Why Did The Samaritan Woman At The Well Have So Many Marriages? Your statement that Accredited colleges are government-protected monopolies that overcharge innocent young people for liberal indoctrination is absurd. There is much that he says that cannot be found in the pages of the bible. Those who agree and support you we are the wheat. Prepare for this event in your life! No, it was a current program, I can only assume Rexella has had some cosmetic surgery because she looked much younger that her age, while I was shocked at how much Jacks age really showed.. Like Abraham Lincoln. Dont worry about all the external factors! That is why the title is primarily used on his education websites and videos. As long as he continues giving his viewers a good dose of dispensationalist sensationalism (1), he's OK. At least until TBN pulls the plug. Southwestern Assemblies of God University (now regionally accredited) was then named Southwestern Bible Institute (accredited by a recognized Bible college agency). But Im mostly focusing on divinity degrees. Hello. They are looking for anyone to tell them it will get better. Would you be able to tell if International Miracle Institute is a fake institution? Things Ive Learned In Church | Entry #6: Videos Games Are Evil, Acts Devotional Commentary [Acts 10:29-43] Peter Preaches at Corneliuss House, Not even to congress when they requested it, operating in conjunction with the Richey Evangelistic Temple, ordained a Catholic Priest by the Episcopal church, Canonical List of Pastors & Teachers With Fake Doctorates Dust Off The Bible, https://www.franklinpublishing.net/featureedition.html, https://www.associationchristianeducators.net/1.html, https://www.facebook.com/InternationalApostolicPropheticCouncil/, Scam Alert: Manasseh Jordan Posing as "Saint Mary's Prayer Center Ministry" | Dust Off The Bible, Louisiana Baptist vs Trinity Theological Seminary, North Carolina Cult, Word of Faith Fellowship, Finally Starting Trial For Abuse Allegations | Dust Off The Bible, Blood Moon Tetrads: The 2015 Bible Prophecy That Will Be Blowing Up Social Media In September | | Dust Off The Bible, Do you ever wonder where the money goes when you donate to RBN and their phony SHARE A THON? There are a number of instances of opinions in the Bible that are clearly of the author only and a number of discrepancies that cannot be harmonized. . Religious persecution has come from religious rulers as often as from atheists in power. 53:6). Oral Roberts IS at least accredited by the ATS but they are known for teaching Word of Faith theology which is why they give honorary doctorates to televangelists. He longed for them to know the peace he had found in Christ. In the latter days, the Bible says, people will exchange the truth for a lie (Romans 1:5) which is happening today as news outlets and social media promote shocking deceptions about biblical truth, morality, marriage, gender, justice and more! They are accredited only as a provider of continuing educational units(CEU). Explore releases from the Van Impe Recordings label. Rexella has never confirmed that she has had cosmetic surgery. Mom used to sing continuallyit was a joy for her. 1) To become a better minister while furthering your education and 2) to get a cheap and easy Dr. affixed to your title and an accompanying pay bump. Do you honestly think Liberty is on the same level as Harvard, Fuller, Princeton? DVD / Perfect Ending Book. She was also a co-host of her husbands TV series. She extended herself to everyoneno one was left out. Wait, you mean I actually have do work and learn stuff? Box 7004 Troy, MI 48007-7004. I can only say that every message good or bad serves as a lesson and reminder as James 3:1 says. Claims to be subject to no checks and balances? Thanks so much for writing. They want to tie the persons name to that school for marketing new students. In the kitchen, especially, she was singingjoyful music, always about the Lord. She was awarded two honorary doctorates for re-introducing folk art into American culture. It seems that you dont understand what accreditation is used for and why it exists. So I knelt down beside her and said, Mom, you told me not to do this thing, but I did., Oh, Rexella, she said gently, when did you do that?, With tears streaming down my face, I replied, About three months ago!, Oh, honey, she said, Im so sorry you had to bear that all alone for three months.. I prefer Jesus to Paul, who said call no one your father, teacher, or leader, because God is your Father, the Holy Spirit is your teacher, and Christ is our leader. Hey Im just a regular guy who has had a stroke but can really see through the deceitment of these so called DRs. Van Impe passed away Saturday and his death was confirmed by his ministry's website, but no details concerning his passing were shared. However, the ones listed in this article are clearly known diploma mills. So are you saying one has to have a degree to be qualified to preach the gospel? We can all access Strongs Concordance (for free) on the good ol Internet thats how I found you sir, and I am right glad that I did. They closed their doors in 2005. Thats a problem, folks. Yet, Perry discussed the event with his dad on his program as if it had validity. By Dr. Rexella Va By Dr. Rexella Van Read more about impe, rexella, prophecy, donkey, christian and gospel. Kinda sickens me that they lie like that. 10:10). This Ludwig Otto character also seems to have a host of deceptive degree listings and his website bios are absolutely outlandish. They dont know the history, the culture, the customs, the language, or the transmission of the biblical texts and its setting in history. But thats a component of deception. I dont think you understand the whole point of theological education. I used to think that also but their own actions prove that they are scam artists. Of course he can. What does a degree have to do with paying taxes? The fact of the matter is that these false prophets acquire these fake credentials in order to deceive people.. people like yourself who dont have the means know they are fake. He might have been the only smart on this list by quitting the fake degree track after just a 4-year degree. In 1954 she got marriedt to Jack Van Impe an American televangelist who is known for his weekly television series Jack Van Impe Presents. Heroes like Moses, Joshua, and David each had their day in approaching, conquering, or ruling that promised property. (Video 1, Video 2) I am saddened by this turn of events because I thought Johhny M had some integrity. They have no educated staff or any staff at all. Kenny Russell runs a profitable Hebrew Roots program. How could I ever find words to adequately express the great blessing of having a godly mother? Or a RA seminary fluff? Following an exhaustive six-year, word-for-word collation (comparison) of the Holy Bible (King James Version of A.D. 1611) with the NIV and NASB, together with review of other modern versions, and extensive research into the original languages, Dr. Riplinger published one of the most extensively documented and illuminating works ever brought forth in the 20th Century, entitled New Age Bible Versions., A lot of these preachers use those fake degrees so the IRS wont bother them. Rexella Van Impe (born November 29, 1932, Missouri, USA) is an American singer and organist. My mother was also extremely attractive, with a regal bearing. I do not mean to sound harsh and I know you believe these people are great prophets and theologians but they are not. The funny thing is they have names remarkably similar to actual universities that ARE credible. in Religious Education from Midwestern Baptist College. (. He also taught us that if you dont want to pay taxes then just dont pay them. Not only is this a real accredited school but he actually completed the entire degree!! Everyone will miss you! The couple who conducted the morning service at the living center on Sunday came to visit, and told me, Were going to miss your mother so much. I dont understand how anyone can take her seriously. Here is the run-down. 9 times our of 10 its just marketing. * College Professor & Administrator (Of a bunch of fake schools and a few community colleges) | argoweaversblitz, https://www.facebook.com/Torah-Unleashed-108475126029291/about/?entry_point=page_nav_about_item&ref=page_internal, https://sites.google.com/fuller.edu/dmin/course-schedule, Rich,Christian leaders ..Shall we test their true faith? Not so perplexing in that world; with the Wolf of Wall Street brand of pseudo-Christianity, it makes perfect sense. I get that having a fake degree is wrong for the purposes these people use them, but also knowledge is knowledge, and even those who attend programs that are not accredited or no formal schooling at all who may have a broader knowledge base in spiritual matters and the scripture. ), Master of Divinity, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary religion, history, philosophy, and counseling (Legit school but MDiv students dont have 3 concentrations), Bachelor of Arts, City University of New York mathematics and physics (Awesome), Bachelor of Law, Blackstone School of Law Constitutional and Business Law, Legal Ethics and History (Good for him). not so they can repeat things they heard in a sermon somewhere. You provide hope and courage to so many with your bold style. I used to listen to Perry and thought he was so wise. Bachelors in Theology from the University of Albuquerque, Alb. Free shipping. That is a fact and I make no apologies for warning people about these wolves in sheeps clothing. How could you shame the body of Christ before the world simply because you put a value on the opinion of the federal government and the education monopoly? But remember that many of us were fools before we meet Christ. He has an earned Masters, but two honorary doctorates. Add in the easy to blow up idea that the Bible is the perfect word of God and you have a silly group of religious basket cases refusing to investigate the claims for fear theyll lose their faith. Do you remember when Jack and Rexella Van Impe purchased doctoral degrees from Pacific Western University for $500 each? Oh, how she loved having them not just for the lunchtime, but for the fellowship in the Lord. Jack Van Impe, the popular televangelist known for his end times news commentary program, has died at the age of 88, his ministry website reported Saturday. I did a web search for Dr. (. They have steep GRE requirements, and significantly more requirements to graduate. Shes the one who got everyone together for the service, and she would always close in prayer., Mother had chosen the assisted living facility close to our International Ministry Headquarters. No surprise there. Could you imagine the insanity if Aretha Franklin, Ben affleck, and Puff Daddy started calling themselves Doctor? When the church had a visiting evangelist, Mother was the one who invited him over for dinner. The average accredited seminary student has read around 50,000+ pages of study and were also required to write research papers for the given classes. An honorary degree sometimes means lifetime achievements have placed you at a level that is recognized by schools as satisfactory of that honor. Inside I came across a note she had written to Jack, her son-in-law. Regardless, its still an honorary PhD. But dont be deceived. Its just that a Dmin is professional degree and the Phd is an academic degree. John Hagee is the undisputed champion of education among the televangelists. If you look at Dr. Kynans LinkedIn profile the only education listed is from CLU and he never completed any degree. With knowing what is involved to get a doctorate, including all of the work that is involved, and the high attrition rate it seems hokey that some (not all) religious leaders would "purchase" a degree mill doctorate and then present themselves as doctors with the express purposes of gaining legitimate respect. Lol! One day, when I was a teenager, I went into her room and found her reading her Bible. Jack Van Impe Ministries So very sad. I never saw these notes before I found them in her New Testament. Earned Masters of Divinity, from Talbot Theological Seminary(. Mothers doctor, Kathleen Norton, who cared for her the last twelve years, came to the viewing at the funeral home. degrees and has done additional postgraduate study at Harvard and Cornell Universities. Okay, perhaps stupid was just a bit strong. One, anyone is free to accept or not whatever is said or claimed, equally. That Sir is impressive. We wanted the best for our precious daughter, Rexella, and you are the one-in-a-million son-in-law we prayed for. -James 3:1-. Correct, West Georgie is a real University. They are, most times judge, jury, executioner sole head of every governing body and financial oversight groups for their flock. However, he did start a successful PC repair/service company.) Dr. Jack Van Impe has been declaring the truth of Bible prophecy since 1948 and continues to be a leading voice in declaring the soon return of the Savior. Not a single citation exists in the whole thing and he cant decide if he wants to call it a book or a thesis because both are used in the text. When it was time to go, I said, Mother, I wont be here tomorrow because Jack and I will be in the TV studio all day. She shook her head that she understood. Not only is this unfathomable but the education she did do isstraight up deceitful! Once again, I cannot state this enough, accreditation is not everything. Oral Roberts is actually ranked by U.S. News and World report at number 50 in regional colleges. I am not sure why pointing these scam artists have anything to do with politics or being a leftist. Their success has given birth to envy and their skill in handling money has often brought them grief. Earned M.A. One Gospel says that Peter remembered the word (Logos) that Jesus spoke, and the other says that Peter remembered the word (Rhema) that Jesus spoke. Through her tears, she told how five months earlier God had led her to go to work at the center where my mother lived. (. Anyone, even with a real degree, is a person educated beyond their mental capacity IF they are atheists. * Insurance Senior Executive (Not sure why this matter. Creflo Dollar is not even trying to be sneaky. He is also one of the only big time prosperity preachers that does not have a fake or honorary doctorate degree. These televangelists are completely unequipped to discuss theology on any academic level. Two days after Mom had the stroke, a worker from the assisted living center came to the hospital and asked, Could I please see Esther?, I said, Yes, she can still communicate, and Im sure shed love to see you., She came into the room and said, Esther, I had to come to see you, and she started weeping. Too often their descendents have been disobedient and have suffered defeat and captivity as a result. As for Andersonville, they also lack any credible accreditation. Its faith because we believe despite not having a complete knowledge of all things. Just like the pharisees of old who loved to strut around in fancy garments, making long prayers and being in cohorts with the Roman governmentso too do these long for the admiration of peers, and important position and rank. Actually, I think Tim is referring to the KJV, where the references to doctor is actually meaning TEACHER (which is actually the meaning of Doctor in a doctors degree, you are expert enough to be a teacher). Of course, neither one of the titles are accurate but one of them is just offensive to all PhD holders. Also making money isnt a sin ! Discover what's missing in your discography and shop for Van Impe Recordings releases. When Jack and I got married, I joined him traveling in evangelism. No one would say hes not worthy of a J.D., even though he never had a formal education. No one ever cares if a faith healer is educated, just if he is anointed. Working on that daily. BTW, whats the story on Jesse Duplantis? From the end of the "Jack Van Impe" program of 6 September 2008 2.8M views 29K views 26K views 365K views 4 days ago. Try applying to a state registered or accredited academic institution for higher education, or to teach there, with their bible school pieces of paper and see how far they get. He is known from his weekly bible interpretation television series. If I did it was by mistake and I need to fix it. Academics is academics. from Detroit Bible Institute, which then turned in to William Tyndale College, and more recently is no longer an active school. A week later, I went to the ministry open house and met Dr. Jack Van Impe and Rexella. Jesus Is King 14 subscribers Rexella Van Impe - "Were You There" (Music Video) (Video Filmed In Jerusalem at Jesus Tomb) Were you there when they crucified my Lord? The promise of this Jewish homeland was first given to Abraham (Genesis 12:1 3), and it has echoed through the centuries. PO Box 7004, Troy, MI 48007-7004 He even claims to be the decedent of the Levitical Jews and is studying DNA at his current job as a professor at the same fake college that he graduated from. There are some religious school who are honest enough to state that their credits will not transfer and that their accreditation is limited to certain ingrown religious communities only. Mark 9. If you attend a theological school that teaches a specific theology then its a junk partisan school and you should transfer to a real school. I just didnt realize how pervasive. Really? Both are frauds. Instead of condemning them you should look at yourself! You feel it in the air: Millions today are filled with fear, angst, uncertainty. Here is the problem. She could comfort, correct, encourage, and offer support. Earned M.A & PhD. I would advise any followers of Perry Stone to examine his teachings against scripture. Sometimes its I think its too snarky for its own good. So its gotta be TSU. They also give PhD level degrees to people with NO prior education. Perry Stone, I do like. With no doubt, you need to add David Jeremiah to your list. 4 weeks no symptoms mumsnet; william . Although my husband had a strong call of God on his life and even then was especially anointed by the Holy Spirit, in the beginning years it was a struggle to get established and earn the respect of pastors and people. ORU is what Liberty was 30 years ago. Logos () was an entire life force in Greek thinking. The scenes of people sleeping on benches, huddling in cardboard boxes, or looking through garbage cans for food are . Current international events reflect exactly the conditions predicted throughout the Bible for the last days of this age. We have two local pastors who claim to have accredited Ph;Ds. They dont even have a campus. Dr. Rexella Van Impe tells us that God loves us and so does she. They are designed for completely different purposes. Its a scam. She would have invited just the right people, and she would have found the right opportunity to make her case and persist until she prevailed. They develop their own class material. The only thing surprising about the honorary degree is that its not from Bob Jones. Many people agree that Rexella is one of those people and there are speculations that face-lift and botox are reasons why she looks so fresh and youthful. But she got her point across without resorting to shouting or violence. Interestingly, TSU and SW are the same school. Anybody besides me connecting the dots? Not fishy at all. What a shame that parents would misdirect their children so. To my best recollection, Kenneth Hagin (spelling?) (, B.A. Suddenly, out of the blue, they were introduced as "Dr. Jack Van Impe and Dr. Rexella Van Imple" because they had BOTH purchased degree mill doctorates. They are laughably misleading. She is an actress and writer with an experience in American Television industry. It can be yours through faith in Jesus Christ: Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. He searches for signs, miracles, experiences, omens, patterns, codes, repetitions, etc., that others havent recognized, then preaches it as truth. The website lists them deceptively. Even though it is a real school today, it did not receive ANY accreditation until 2006 when it was changed to Ohio Christian University. Whats shameful is not the ministers who hold a degree from an unaccredited school authorized to issue degrees, but the scandalous gossip taking place on this blog against fellow believers. But I was talking about religious people using religious (fake) degrees in a religious environment. This is why no one takes them seriously. At least you call yourself a Bishop and not a Doctor. https://www.associationchristianeducators.net/1.html Familiar spirits.
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