If something feels wrong, it probably is intervene if you can. The WCA operates secure shelters and provides professional counseling, legal advocacy, crisis services and case management to survivors of domestic and sexual abuse; as well as prevention, education and outreach in the community. Stairwells are protected with fire doors. The University will maintain a partys privacy while providing Support Measures, provided it does not impair the Universitys ability to provide the measures. The program involves fire prevention activities, fire/arson investigation, code enforcement and the operation of the National Fire Incident Reporting System. A Silent Witness form may be filled out, which automatically generates an email that will be sent to the Department of Public Safety. Below is a list of some other ways you can look out for your community members through being an active bystander. Be free from pressure to make a criminal report. Boise State maintains a strong commitment to campus safety and security. The Office of Title IX and Institutional Equity collaborated with Gender Equity Center to provide trauma-informed skills and resources to Residence Life employees. We will not release your name to the public or press. A Building Coordinator(s) is assigned to each building. Patrick Spade, 2, plays while waiting for his food at the Swissvale Fire Department's annual fish fry in Pittsburgh, on Friday, Feb. 24, 2023. Medical direction is provided by a medical directorate of emergency department physicians from area hospitals. A person under 16 years of age cannot give consent for sexual activity; those who are 16 or 17 may only consent to sexual encounters with partners who are less than 3 years older. Course of conduct means two or more acts, including, but not limited to, acts which the stalker directly, indirectly, or through third parties, by any action, method, device, or means follows, monitors, observes, surveils, threatens or communicates to or about, a person, or interferes with a persons property. This may involve the arrest and full prosecution of the suspect(s). 2020 First Quarter Financials & 2019 Operations Report 13.23 MB. Additionally, Boise State utilizes contracted security services for events across campus. https://www.boisestate.edu/publicsafety-security/campus-crime/campus-crime-log/, https://www.boisestate.edu/publicsafety-security/policies-and-forms/367-2/, Building Safety and Security Assessment Request Form, Boise State University Policy #12090: Timely Warning for Crime Prevention, Boise State University Policy # 12110: Emergency Notification, Boise State Policy 9220, Emergency Action and Building Evacuations Procedures, Boise State University Policy # 12070: Missing Students, Boise State University Policy # 12080: Possession of Firearms/Weapons on University Owned or Controlled Premises, 2022-2023 Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention and Education Report, Idaho State Board of Educations policies, Boise State Policy #1050: Alcohol on Campus, Housing and Residence Lifes Community Standards, Boise State Student Organization Handbook, 1060: Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment, 1065: Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence and Stalking, Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Form, Boise State Policy 1060: Non-discrimination and Anti-Harassment, State of Idahos Policy on Domestic Violence, Boise State Policy 12040: Workplace Violence, The definition of Risk Reduction can be found in Appendix A, University Policy 1065: Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence and Stalking, Global Education International Student Services, Idaho State Police Sex Offender Registry website, Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment (Boise State Policy #12050), https://www.boisestate.edu/deanofstudents/prevention/, Boise State events or booking event security at Boise State, Housing and Residence Life Community Standards, Community Standards Section M: Fire Safety, Community Standards Section O: Open Flames, Burning Embers, and Flammable Materials, Community Standards Section R: Appliances and Furniture, Policy 9110: Smoke and Tobacco-Free Campus, Download 2018 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (PDF), Download 2017 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (PDF), Download 2016 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (PDF), Appliances with closed coil elements (coffee pots, hot pots, and hot air poppers), Appliances with exposed heating elements (toasters, toaster ovens, broilers, hot plates, etc. Instructional, vocational-type, separate remote campuses and retail facilities are also maintained and operated in Boise and Nampa, Idaho. 926B (whether in uniform or off-duty/plain clothes with proper identification). All department heads, faculty, managers and supervisors must help direct employees, students, visitors and each other to obey evacuation instructions of emergency response personnel and/or the Building Coordinators. Broncos Take Action: Preventing Stalking Assault, and Relationship Violence. Victims Rights Week workshops are typically held on campus every other spring. Have an Advisor of their choice to accompany and assist the party in all meetings and/or interviews associated with the resolution process. The agency providing law enforcement services to the 301 S. Capitol facility, leased parking areas and public property surrounding those areas is the Boise Police Department, located at 333 N. Mark Stall Place, Boise, Idaho 83704, phone number (208) 377-6790. Notifications to parents/guardians and designated missing person contacts are conducted either by the Department of Public Safety or Housing and Residence Life staff. 2023 City of Boise. Classified employees Boise State Policy 7430, Classified Employee Disciplinary Action, 4.19 Notification to Grant Funding Agencies Employees. . Written notification to victims about options for, and available assistance in, changing academic, living, transportation, and working situations whether the victim chooses to report the crime to law enforcement or not. Members of the University community are also expected to cooperate with the University in any investigation of allegations of sex or gender-based discrimination, harassment, and violence. In 2022, 1,487 CSAs for the 2021 calendar year were identified and trained regarding their role. The prevention and awareness programs offered by the University are designed to be comprehensive, intentional and integrated programming, initiatives, strategies and campaigns intended to end dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking that are: culturally relevant; inclusive of diverse communities and identities; sustainable; responsive to community needs; informed by research or assessed for value, effectiveness, or outcome; and consider environmental risk and protective factors as they occur on the individual, relationship, institutional, community and societal levels. Boise State only compiles statistics for crimes required to be compiled by the Clery Act (Clery Act Crimes). All Advisors appointed by the Title IX Coordinator will be trained by the University and be familiar with the resolution process. Fire and Rescue; Annual Report Fire and Rescue. This content typically includes information about a variety of crimes and crime prevention but specifically addresses sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking. The Decision-maker has final say on all questions and determinations of relevance, subject to any appeal. Defines and discusses sexual harassment and stalking as well as consent, coercion, and stepping in. We discuss Idaho law regarding domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, and consent in reference to sexual activity. Additionally, with the passing of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) of 2013, the crimes of domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking were added to the list of crimes that Boise State is required to collect statistics for and report beginning in 2014. During this time the Department of Public Safety and BPD staff can have more personalized conversations about safety and resources. The lawful possession of firearms by qualified retired law enforcement officers, as such officers are defined in 18 U.S.C. Be informed of available interim actions and Support Measures, such as counseling; advocacy; health care; legal, student financial aid, visa, and immigration assistance; or other services, both on campus and in the community. The Boise State Department of Public Safety offers information and training sessions, upon request, about Rave Guardian, Boise States mobile safety application. Therefore, retaliation against those who submit C.A.R.E. Our annual reports are comprehensive reports on activities throughout the preceding 2 years. The theft or attempted theft of a motor vehicle. Driscoll Hall is 100% sprinkled with 2-hour firewalls and smoke control doors between the suites. If you or a friend experienced sex or gender-based violence, including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence or stalking, Boise State recommends you consider taking the following steps: Law enforcement services are provided through a contract with the Boise Police Department; police officers are fully trained in working with victims of sexual assault and know the requirements for preserving evidence. One of these programming opportunities is the First Community Meeting, hosted by a Resident Assistant fall and spring semesters, where residents learn about campus policies and procedures, resources, and expectations. Reports | City of Wooster Ohio Requests for protective measures and changes to academic, work, living, and transportation situations can be made by contacting the Title IX Coordinator at (208) 426-1750 or by emailing reportdiscrimination@boisestate.edu. Crimes and other emergencies at this location should be reported to the Coeur dAlene Police Department by dialing 9-1-1, and to the Boise State Coordinator Sonja Enger at(208) 769-4287. The Idaho State Board of Educations policies regulate the possession, use, and sale of alcohol beverages on the Boise State campus. The steps in an initial assessment can include: Both Complainant and Respondent will promptly be offered appropriate and reasonable Support Measures upon notice of the alleged sexual harassment, discrimination, and/or retaliation, including confidential counseling for students and/or employees. CWI Facilities Planning and Management developed and maintains a detailed database of room keying and key systems for each CWI building and issues keys and electronic access. Refers reports or incidents that do not require C.A.R.E. On-campus student housing is defined as any student housing facility that is owned or controlled by the institution or is located on property that is owned or controlled by the institution and is within the reasonably contiguous geographic area that makes up the campus. While Boise Police Department (BPD) officers have jurisdiction throughout the city limits of Boise, Boise State also has a contract with BPD to provide supplemental police services specifically to the main Boise State campus, and at certain local off-campus locations the University owns or controls. The academic and administrative buildings are generally open to the public. It is a violation of Policy 1065 if the conduct is Sexual Assault. Any party participating in Informal Resolution can stop the process at any time and begin or resume the Formal Grievance Process. Driving privileges can also be suspended or revoked. This includes the option to notify on-campus and local law enforcement authorities about the offense, the option to be assisted by campus authorities in notifying law enforcement if they choose to do so, and the option to decline to notify such authorities. Interactive exercises take students through real-world scenarios and encourage students to challenge sexist language and attitudes, provide guidance for supporting someone who has experienced harm, and promote healthy relationships based on positive communication and respect empowering students to create safe, healthy campus environments. Two recent modifications to the Rave Guardian app include an Emergency Response Guide specific to the campus and a directory with all of the campus safety offices including the Department of Public Safety, Environmental Health Safety & Sustainability, University Health Services, Facilities Operations & Maintenance, Office of Emergency Management, and the Gender Equity Center. Stairwells are protected with fire doors. Large incidents that pose a significant threat to life, property, or the environment may require activations of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Within any building of a public entertainment facility with a seating capacity of at least one thousand (1,000) persons such as Albertsons Stadium, Taco Bell Arena, Morrison Center, Student Union Building, etc. If someone talks about planning to target another person at a party, confront them or get help from a friend, parent or other trusted person to intervene. The Department of Public Safety (DPS) will respond to any criminal complaints, the contracted law enforcement agency will complete a thorough criminal investigation, and the Department of Public Safety will warn and/or notify the campus community on a timely basis if necessary, as outlined in the Alerts sections of this report. If the parties raise an issue of bias or conflict of interest of an Investigator or Decision-maker at the hearing, the Decision-maker may elect to address those issues, consult with legal counsel, and/or refer them to the Title IX Coordinator, and/or preserve them for appeal. Accordingly, Boise State prohibits, to the extent permitted by applicable law, discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation and pregnancy, including sexual misconduct (which includes sexual assault), domestic and dating abuse and violence, and stalking. Also, Housing and Residence Life staff conducts regular walk-throughs of University owned, on-campus housing to ensure resident safety and security. Boise Fire Department serves a population of over 300,000 residents. The Decision-maker(s) will not have had any previous involvement with the investigation. If approved, it will be forwarded to the party who initially requested an appeal, the Investigator(s) and/or original Decision-maker(s), as necessary, who will submit their responses in 5 (five) business days, which will be circulated for review and comment by all parties. The training covers bystander intervention, Clery Act training and an overview of campus safety. Threat assessments shall assess an individuals behavior if it has been reported as a potential threat to campus community safety. The unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or a theft. We have tax rates among the lowest in the metro Atlanta, an award-winning parks and recreation system, and nationally recognized schools and teachers. Reasonable person means a reasonable person under similar circumstances and with similar identities to the victim. Any evidence that the Decision-maker(s) determine(s) is relevant and credible may be considered. For more information about any of the crime prevention programs listed, please contact the Department of Public Safety at (208) 426- 6911 or via email at publicsafety@boisestate.edu. (2)(a)Any household member who in committing a battery, as defined in section18-903, Idaho Code, inflicts a traumatic injury upon any other household member is guilty of a felony. For the purpose of the Clery Act requirements, an additional location is a separate campus if it meets all of the following criteria: All information regarding policies and procedures are the same for the separate campus as they are for the main campus except where otherwise noted below. For more information or to request a training, please contact the Gender Equity Center at (208) 426-4259 or by email at genderequity@boisestate.edu. The Boise Fire Department's Operations Division is staffed by approximately 250 firefighters living in 18 fire stations. Nonconsensual contact includes, but is not limited to: (i)Following the victim or maintaining surveillance, including by electronic means, on the victim; (ii)Contacting the victim in a public place or on private property; (iii)Appearing at the workplace or residence of the victim; (iv)Entering onto or remaining on property owned, leased or occupied by the victim; (v)Contacting the victim by telephone or causing the victims telephone to ring repeatedly or continuously regardless of whether a conversation ensues; (vi)Sending mail or electronic communications to the victim; or. F&G Range Grant Committee to meet March 7 at 6 p.m. MST in Boise and There were 5 unfounded crimes for the year 2019. Sexual Harassment may be committed by any person upon any other person regardless of the sex, sexual orientation, gender, and/or gender identity of those involved. If someone discloses being the victim of sexual assault, relationship violence or stalking, believe them. Undergraduate and graduate students may also register and receive 1-2 credits by attending a certain number of hours of workshops and completing a final learning assessment. Watch out for your friends and fellow Boise State community members. Unless imminent life-threatening conditions exist, relocation of these individuals shall be limited to the designated Areas for Evacuation Assistance. Department of Public Safety personnel provide regular patrols of and response to University controlled areas of the Downtown campus. Fire in the Boise foothills over the weekend determined to be - KIVI Firefighters battled the blaze through the night and were able to. The owner will need to present the vehicle title. If so, that will be reviewed for standing by the Appeal Decision-maker and either denied or approved. The Boise State security team consists of the following personnel: Information concerning security for Boise States separate campuses is covered in those sections of this report dedicated to those campuses. The preferred method for CSAs to report crimes to the Clery Compliance Officer is by using the online CSA Crime Reporting Form found on the Public Safety website. The provisions of subsections (1) and (2) of this section shall not affect the age requirements in any other provision of law, unless otherwise provided in any such law. Appeals are not intended to provide for a full (de novo) re-hearing of the allegation(s). Additionally, to preserve other evidence in the case of sexual assault, it is recommended that you do not shower or bathe, wash your hands, use the toilet, douche, eat, drink, smoke, brush your teeth, change clothing, or wash clothing or bedding before a medical exam or reporting to law enforcement. This class covers the issues of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking and other prevention material dealing with personal safety, including tips and suggestions for home, work, or school activities. If you would like a copy of this list, please contact the Department of Public Safety at publicsafety@boisestate.edu. (vii)Placing an object on, or delivering an object to, property owned, leased or occupied by the victim. Clear language that Boise State prohibits sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking; Definitions of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking as defined by VAWA, the State of Idaho and University Policy; The definition of consent in reference to sexual activity as defined by the State of Idaho and University Policy; A description of safe and positive options for bystander intervention; Information on risk reduction strategies; Information about possible sanctions or protective measures that the University may impose following a final determination of an institutional disciplinary procedure; Education about sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking; Information about on and off campus services available to victims and how they can access those services as well as options for assistance; Procedures victims should follow if an offense has occurred, including information in writing about: the importance of preserving evidence when a VAWA offense occurs; to whom an offense should be reported; options regarding law enforcement and campus authorities, including the option to notify proper law enforcement authorities who include on campus and local police, be assisted by campus authorities in notifying law enforcement if the victim so chooses, and decline to notify such authorities; and where applicable, the rights of the victims and the institutions responsibilities regarding orders of protection; Disciplinary procedures that the University follows; Information about how the institution will protect the confidentiality of victims; Written notification to students and employees about existing counseling, health, mental health, victim advocacy, legal assistance, and other services available for victims both on campus and in the community; and. (5)Where the victim is prevented from resistance by threats of immediate and great bodily harm, accompanied by apparent power of execution. Gender Equity Center staff members also generate unique events and workshops each year. Housing and Residence Life staff provide information to residents regarding personal safety, crime prevention, crime notifications, bystander intervention, and campus safety resources and reporting options in multiple venues. The Title IX Coordinator, Investigator(s), or Decision-maker(s) had a conflict of interest or bias for or against Complainants or Respondents generally or the specific Complainant or Respondent that affected the outcome of the matter. Federal penalties for the use, possession, or distribution of illicit drugs are similarly severe and complex. (1) Any building or property owned or controlled by an institution within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area and used by the institution in direct support of or in a manner related to the institutions educational purposes, including residence halls; and (2) Any building or property that is within or reasonably contiguous to the area identified in paragraph (1), that is owned by the institution but controlled by another person, is frequently used by students and supports institutional purposes (such as a food or retail vendor). If police or fire department personnel are on the scene, follow their directions. During the investigation, an Advisor may take notes and quietly confer with the party being advised, but may not speak on behalf of the party or in any way disrupt any meeting or proceeding. The team will also develop comprehensive, fact-based assessment of the behavior of students, employees, or other individuals who may present a threat to the University. This type of training takes place at theBoise Fire Training Facility. The SRO is a member of the Coeur dAlene Police Dept. Learn more about PulsePoint. The hearing will convene at a time determined by the Decision-maker. The local law enforcement agency servicing the Gowen Field campus and its adjacent public property is the Boise Police Department, phone number (208) 377-6790. Occasionally, an individuals behavior or demeanor may cause fear or concern. To learn more or request this training, contact the Title IX and Institutional Equity at (208) 426-1258. Provide the Investigator(s)/Decision-maker(s) with a list of questions that, if deemed relevant by the Investigator(s)/Decision-maker, may be asked of any party or witness. Extended studies programs are provided at the College of Southern Idaho (CSI), located at the Hepworth Higher Education Center 144D at 315 Falls Avenue, Twin Falls, Idaho 83301. It is also intended to inform the campus community and prospective members of the campus community about reports of crimes that occurred on or near certain properties Boise State owns or controls. This facility is open to the public during regular business hours but is locked after normal business hours.
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