The NRP has been rolled out in most USPS districts across the nation. This date (July 12, 2018) is well before the 30-day deadline for filing an appeal from the earliest FAD that we know about. We appealed this improper action by the Postal Service. We eagerly await the next conference with the Court and will provide an update when one has been scheduled. Please continue to check our website for updates in the coming weeks. Note: The complete text of Solomon Northup's Twelve Years a Slave can be found at the EDSITEment-reviewed digital archive of Documenting the American South.For further historical context, read the "Introduction to the North American Slave Narrative" from the same archive. Our submission may be viewed here. We will promptly provide an update on this website as soon as that information is available. See below for more information. Please do not give up on your claims for relief! Our offices and the Postal Service also worked on adding additional claimant information to the spreadsheet. Whether you get any money and how much is determined by the EEOCs decision on your claim. If you believe that you fall in these categories, you should return a completed, signed Declaration form to us no later than March 25, 2019. The claims process is still moving forward. (Our firms did not seek any such extension.) Again, the Judge demonstrated a strong desire to move the claims process forward as quickly as possible. In advance of this conference, per the request of the Administrative Judge, our offices re-submitted all claimant related documents for her consideration. By doing so, the EEOC Administrative Judge is hopeful that unnecessary delays are avoided. The next status conference is set for January 24, 2020. Please continue to check our website for updates in the coming months and as always, feel free to give us a call as to where things stand. In particular, Judge Roberts-Draper indicated that she reviewed all the information submitted and ultimately ordered the parties to each submit certain information about claimants in an excel spreadsheet. During the coming weeks, we will not only be analyzing the spreadsheet for the Agency's compliance with the Judge's Order, but we will also be supplementing the spreadsheet with the information the EEOC has asked us to compile. Please continue to check our website for updates. Before calling, please review the instructions carefully and be sure to check, because the answer to your question may be answered there. Please continue to monitor our website for more updates in the coming weeks. The comprehensive spreadsheet must be filed by July 18, 2022. If it is found that you meet the legal criteria for reinstatement, the Judge can order USPS to give you back the job you held before the NRP. Please check this website frequently for updates. The call was very lengthy, lasting almost three hours. This same deadline (April 30, 2019) applies to all supporting documentation you would like to submit to us. Thank you again for your cooperation and patience. You should include specific names of people that harassed you, and approximate dates to the best you can. Videos To Help You Complete The Declaration Form,,, And if you are a client of our firms and you have not already done so, please complete and send to us a Declaration form as soon as possible (no later than May 28, 2019). Otherwise, the Postal Service and other employers will continue to discriminate against workers with disabilities. Other members of the class must proactively file claims to prove they are members of the class and will then also be entitled to relief. If you have retained our firms to represent you, and if you have received forms recently from USPS, please call us immediately at 585-272-0540 to discuss completing these forms. The Postal Service, as well as several other attorneys representing claimants, requested additional time to object to the Administrative Judges Order approving the use of Special Masters. TOMY Trackmaster Thomas & Friends "DENNIS" 2009 WORKING Motorized Train. Our proposed Case Management Order calls for immediate processing of 50 initial claims, including opportunities for limited discovery. After that, the EEOC Administrative Judge assigned to this case will issue an order regarding the claims determination process. She said that in the coming weeks, the EEOC will issue a notice to all of the claimants about the EEOC website. First, the Judge announced that the special website created for this case will be posted and active in the coming weeks. The Judge said she will schedule the next conference after she evaluates the information provided in connection with todays call. There are over 25,000 class member claimants, and you may encounter a delay in getting through to us at this busy time. You should receive a mailing and e-mail from us if USPS has argued that your claim was untimely. Continued patience is therefore required. In both collective actions and in individual employment law disputes, we are known as aggressive, knowledgeable and effective lawyers. The Judge asked a few clarifying questions about the submissions. The recording will be available 24 hours a day (7 days a week) until April 9, 2021. If you have not previously retained our firms to represent you with your individual claim for relief, we are not now in a position to take on your case. We sincerely hope that the Administrative Judge's news from today means that we will all see some real progress in 2023 toward a final result for your claim in this case. The EEOC Administrative Judge explained that the purpose of the call was to explore the types of claim information that the Agency and our offices could provide to the EEOC in order to move the process forward. Our proposed Case Management Order is carefully tailored to this unprecedented case. * However, the employee must file the claim for damages by April 12, 2018. . We also noted that even their responses to the EEOC Administrative Judges questioning was further demonstration of their pattern of behavior: delay, deny, delay, deny. As a reminder, the EEOC has not issued any decisions on any of the claims. The Class is represented by Thomas & Solomon LLP, and Kator, Parks, Weiser & Harris, PLLC. Among the revisions requested of the Agency was that all claimants without claim numbers are to be assigned claim numbers, and any columns or individuals previously removed by the Agency would be restored. To help support your claim that you were harassed as part of the NRP, you should consider providing additional information in a Continuation sheet. In particular, the Postal Service wanted to encourage claimants to request Final Agency Decisions (or FAD) in order to drop out of this case and start over. If you wish, you can specifically request that USPS take into account your payments from OWCP when calculating any backpay that is owed to you. The EEOC may award you up to a maximum of $300,000 for proven harm caused by the NRP, including damages for pain, suffering and emotional distress. The Administrative Judge made very clear that further delays would not be well-received, and that she expects to see the completed spreadsheet by no later than November 18, 2022. On February 11, 2019, Class Counsel filed a proposed Case Management Order to establish a comprehensive claims determination process. If you have not yet retained Class Counsel to represent you in your individual claim, and you now would like to retain Class Counsel, please contact us at or by calling us at (585) 272-0540 or faxing us at (585) 272-0574. We understand that there is some confusion as to the date when the spreadsheet submissions are due. We will provide an update as soon as further news is available. We will also address the risks of leaving the EEO process and starting your case all over again in federal court, something we strongly recommend against without talking to a member of the legal team first. First, please know that we will continue fighting to get you the best possible award. (585) 272-0540 (tel) We will file your Declaration (along with additional information and legal argument) to the EEOC Judge. In addition, the Administrative Judge has also requested that our offices eliminate a small number of duplicate entries. We cannot predict how long this process will take. The judge informed us that the EEOC had addressed the issues to make sure that everything would be correct moving forward. Please note that our firms (Thomas & Solomon, and Kator, Parks, Weiser & Harris) have stopped taking on new clients in this matter. We are dedicated to achieving the best results for you in this case, and we will not let the USPS game of dragging this process out free them from their legal obligations. We will continue to oppose the Postal Services ceaseless efforts to delay payments to Class Member claimants. If you have any updated contact information and have not yet provided it to our office, please call us at 585-272-0540 or email us at . Denver, CO 80202. If you have any updated contact information and have not yet provided it to our office, please call us at 585-272-0540 or email us at We remain extremely grateful to all who have hired us to represent their interests in this fight against the Postal Service. 693 East Avenue The conference lasted a little over two hours. If you are unsatisfied with the Postal Service's final decision on your claim, which would come after the EEOC judge makes a determination, we would represent you in an appeal of that decision to the EEOC in Washington. Here are 10 things for every claimant to know RIGHT NOW: 1. Since no decision has been issued on any of the disputed claims, NO ONE IS ENTITLED TO A FAD. (For better or worse, the Postal Service has a reputation for preferring delay and continued litigation over prompt appropriate settlement.). If you receive nothing as a result of your claim, you would owe us nothing. It is worth noting that on the video call was EEOC Administrative Judge McCauley and a data person from the EEOC. If you receive a request for information from us, please reply as soon as possible. Our suggested claim form is easy to complete. Please note that if the Postal Service disputes your claim and sends the claim to the Administrative Judge, the Postal Service's 90-day deadline to issue a Final Decision on your claim is automatically stayed or extended. RULING REGARDING NRP ACTIVITY FILES It is undisputed that NRP Activity files were produced to Phase I Class Counsel during discovery. There is no way currently for us to get you back in your position until the EEOC Administrative Judge issues an order. The class members estate (or surviving relative) can submit a claim form on behalf of the class member. At Thomas & Solomon LLP, we forcefully protect those rights. In addition, it is possible that the Special Masters valuation of 2,200+ claims will help the parties evaluate possible settlement of claims. The Judge reiterated that Special Masters will be used to speed up the claim review process, and the Judge rejected all USPS objections to the use of Special Masters. The Administrative Judge ordered USPS to provide certain missing NRP Activity File pages to the attorneys by May 28, 2019. To recap: in July 2020 the Judge issued an order setting up the use of Special Masters to speed up the claim review process, but USPS argued that the Judge lacked authority to use Special Masters and could not force USPS to pay for Special Masters; the Judges recent order, citing our legal briefing, brushed aside USPS objections. At the very latest, you must complete, sign and return the form to us by March 25, 2019. For most people, the answer is no. Most people previously filled out a claim for individual relief form that included a written designation of our law firms to represent them. While small logistical concerns routinely come up as part of large-scale administration processes, the Administrative Judge assured us that the EEOC is taking care to provide effective oversight and ensure a proper process. In advance of the May 12, 2022 status conference, the EEOC Administrative Judge circulated a new spreadsheet with additional information requested. This is a big victory for all claimants, and a giant step toward conclusion of this process. Please continue to closely monitor the websitewww.nrpclassaction.comin the coming days as our attorneys continue to provide additional guidance. whether that is a severance negotiation on behalf of a high-level executive or a multi-state class action on behalf of . Go ahead and read through the instructions we provided and do the best that you can. We believe the Postal Service must be held accountable for the consequences of its discrimination. The Judge partially granted our motion. We hope the EEOC will act quickly to restore order to this process. You can access the Declaration (with instructions) by clicking here. The . Please continue to monitor this website over the upcoming weeks for additional important information. If you have any questions about the forms when you receive them, please contact us at 585-272-0540. In the case of Sandra McConnell, et al. 9. Our goal is to help you submit appropriate information in order to obtain all relief that is possible for your situation. Ms. Because of each of you and your willingness to speak out about the injustices you and others like you faced, the Agency has been found to have discriminated against injured employees and now they must face the consequences for their actions and provide relief to those people who are found to have been injured! If you now would like to retain Class Counsel on an individual basis in an abundance of caution, please contact us at or by calling us at (585) 272-0540 or faxing us at (585) 272-0574. You may email our office at or call us at 585-272-0540. Please continue to check this website for updates. We are responding to each call and email in the order received. Thank you for your cooperation and patience through this lengthy process. We expect that the Administrative Judge will issue an order regarding these issues some time after the March 20, 2019 status conference. All information is ordered to be produced to Judge Roberts-Draper on or before Wednesday, June 8, 2022. We conducted extensive research, and came up with a list of five Special Masters who have great experience at reviewing large numbers of claims similar to the claims in this case. The USPS attorneys sought to use its repeated appeals as a way to stall the case further and challenge the Administrative Judges authority. The EEOC Decision in this case recognizes that many class members had no option other than retirement, separation, or resignation as a result of the NRP. Put another way, for all claimants who hired our law firms, we will not cease our fight on your behalf until the Postal Service provides a fair and reasonable resolution, or there is a final EEOC decision on your claim, whichever occurs first. A significant amount of legal work remains to be accomplished as we press forward on every front. Postal Service employees subjected to the National Reassessment Process in McConnell v. U.S. As you may be aware, USPS disputed every claim submitted in this case. USPS continues its stubborn opposition to providing money relief to claimants. Yes, but before you call us please review the cover letter and all instructions in the mailing and on this website.