You both feel admiration for each other. Done. When you look at a synastry or natal chart, you may also see the North Node being referred as Lunar node, Dragon's Head or True Node. . If a person BRINGS a planet or asteroid to the North Node person, the planet or asteroid becomes a theme of the relationship.Hence, please look carefully at that which conjuncts the North Node in synastry. Jupiter con the NN- the person will bring optimism to you. Eris sq NN has to be close(2-3 orb) and it is a rather small aspect so prolly not that significant. Since our divorce, the psychopath has made themselves my worst enemy, torturing me by abusing our small child, with the blessings of a family court system that is enabling the abuse. Its more like a healing power. Rather than submitting to him, she left the Garden and lived in exile. Bringing Lilith into the equation is a definite learning opportunity, no matter how you slice it. I see I can definetely see this and the dynamic tension will always be present as I can understand where your coming from with this. That is Psyche. How would you interpret someones sado/Uranus Conjunct, squaring my sun? However Yes it's been hard for me to let go o f the people who I aspected their north node. I don't know what happened but I'm not that attracted to Cancer energy anymore. i dont listen to my feelings but to their energy. , The Nessus will be the abuser but the orb is wide but *i* would give it up lol. He is Nessus . It can make you feel too criticized. You are spot on with your neptune conjunct Nn synastry. It may be difficult for each person to resist the pull of the relationship. My intro was like 2% of the entire song. Hence, these two aren't planetary bodies. Contacts to the North Node describe the role they can play in the future. Do you think other aspects could help the square? Idk. , Thats interesting about the baby talk. Medusa conj the NN- the person will have been betrayed by woman but hate men. are they bad too? basically both our north nodes are in my 4th house. Emotionally? Others differ with me. My peace was when Id run away. That which conjuncts the North Node becomes a life theme.Sado is sadism. My NN Conjunction with my Vesta is exactly CONJUNCT his Valentine conjunction with his Part of Fortune. I haven't used Lilith in Synastry because sometimes with two charts there is already alot to deal with. Your relationship will be very very passionate. I was told this to be true by a master Astrologer, so passed it on but do not know more than that, Friend. I am not saying they will or do but they could, Just wanted to let you know as I am very active in astrology communities on Reddit I have created a subreddit specifically dedicated to r/asteroidastrology,, Would love for you to join if you are interested ! I have been addicted to this for years now.. You would need to see more than this. She and her boyfriend had this aspect. What does that mean please? Now, I would avoid a relationship with ANY bad asteroid or planet conjunct the North Node. Intelligent girl, attractive - zero self esteem. So what would it mean if my NN is conjuct someone elses NN to the exact degree in scorpio? Too much emphasis on the South Node can result in stagnation. This would be wonderful. his vesta conjunct my sun/moon midpoint I do not change my mind based on harassment,as you know. NN can be elusive. Thanks for saying you like my honest approach. The SN and the NN are tied together, remember, so anything that touches your SN also touches your NN. Number 157 I think, Its in my 6H (10 deg Cancer) square my mothers Lilith, inconjunct my own Lilith and sextile my Venus. They were married 13 years. and also others not involving node: If you dont do the chart, trust yourself. I think people would kill each other first. but in my case, we have venus square neptune, venus square mars, also his nessus on my mars exact, then his nemesis on my vertex. My friend lost her husband 9 years ago in a car accident. Jupiter and Lilith conjunct in the synastry chart. LOL. I am sorry, Kelly I also have my Juno and South Node conjunct his Venus, my Moon, Mars, Jupiter trine his Sun, his Sun in my 1st house, his Moon trine my Asc,sextile my Sun, his Venus in the same sign as my Ascendant, my Psyche conjunct his Eros, his Mars conjunct my Sun/Moon midpoint, his Juno opposite my Sun and conjunct my Ascendant, his Vertex opposite my Saturn, my Vertex opposite his Venus. Lilith in synastry generally speaking produces a very powerful seductive lure between the two but there can also an erratic or rebellious quality to it. She moved in with the boyfriend and he tried to choke her. I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. I have a question. His Mars conj my NN - can't stand this placement. My parents are both leo moons so in a way I am familiar with the way they express their emotions (but honestly I couldn't tell really. I have heard this could lead to bad abuse or worse. and my moon is conjunct (exact) his ascendant. Higley appreciated. So The people irritate but fascinate each other at the same time i can say from my experience <3 hope it helped (this is just from my perspective), Posts: 617From: PolandRegistered: Jan 2013, Honestly, it depends who is the most pluto or Lilith like natally. Did he always find you attractive even before you got together and after the relationship? on this post. Required fields are marked *. It would be much better cuz Valentine is the best form of love and this person would explode with that and that would be amazing! North Node trine Moon I have literally never heard discourse on natal to composite aspects. Just found out I have Nessus Conjunct the Moon with a guy I like but the ord is 4. Big thanks for your great article ! Have no experience with square moon. I think he attracts sadists to him. Will definitely be checking into your website every now and then. What does it mean ? he was the one who was obsessed with me. try that and get back to me. Thank you amiann! I'm not entirely sure that someone who has planets on your SN is always draining or a negative influence in which you are stuck. North Node trine Jupiter Please somebody steer me right if so. Posts: 53083From: Saturn next to CharmaineRegistered: Apr 2009, Im guessing you both have a strong hold on each other, most likely unconsciously at times. Hi, However, he does require me to learn and think in a different way when I'm around him. I have my sun (Leo 1316 conjunct my spouses Nessus (Leo 1210). My bf and I both have lilith square moon natally. That which conjuncts the Moon affects the heart. If the Sedna were conjunct the NN, then the Sedna person would bring betrayal to the NN person in some way. For me the Nodal connections are very powerfull,especially if the Sun or Moon are involved.I've been both the Sun and the Node in various connections,and I agree that being the Sun is way better. This is kind of a brain teaser. I liked them but it was very limited. Their NN in also in my 12th with mine in their 8th. If a person BRINGS a planet or asteroid to the North Node person, the planet or asteroid becomes a theme of the relationship.Hence, please look carefully at that which conjuncts the North Node in synastry. Altenatively, there might be an age difference of approximately 18 years between you (or any multiple of 18). If so, it may just be that. you dont actually know anything about that friendship. I was in a relationship which lasted a long time and we had this aspect. Did you live in their bedroom? Maybe this oppurtunity is for him to realize that he can't always get what is far away from him LMAO I don't know I have no idea. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Thank you. I am putting that out there and you can see if I am right. If I dont come, please dont take it personally. Alas, such is life and such is denial. Your relationship will have a sense of beauty such as the feeling of a musical. As usual, tighter the orb, the more intense. Would A be Bs victim? Henry and Meghan have a strong Nessus synastry. xoxo, How would you interpret someones Sado and Nessus (both Conjunct their sun) in opposition to my moon? I am married and so is he . Neptune conj the NNthis may bring great sorrow as you may have had ideals that were not met leading to great sorrow. Saturn is not a mean parent but he plays by the rules and is all about goals, responsibility and maturity. When I write articles like this I get hate mail. Join and then put your chart up in the Personal readings forum. That may be why you feel compelled to "be by their side", you know? Nessus is the asteroid of abuse. The relationship may be one of overcoming, but they would do so. In synastry, contacts to the natal South Node indicate each person's involvement in the other's past. Now i don't want to be like her for sure (not that she is a bad person. But to be honest now it's different. My Mercury conjunct his NN - I tried being nice and getting him to express himself a bit more than he usually does.. Your email address will not be published. Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. Have you had any experience in observing how Saturn conjunct Uranus on someones North node plays out (on Ascendant cusp)? and i have my Mars and Psyche in Gemini conjunct his North Node. The other point is the South Node (). You might want to consider these possibilities for your Lilith conjunct South Node in Capricorn in the 6th: Workaholism, escaping dealing with relationship issues through overworking, the belief that the female is to do all the daily household chores (and resentment of men, thereof, if female), too much emphasis on career/ambition interfering . The South Node conjunct the NNthe South Node person may try to pull the NN person to what is comfortable to him( the SN person). I mean can that energy be managed or is it always a deal breaker? So we also have Eris conjunct Eris in synastry. The NN person has a purpose to have a relationship with the DSC person. Lol. my saturn(7th house ruler) conjuncts his north node and his venus 0 degress! North Node conjunction Eros The trine should bring good things like creativity and imagination. It's just because i want something else from life). In the past, I might not have disagreed with this, however, based on some of the recent experiences I've had, I don't think it's ENTIRELY correct that is someone conjuncts your SN they are draining you and you are staying around them because it's comfortable. He has dejandra conjunct his moon and my nessus is right on his moon. He is the teacher and the leader, and I am required to be the student who relinquishes control and in some ways becomes interdependent (Gemini 7th house). Could you please give me your opinion about Eris square NN in synastry ? The problem with Lilith you never know which one each person is talking about.. BML black moon Lilith.Fishy BML is conjunct my sun, moon, mercury.It's exact on my moon/mercury.I wish I has an answer, idk how exactly it has taken into effect.but for sure, I've been obsessed. Or would it still be bad? With obsession, both will be obsessed. Tell me which person was which. You do not want a Nessus theme. His dionysis and prey conjuncted her N Node and his loving conjuncted her S Node. My partner has this Pair, and my sun conj his anti-vertex, Sun/Moon midpoint. Lilith has been a sexual planet from my personal experiences (along with the experience of others). I guess fate intervened. Most commonly seen when the two are not evolved in their Lilith, they experience a battle of wills or power struggles. I respectfully disagree with this. his SN conjunct my moon (my cancer ascendant ruler) in 10th house I honestly dont think its fair. Tbh I have more masochistic tendencies but maybe thats just what I thought, Where is your Dejanira, V. That is the victim asteroid. Another funny thingwe talk baby language with each other haha! I dont think Mars conj the NN is always bad. for example nessus square north node. Would tat makes aspects between them easier? The NN in synastry is amazing. One girl was classic for someone who had a personal vendetta toward me due to my stand on Moon square Moon. I might be coming back to your weblog for more soon. Nessus is not an asteroid I have paid any attention to, but because of your post I decided to investigate. i have bad synastry with life long friends. How would his vertex influence NNode? I told him that didnt make sense and he said it doesnt matter you still made me believe we were actually following through with it which put me in debt with him. Idk. My cousin Sun is on my SN, her Moon is square Node. Think of Liz and Dick. But yes, it is quite obsessive, immediate past life scenario - he was my husband and loved me very much, but i didn't. You can put up your chart and join a very nice, safe and loving community! my NN-I admire their emotional depth but I have always felt that I can completely see through them. but they keep coming back together throughout their lifetimes. Sedna does seem to play out. This is where the North Node comes in; it marks the path a person can take to . I love you and hope you write to me to say hello or to ask questions. You are very welcome . However, if you want me to help you to find Jesus, that is why I am here. However, if you want me to help you to find Jesus, that is why I am here. I cant find it anywhere but my POF conjunct their NN exact. These asteroids are rather small so one cant make a case for them in terms of a whole marriage. from what you wrote it seems that north node connection don't develop as easily as the others aside from your best friend whom you have moon conjunct north node with. I do not see a relationship going the distance with this aspect. Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths. trine sun, and a few others. We met years ago and we are thinking of getting back together. How does it play? You may have the goal of making money and living in a big house. Synastry Aspects - Astrology Meanings and Interpretations. This will define the relationship, for better or worse. No, M. the charts take me a LONG time lol Posts: 610From: PolandRegistered: Jan 2013, I don't know about North Node but South Node are like that. I should have this tattooed on my chest, along with What are the orbs?. Posts: 375From: mpls, mn, usaRegistered: Feb 2013. we both like each other. She has passed now, and my husband has been a tower of strength for me, but we are never abusive to one another. I asked him why he was hesitating, and I said dont worry Ill be right behind you. Together, they stand for the Nodal Axis. Hence, these two aren't planetary bodies. In synastry, Lilith is definitely like pluto, i noticed, lots of obsession, control, jealousy,revenge but on a POSITIVE note Lilith can bring an amazing profound connection that is unexplainable between two people, like a sort of fascination. I have a question for you Amiann, with regard for NN. Thank you for commenting, Caren. Yes, sorry this is synastry. That may work. I have had 2 important people come into my life whose Mars have fallen on my SN. Thank you. It hurt horribly. Your relationship will be defined by abuse imho. ------------------Sun Capricorn, Moon Aries, Libra Rising, Yeah I can see where your going with this especially since you've had mutable aspect in synastry. But it didn't really work out. Powered by Infopop 2000 Ohhhhh makes sense I had a feeling it meant what I had thought about these NN conjunct lilith (i). Looking at the synastry of that relationship, I think it's likely that he was more affected than I was when it ended. the lilith may enjoy not giving the moon person what they want and have no problem over-asserting their own will. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. This person was very sadistic to me. So, you can see why his Saturn/Nessus conjunct my NN is so confusing! Most important to me is that you find Jesus. At the best, its accepting eachothers differences / values or beeing in harmony. We are a typical married couple with occasional issues, but we are really quite happy together. From my Internet research I've deduced that the NN person feels it more, since the NN/SN aren't planets, just points. Hi! How about for the NN person? Basically I interprete that as that Lilith does indeed have very strong feelings and desires, but that even in the case she should be . Hi Ami I always enjoy your no-holds-barred approach. A couple with a nodal opposition in those signs can easily join their lives and manifest their destinies because they're both parents. I have a double whammy north node situation with my man -- my north node is conjunct his Chiron and Ascendant (in my 4th house -- this is not comfortable) and his north node is conjunct my IC. I think it is this. I am not trying to rip anyone off. Every synastry and energy between two people is unique to them. I know someones Pluto and Lilith is conjunct my north node. Hey, Ami. There may be a lot of make-ups and break ups. The North Node () is a mathematical concept, and it represents one point of the Moon. Finding Jesus is all that really matters in life. What does this mean for us? the moon person, if the aspect is tight enough, may not be able to . Both of these people are very close to me, but are incredibly unsettling to me. The orbs are 2 degrees. Maybe its so close to my sun that i didnt even notice ? Hi Amiann and eveyone! I couldn't take it anymore and drifted out of the friendship. I have seen people torch the cars of their once Nessus love.
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