The authors wrote that guardianship is generally permanent, leaving no way outuntil death do us part. . Such kidnapping, he says, is a prosecutable crime. Ian Bankert at his high school graduation. Until this happens, however, the U.S. will continue to be one of the most dangerous places in the world for children to live, and parents will constantly be in fear of taking their child to a doctor or health professional, for fear that they may lose their children if they disagree with someone in the powerful pharmaceutical industry, where corruption and criminal activity is also rampant. One of the people arrested is a Rincon High staff member. Maryanne Godboldo and a picture of her daughter Arianna. You can read her report on CPS from 2007 here: Ill apt to be once once again to read a fantastic deal more, several thanks for that information. So her legal battle continues. Summary: medical kidnapping The victims of child & Human rights violation, if not getting timely and suitable justice in the court of law in their countries, can appeal to the INTERNATIONAL. It is a recent development in our nations history. These so-called protective agencies are, in fact, wolves in sheeps clothing that I can attest to from not only my direct personal experiences, but also from years of research. If you do not make that finding whenever you remove that child from aplacement, youre forfeiting federal funds The federal government says that if you did not make that (decision) right at the outset the first time through, youre not going to get any federal money for those services, ever CPS is going to have a kid they cannot pay for. We only knew about this story because the local media in Kansas Citypicked up the story. A Hall County Superior Court jury granted a $3 million verdict March 23, 2021, favoring the family of Frances "Suzi" Mitchell, 42, of Jackson County. . But as she learned their stories, it became painfully clear that the Child Welfare System had no sincere regard for the welfare of children. It, is OK if you are not in KY, it is a place to rally together until you. CPS (or the equivalent state social services agency) does not even need a warrant or court order to seize custody in all 50 states, they just need a complaint of abuse. Make sure to drink extra fluids when you're not feeling well. The medical institution also has the legal right to use these children in drug experiments. TUCSON, Ariz. (KOLD News 13) - KOLD has uncovered more information about a violent fight at a Tucson school last year. It marked the fifth year in a row the U.S. birth rate has declined, and the lowest rate on record since the government started tracking the fertility rate in 1909. Judge Brain makes it clear that his order even supersedes CPS if they are uncomfortable removing the child. Health Impact News has reported a number of adult kidnapping stories over the years. Health Impact News was ordered by the court in Arizona, via Melissa Diegel, to remove their story (Health Impact News did not comply.) Foster parents or parents of adopted children are often required to administer these drugs whether they agree or not. When children are taken into State custody, however, they become an asset to the State. The kidnapping of adults is often for ransom or to force someone to withdraw money from an ATM, but may also be for sexual assault. Kidnappings & Missing Persons. When a hospital stay turns into a kidnapping | Allegra-Law, LLC Contact Us Visit Website View Profile 1 Super Lawyers Free Consultation The Frey Law Firm The parents, now residents of California, are originally from the former Soviet Union. Hundreds of people showed up in Boise over the past few days to protest the kidnapping of this innocent child. Medical.Kidnapping.Ontario So is this training video for judges in Arizona designed to carry out their oath and seek justice for protecting families, or to fill their quota of children that need to become wards of the state to receive federal funds to pay everyones salaries and benefits? Medical kidnapping is defined as a wrongful removal of a child (minor under 18 years of age and/or vulnerable adult) from their parent/guardian by law enforcement, social worker and/or any other official, upon: * When a parent/guardian questions or denies a potential medical treatment and/or test for a child/vulnerable adult or chooses to seek a second opinion when there is cause for concern t Fighting CPS: Guilty Until Proven Innocent of Child Protective Services Charges, Child Protection/Abduction Services: The Modern Mafia: Federally Financed Perjury, Fraud, Kidnapping, and Child Drugging for Profit, Memoirs of a Baby Stealer: Lessons Ive Learned as a Foster Mother,,,,,,, Here are a few of the original stories we covered before was started. Parental Rights and Medical Treatment of Special Needs Children. Child care provided in the home . Boston is home to one of the first notorious cases of medical kidnapping that garnered widespread public attention, that of Justina Pelletier, seized by Boston Children's Hospital and Child Protective Services, and confined against her will and the will of her family in a psych ward. If a family member or friend no longer has the capacity to make important legal, financial, or medical decisions, that person may need a guardian or conservator. Medical Kidnapping - TruthWiki Parents deserve the same Constitutional rights in respect to their children that all other members of society enjoy. From the list, 14 places are considered by the U.S. State Department to be at Level 4, the highest level of overall . If you can't leave the room, that's called, "Kidnapping." Call 911. North Carolina Whistle-blower Imprisoned, Daughter Kidnapped by CPS Are Their Lives Now in Danger? Adults have the right, both morally and legally, to make decisions about their medical care. Statistics show that across the spectrum, in every state in the U.S., that foster care children fare worse in foster care than they do in the care of their abusive parents. In almost all of the medical kidnapping stories we have covered, no formal criminal charges are ever brought against the parents. Yet, Gloria Byars was the guardian recommended by the non-profit Philadelphia Corporation for Aging to oversee the lives and estates of many senior citizens in the Philadelphia area. This may be done on the Social security web report fraud. Three more are still outstanding. The article on the Facebook Page reports: The glycosylation trial whose collaborative agreement is through NHGRI/ TGEN opened up on March 14th, 2014, just 3 weeks before the two Phoenix sisters were medically kidnapped., The mother reportedly began to suspect that something was going on, as she reviewed the medical records and medications her daughters were receiving. Jewish Family and Children's Services is the common denominator for each of these senior citizens who were seized by Adult Protective Services. now reports that a woman who has been court-appointed as a guardian in at least 93 cases from 2015 to 2017 has a considerably criminal history of fraud, bad check writing, and forgery. Judge Aimee Anderson and Judge Mark Brain of Maricopa County are giving a presentation in this clip that instructs judges how to handle cases brought to family court by CPS. You can contact us here to share your story: Done in the name of 'the best interest of the child', states and hospitals are taking children away from their parents in order to force treatments, vaccines, or tests on children. Attorney Belanger is commenting on a recent article published in Law360 entitled: Trump Admin Stonewalling Attys Probes Into Elder Abuse. Her perpetrators did not want her story going public. This is just a sampling of the titles published on the corrupt CPS agency. In at least 4 cases that we know of in the Boston, Massachusetts, area, there is a web of common players who are interconnected. Anyone who has ever received any federal benefits have clear knowledge that other income affects the eligibility of said benefits and the courts and state workers can not claim plausible deniability to their involvement in FRAUD or intent to conceal their activity in a fraudulent act, thus more evidence in RICCO and RACKEETERING. While there are over 400,000 children in Foster Care in the U.S., there are over 1.3 million seniors who have been kidnapped by the State through State guardianships, representing over $50 BILLION in seized assets. Since the father is a Russian national, this incident caused an international uproar. Arizona's Family | Phoenix News - They do not believe that locking him away from his life and loved ones and drugging him are the answer. There are currently over 100,000 drug trials nationwide for new pediatric drugs. However, I want his twenty-one years of life on this earth to count; his life was not in vain. The corruption of CPS, which is growing, has been well documented since the late 1990s. Their supporters call the state's decision to take custody of Noah a "medical kidnapping" a term that's become common in communities skeptical of traditional medicine when authorities take. A Government Accountability report from 2010 said, We could not locate a single Web site, federal agency, state or local entity, or any other organization that compiles comprehensive information on this issue. Here is what Judge Brain said: What happens then when a majority of the removal team under (section) 8-822 doesnt agree with the removal? Kidnapping refers to the abduction and captivity of a person, typically to obtain a ransom. The Medical Kidnapping Of Disabled Adults For too many, a trip to the hospital could mean the loss of all rights. Stockholm syndrome - Wikipedia The Orlando Sentinel is reporting that professional guardian Rebecca Fierle has resigned after an investigation revealed that she had filed unauthorized do not resuscitate" orders on almost all of her senior patients, against the wishes of the patient and their families. Medical Kidnapping | LOSTMESSIAH {"timed-popup-delay":5,"cookie-duration":-1,"popup-selector":"#popup-box-sxzw-1","popup-class":"popupally-opened-sxzw-1","cookie-name":"popupally-cookie-1","close-trigger":".popup-click-close-trigger-1"}. If not for the investigative work of the Orlando Sentinel, this professional guardian working for the State of Florida may have continued to euthanize seniors against their wishes and the wishes of their families. The Doctors Hostage - Nurse in bondage scene - YouTube Idaho Judge Sanctions Medical Kidnapping and Child Trafficking as by Dr. Eric D. Keefer D.D. They areassumed guilty by social services of something worthy of losing their children, usually with no formal charges filed in a court of law, and no trial by a jury of peers as is afforded by the Constitution of the United States of America. Results in Children Kidnapped Names Slandered in Local Media Lives Ruined, Special Needs Sisters Kidnapped From Homeschooling Christian Family, Kentucky Parents Found Not Guilty of Charges in Criminal Court but Family Court Refuses to Return Children, Pregnant Homeschool Mom Assaulted by Sheriff as CPS Kidnaps Her Kids in Kentucky, Kentucky Baby Medically Kidnapped Along with Siblings and Forced on to Formula, Medical Kidnapping in Kentucky: Mother Coerced to Give Up Daughter to Adoption in Order to Keep Son, EXCLUSIVE: State Corruption Exposed in Louisiana High Profile Medical Kidnap Case, Medical Kidnapping in Maine: Child with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome & Sister Seized Grandfather Commits Suicide, Maryland Father Accused of Abuse over Broken Bones Both Children Removed from Home of Loving Parents. This transition often results in significant adjustment difficulties. List of medical kidnappings happening now in America by Deborah K. FrontieraDescription from Proving Innocence chronicles thirteen months of agony and frustration suffered by the innocent Bonilla and Frontiera families as a result of Childrens Protective Services removal of young James Bonilla from his parents. Guardianship of the Person, wherein decisions are limited to those affecting the person of the individual with disabilities, such as medical treatment decisions . CPS has more power today than the police, sheriff, or FBI, as they can come into your home and remove your child without a search warrant or court order. Foster children suffer from drug abuse, sexual abuse, physical harm, and many other crimes at a much higher rate than children who are left with their biological parents. The victim, Taja Brown, a 34-year-old, was . Cassandra, who was 17 years old at the time, made the personal decision to opt for alternative cancer treatments after she was diagnosed Hodgkin's . Many of the stories that we began to publish on behalf of the families were originally reported by us, and then later picked up by local mainstream media after the story went viral on the Internet and through social media. In total, 35 countries have been called out for having a risk of kidnapping. Typical reactions occur in: Thinking: Intrusive thoughts, denial, impaired memory, decreased concentration, being overcautious and aware, confusion, or fear of the event happening again. You canread the entire story here. Medical Kidnapping and "Death By Hospice" Two Dirty Little Secrets For five years now, Americas teen birth rate has plummeted at an unprecedented rate, falling faster and faster. Maryanne Godboldos story is told in the following video: This long protracted legal battle, which has resulted in the child being reunited with her mother and all charges against the mother dropped, would not have been possible without Attorney Allison Folmar. So it begs the question: why are similar stories happening right here in the U.S. not getting the same kind of media coverage? Now, using results from this newest survey [reported in 2013], that number appears to be closer to 16 percent1 in every 6 couples. You may also recall our report on young Cassandra C., also published that same year. Would the alleged victim, in this case the woman making the complaint, be the one removed from the home? 1.3 Million Adults Medically Kidnapped and $50 Billion of Their Assets Seized. We applaud the work of the Orlando Sentinel, fulfilling their role as the media was originally intended to be: a voice educating the public on matters that government and medical authorities would prefer remain in secrecy. Awoman working for theMecklenburg County Department of Social Services was collecting names of children who were NOT wards of the state and selling them tothe head of a non-profit organization called Peaceful Alternative Resources which offers mental health and mentoring services. It is also stunningly easy for an unscrupulous person to allege that a person is "incapacitated" and in need of a guardian, even if it is not true. See: We have been covering medical kidnapping stories at Health Impact News since the year Health Impact Newsstarted, in 2011. While this story is being spun as a tragic rare event that only happens outside the U.S. in places like the U.K., the fact is that this story is being repeated every single day right here in the U.S. The husband was outside at the time, and he was forced to the ground so that the police could enter the home by force. If the parents dont like it, according to Judge Brain, they can fight it out in Civil Court and pay a lot of money. Rebecca Fierle has now resigned and faces criminal charges, but how many more like her are still out there? However, nothing could be further from the truth. Actually, it is a rather simple one. There are many more. Older adults most commonly become dehydrated during minor illnesses such as influenza, bronchitis or bladder infections. No matter how innocent and happy your family may be, you are one accusation away from disaster. What ensues is. are working to bring about the change that so many of you speak of. By Ben Kesslen. How a Georgia Supreme Court ruling might affect a $3M verdict in a Hall One of the main reasons this terrible practice goes on in virtually all 50 states is because every child who is taken away from their parents by social service agencies like CPS (Child Protection Services), immediately becomes a ward of the state, and the state can bill Medicaid for ALL of that childs medical costs. Since launching in late 2014, we have published many dozens of such stories where parents lost custody of their child or children, simply because a medical professional deemed them unworthy parents. Today's guest commentary about elder abuse and adult medical kidnapping comes from Massachusetts Attorney Lisa Belanger, who has experienced first-hand, both through personal experience and through litigation, the injustices and crimes being committed against elders in the United States. Not only are children of disabled parents eligible for benefits but disabled children placed in out of home placement are also eligible for Federal benefits being Social security. (Full story here.). Commentary by Terri LaPoint Health Impact News Medical kidnapping can happen to adults as well as children. LOSTMESSIAH Opinions and Unbridled Scrutiny of Those Within the Jewish Community Whose Actions are Anything But Reflective of Judaism and Yiddishkeit. Attorneys Report Medical Kidnappings of Adults Diagnosed with COVID are Increasing - Vaccine Impact February 3, 2022 Print This Post Attorneys Report Medical Kidnappings of Adults Diagnosed with COVID are Increasing Image Source. Some statistics revealed in the video show that foster kids are: than if they stayed in an abusive household. medical kidnapping adults. Sometimes kidnappers hold their captives longer in order to demand more money from the victim's relatives or associates. Julius' story began long before Health Impact News was contacted about his plight in the fall of 2015. Congresswoman Schaefer lost her Senate seat in Georgia as a result of her speaking out against the corruption within CPS, but states it was something worth losing for standing up for the rights of parents who were having their children kidnapped by CPS. Until we can get our website up and running, please join the KY group On Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023, a panel of U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisers narrowly backed an experimental vaccine from Pfizer that could become the first shot to protect older adults against the RSV respiratory virus. As John P. Thomas has reported in his article,Are GMO Foods, Vaccines, and Big Pharma Producing an Infertile Generation?, fertility rates are plummeting: Add to this the growing list of states that are legalizing same-sexmarriages adding more couples unable to conceive children, and it is easy to see that the adoption business is growing due to increased demand. This abuse of power and abuse of children has gone on for far too long. Kidnappings & Missing Persons FBI Fertility rates in the United States are at an all-time low. Idaho Judge Sanctions Medical Kidnapping and Child Trafficking as But, the next day, Child Protection Services and the Sacramento Police showed up at the parents home to take away their baby. Between 2007 and 2013, the number of babies born to teens annually fell by 38.4 percent, according to research firm Demographic Intelligence. The parents, meanwhile, had taken the baby to a second hospital, where the child was discharged that night by a physician, since there was no immediate danger, and the surgery was not imminent. BERLIN, Vt. (WCAX) - On Friday, January 13, 2022, the Berlin Police Department received reports of a suspicious event at the Berlin Mall, involving a possible kidnapping with a gun. "Nationwide, guardians oversee an estimated 1.3 million adults and $50 billion of their assets, said Brenda Uekert, principal court research consultant at the National Center for State Courts." Lonnie told a local radio talk show host: Nate was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome at age 14. This story came to our attention only because local media in Sacramento picked it up, and it was highly publicized. So what if the child was removed unnecessarily? 3 Ways to Report a Kidnapping - wikiHow Lonnie Brennan is the editor of a newspaper that has reported their stories, The Boston Broadside. They must protect children from abuse and neglect without persecuting innocent families. He was recently threatened with arrest for trying to visit one medically kidnapped lady, Mary Frank, who was trying to reach out to him to get her story published. Tears for school shooting survivor's 'American Idol' tryout Protest at St. Luke's over 'medical kidnapping' - So what is the solution to this problem? (Gray News) - Dish Network said an extended outage that has bedeviled the company since last week was caused by hacking, it said in a statement to media. The Daily Mail reported that 16-year-old Isaiah Rider was medically kidnapped by Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago earlier this year. Judicial Misconduct of any and all Judges that conceal criminal intent or criminal actions done by Department of Human services Children services , No Statutes of limitation on FRAUD, Fraud can be used to reopen closed cases or appeal cases.Wonder how many parents whom rights were terminated are or were disabled, children involved in said cases were eligible for Social security dependent . Medical Kidnapping: A Threat to Every Family in America Today Here are a few more stories we have covered on, listed by state: Alabama Girl Medically Kidnapped and Forced on Drugs: Parents Facing Jail for Failure to Pay State Child Support, Alabama Autistic Boys Kidnapped from Native American Ambassador Mother and Abused in Foster Care, Alabama Seizes 7 Children from Family After Child with Autism Wandered to Neighbors. In a case bearing several similarities to Justina Pelletiers familys experience with Boston Childrens Hospital, and Isaiah Riders familys experience with Lurie Childrens Hospital in Chicago, 10 and 12 year old sisters wereseized by Phoenix Childrens Hospital over a medical dispute. medical kidnapping adults - Jojuan Najee Howze (Genesee County Sheriff's Office) Police search for 2 more men Swanson said. But doctors at Luries Hospital reported to Cook County Court that Michelle was guilty of medical child abuse, as they disagreed with the course of treatment chosen by the mother. My answer is no. And the reason is that there are two ways to remove a child.
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