico. They taught early settlers, illiterate of the wonders and magic they had happened upon in this brave new world, how to use Mother Natures incredible bounty to survive and thrive. But sage is possibly unsafe when taken in high doses or for a long . It is not a substitute for professional care. Pineapples are one of the most delicious fruits on the planet, and many delicious recipes incorporate pineapple, so this task shouldnt prove difficult. The plant has bright red flowers that bloom in summer and fall, and its leaves have a pineapple-like scent. Hi, my loves and welcome to WiccaNow. , Lithium Pineapple Quartz Crystals for healing and divination. Till that, cookthe pasta in a salted boiling water. Drain and toss it with a ginger sauce. Healing Properties Calcite is an incredible all-rounder when it comes to keeping your body, mind, and spirit in tiptop shape. Combats yeast infections . Disclaimer: Information provided on this website is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease. Unfortunately, white sage can be difficult to grow in captivity outside of its native range, so is largely wild-crafted. If you are not satisfied with an item and need to return it, we're here to help. It also treats depression, anxiety and high blood pressure. Studies show that the Native American tribes used sage for healing and some spiritual purposes. 1. The flowers and leaves are added to the recipes such as sweet banana smoothie, salsa, fritters, ginger chicken and cakes. Sage is primarily tied to the element of air though it can also be used as for four-element general purposes. Therefore, people had to wash the plant very well before using it because leaves still had poison in them. For additional information on traditional health applications for sage and salvias please see Common Sage. It exhibits anti-hypertensive action like ACE inhibitors. Salvia elegans. Want to learn more about gems, minerals, and crystal healing? $ 29.95. Some herbal candles are made with compressed sage. The genus name Salvia is derived from salvere, which is Latin for to save. There is so much about pineapple that resonates with power, strength, and poise that its hard not to be inspired to embrace these attributes when studying the plant. You'll find it in toiletries such as perfumes, soap and even pot pourri. 0.3g Protein. Pharmazie 1995 . Even if you did, lets look at Sage Magical Properties. It is commonly used for spiritual cleansing, promoting positive energy, and enhancing creativity. It was also said that a woman who ate sage cooked in wine would never be able to conceive and its fresh leaves were said to cure warts. Still, it is today as it allows you to purify yourself from negative energies, purify the environment and objects, protect yourself from negativity, open your mind and make it quiet. It allows to distinguish them and opt for the most rational answer. You take three or four of these harder parts and tie them with a hemp thread. In my experience, garden sage works just as well and grows quite easily just about anywhere. It helps to promote the liver function and enhance digestion. Add enough water so that all peels are covered in water. If when you light the white sage smudge, the smoke released is thin and weak, which means that the energy of the house is clean. Egyptians would embalm their dead using thyme, and the Europeans would place it in coffins to help the . The name comes from the Persian "Yasmin," meaning . When worn, Pink Tourmaline turns us into a beacon of love and healing energy that not only protects us against negative energies projected by others, but can encourage those individuals toward love . They express the sentiments of welcome and have been used traditionally to decorate door knockers, quilts, and other objects that let a friend or guest feel well-received. Generally, it tolerates temperatures down to around 20 degrees Fahrenheit. It has been used for millennia by Native Americans. 5. Sage is a popular garden herb with a sweet and savory aroma. It can also be noted that in some places of the house or with specific people, smoking has a negative outcome. Basically, you wont see results overnight. The root of the mandrake . Scientific Name: Salvia elegans. The salvia family has over 900 members with an extensive history as culinary, medicinal and ornamental plants. Dr. Jagdev Singh is a qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner and Herbalist with B.A.M.S.