After discussing each dynasty, Brad ends his article with a summary table of the dynasties, monarchs from that dynasty, the Patriarch, origin and known DNA. Although he would have walked with one shoulder higher than the other, his deformity could easily have been concealed beneath clothing and armour. House of Oldenburg belonged to haplogroup R1b, Princess Christine Louise of Oettingen-Oettingen,,,,,,, If this is your first visit, be sure to [21], A 2015 study using data from the Neolithic and Bronze Ages showed a considerable genetic difference between individuals during the two periods, which was interpreted as being the result of a migration from the Pontic steppes. However, this was all thrown into question in 2013 when a skeleton found in a car park the year before was confirmed to be King Richard III. Is there a possibility to find out if Edward VII is Emmelies great grandfather or not? The Tudors The Tudors are best known for King Henry VIII (1491-1547) and his daughter, Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603). Joy Ibsen's mtDNA was tested and belongs to mtDNA haplogroup J. Joy Ibsen died in 2008. One thing I wish for is that many of these tree-building sites do not show how specifically close a person is to people in their tree when they show their DNA results apart from Wikitree. Listed Alleles of the "Manchu" cluster can be found below. J2b2a1a1a1b2 (PH1601) is my main Y-DNA and my mtDNA Distribution is tied to E1b1a Ramesses III and almost an even split with U5b Rudolf I of Habsburg, Duke of Austria and Styria, King of Bohemia, and titular King of Poland (1282-1307). Geneticist Dr Turi King, from the University of Leicester, said: What we have concluded is that there is, at its most conservative, a 99.999 per cent probability that these are indeed the remains of Richard III. In: Patterson, N., Isakov, M., Booth, T. et al. Both are rare in Northern Europe; E1b1b is found in 1% of Norwegian men, 1.5% of Scottish, 2% of English, 2.5% of Danish, 3% of Swedish and 5.5% of German. Tsar Nicholas Romanov - Haplogroup T HVR1 126C-169Y*-294T-296T. This was interpreted as reflecting the legacy of the Plantation of Ulster in the 17th century.[23]. I know that a woman can not find out her fathers ancestors, but Emmelie has also a brother as well as a halfbrother, both sons of Ingvar De Forest, the son of Maurice. This article might help you. 33. Nearly two decades later, he married Katharine Worsley, and the couple have three children together-George Windsor, Earl of St Andrews (1962-), Lady Helen Taylor (1964-), Lord Nicholas Windsor. The periods of the most important migrations are contested. They added: The claim of the Tudor dynasty would also be brought into question if the false paternity occurred between John of Gaunt and his son, John Beaufort, Earl of Somerset.., I can help you understand a bit more hear can not give the DNA to you as waiting for it myself, ok Richard III would have the YDNA of Richard Plantagenet the mtDNA is a right mix going back wards from Richard III, so to put it in a nut shell Richard III should have some DNA markers descending from the Scottish lines . Jill Stillman Tresidder, NJ, Y-DNA of the British Monarchy, A Review on the occasion of the birth of the Prince of Cambridge,, DNAeXplain Archives General Information Articles | DNAeXplained Genetic Genealogy. Princess Anne has 'history of shared banter' with Jackie Stewart, Anne Boleyn 'not given coffin as execution would not go ahead', Archaeology: Shipwreck 'mystery unravelled in Arctic wasteland', Marie Antoinette did NOT tell hungry masses let them eat cake, King Richard III: The analysis found that Richard had blonde hair and blue eyes, History news: Richard's skeleton was first found in 2012 and identified in 2013, Royal Family tree: A brief insight into the complicated nature of The Firm's long lineage, Royal grave: Richard now rests in Leicester Cathedral, Queen Mothers ruthlessness towards Queen's beloved nanny unveiled, Royal fury: 'Extraordinary intervention' made after The Crown outrage, Charles I 'should have been rescued from evil' not beheaded, Sussex dukedom will have 'special meaning' to Meghan amid titles row, Royal tragedy: King Henry I's son 'partied until finding grave'. 1) Richard III, King of England (1452-1485) has the Y-DNA of G-P287 (based on his human remains); 2) Henry Somerset, 5th Duke of Beaufort (1744-1803) has the Y-DNA of R1b-U152 (based on the Y-DNA of four of his five documented male line descendants through two different sons); and, thus, 3) The 5th Duke of Beaufort and King Richard III . In a statement on Sept. 8, 2022, the Royal Family website . The female from Goughs Cave carried mtDNA U8a, which is found in several individuals of the Magdalenian culture in Europe, but not in any other early ancient individuals from Britain. all the best. Interestingly, they were able to get the Tsar's DNA from a bloodstained shirt: In 1890-1891 Nicholas II, then-heir to the throne was on an around-the-world voyage. Here you will find a smaller . Anne Boleyn 'not given coffin as execution would not go ahead' [REPORT]Archaeology: Shipwreck 'mystery unravelled in Arctic wasteland' [INSIGHT]Marie Antoinette did NOT tell hungry masses let them eat cake[ANALYSIS], "However, there are parts of the chain which, if broken, could hypothetically affect royalty.". It remains one of the oldest inhabited castles and still houses 150 people, including staff. This is positive due to the linage of J.P. Brown. Good job Brad!!! Yan, Shi;Tachibana, Harumasa;Wei, Lan-Hai;Yu, Ge;Wen, Shao-Qing;Wang, Chuan-Chao. This was found to demonstrate a "profound impact" from the Anglo-Saxon migrations on the modern English gene pool, though no specific percentages were given in the study. KMM. Richard III was killed at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485, the last significant clash between the forces of the Houses of Lancaster and York in the War of the Roses. Joy Ibsen's mtDNA was tested and belongs to mtDNA Haplogroup J. In an article recently published, Bradley Larkin has done an excellent job of sorting through the various DNA results from different companies and locations and assembling them together for a paper on British Royal DNA titled Y-DNA of the British Monarchy, A Review on the occasion of the birth of the Prince of Cambridge. [10][11], After the Last Glacial Maximum, there is evidence of repopulation of Britain and Ireland during the late Upper Paleolithic from c. 13,500 BCE. The Neolithic introduction of farming technologies from mainland Europe is frequently proposed as a period of major change in the British Isles. She wan the Eurovision song contest this spring and have been accused of lying when she claims that her fathers father, Maurice De Bendern, was a illegitimate son of king Edward VII. Ah, the big question. [31], Geneticists have found that seven men with the surname Revis, which originates in Yorkshire, carry a genetic signature previously found only in people of West African origin. It is maintained by Dr. Mannis Van Oven. See Geographic Spread and Ethnic Origins of European Haplogroups Eupedia., My DNA and Tree of Ancestors Swann, Reay, Allen and Raine make me the True King of England, My confirmed Y-DNA is R-BY41654 And Confirmed mtDNA is H1g1, I just did a 23 and me. I did a dna test around 2 years ago and traced this back to Tureg, Fezzen. Unfortunately, I am not familiar enough with the royal line and who has and has not DNA tested to be able to answer this question. Experts are almost 100 per cent sure that the skeleton with a twisted spine found in a Leicester car park in 2012 is that of the last Plantagenet king. House of: Canmore. [11], Another 2016 study conducted using evidence from burials found in northern England found that a significant genetic difference was present in bodies from the Iron Age and the Roman period on the one hand and the Anglo-Saxon period on the other. Born: c. 1080/85. More info. I have a relative, my second cousins daughter, called Emmelie De Forest. [19], A 2022 study focusing specifically on the question of the Anglo-Saxon settlement sampled 460 northwestern European individuals dated to the medieval period. Image of British Royal Family in 1880 from painting by J. Archer, public domain. Haplogroup T is extremely rare in Europe but phylogenetic network analysis of its Y-STR (short tandem repeat) haplotype shows that it is most closely related to an Egyptian T haplotype, but the presence of scattered and diverse European haplotypes within the network is nonetheless consistent with Jefferson's patrilineage belonging to an ancient and rare indigenous European type.[33][34]. Thomas AP Morgan 1443 & Jane Herbert 1457-1478, 19. Prince Charles succession: Could Prince Charles refuse the throne? This page was last edited on 21 May 2017, at 13:39. It has long been known that mtDNA haplogroup H dominated the lines of Europe's aristocracies, while Y chromosomal R1b was the most common male lineage. I think that you should be a bit careful with this way of proceeding because Y chromosomes can easy be given by other men than "supposed to be fathers" especially if they just figure on old papers. The Royal Family Some information on this website may be out-of-date following the death of Queen Elizabeth. Here is a summary of all European kings and queens (and crown princes) whose haplogroup can be deduced from the testing of a relative. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. John of Gaunt was the father of Henry IV, so if John of Gaunt was not actually the child of Edward III, arguably Henry IV had no legitimate right to the throne, and therefore neither did Henry V, Henry VI, and, indirectly, the Tudors.. I just looked up the dna for royalty and alot in Scotland is haplogroup H. I just find this very interesting. A second individual from Kendrick's Cave, a c. 12,000 BCE male, was found to be genetically similar to the Villabruna cluster, also known as Western Hunter-Gatherer ancestry. They tested five anonymous living donors, all members of the extended family of the current Duke of Beaufort. A review was made of existing genetic genealogy findings that infer characteristics of the Y-DNA of members of the British Monarchy. Their first child was named Sarah. These proportions are similar to other Northwest European populations.[18]. My nearest in line royalty is King Henry I and his queen, Eagdyth [Matilda/Maud] of Scotland as they were my 29th great grandparents. mtDNA Haplogroup T2 came from Tsar Nicholas II 's mother - Dagmar (Princess of Denmark) b. You can unsubscribe at any time. In Britain, it has been linked to Scandinavian immigration during periods of Viking settlement. Technically its full SNP profile is R1b-U106 > Z381 > Z156> Z306 > Z304 > DF98 > S18823 > S22069 > S8350. It is unlikely that a biological father of prince Albert was Ernest of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. This is a rapidly advancing field and the technology for reading and interpreting ancient and forensic DNA evidence is constantly evolving. The next . I have just had my DNA results back and matching DNA segments on both father and Mothers side of French royal houses English Merovingian Belgian Austrian Spain Greek Medici 10+clans Hapsburgs Russian actually to many to list but my first incarnation was iO born of Melia daughter of oceanus my incarnation seem to match my DNA results is this possible? They include a female from Goughs Cave, an individual who is genetically similar to the c. 15,000 year old individual ('Goyet-Q2') from Goyet Caves, Belgium. It has long been known that mtDNA haplogroup H dominated the lines of Europes aristocracies, while Y chromosomal R1b was the most common male lineage. Samples from modern-day Wales were found to be similar to those from the Iron Age and Roman burials whilst samples from much of modern England, East Anglia in particular, were closer to the Anglo-Saxon-era burial. Here is a summary of all European kings and queens (and crown princes) whose haplogroup can be deduced from the testing of a relative. Called into question was whether kings such as Henry VI, Henry VII and Henry VIII had royal blood and, therefore, the right to rule. For further details see the University of Leiceter's Richard III website and the blog post by Debbie Kennett Richard III - a king is found. Have any maternal haplogroups been noted for the BRF? Both males and females can find their maternal haplogroup. This is referencing Y DNA which is passed from father to son, only. The Wright Brothers, the inventors of the world's first successful airplane, belonged to haplogroup E-V13. This page was last edited on 2 February 2023, at 20:00. This led to Oppenheimer and Sykes' conclusions about the origins of the British being seriously challenged, since later research demonstrated that the majority of the DNA of much of continental Europe, including Britain and Ireland, is ultimately derived from Steppe invaders from the east rather than Iberia. [2], Owing to the difficulty of modelling the contributions of historical migration events to modern populations based purely on modern genetic data, such studies often varied significantly in their conclusions. As opposed to large scale sampling within the autosomal DNA, Y DNA and mitochondrial DNA represent specific types of genetic descent and can therefore reflect only particular aspects of past human movement. An important outcome as a result of Brad Michael Little's research[14] is that the haplogroup of two individuals of the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha shows the royal House of Wettin to be downstream of R-DF98 (a branch of R1b-U106). From Queen Elizabeth II, the second longest-reigning monarch in history, right down to . Yet scientists found that the DNA did not match, suggesting that someone, somewhere between Edward III and his descendants was illegitimate. Yes, no doubts for the family lineage after Paul I. Of the 26 monarchies around the world today, few have had as much impact as the British royal family members. The fine-scale genetic structure of the British population. Now new research has found a chink in the Tudor ancestry of Queen Elizabeth II whose right to the throne can be traced all the way back to King Henry VII, via James I and Mary Queen of Scots. The flags indicate the location of FamilyTreeDNA testers' earliest known ancestor of their mitochondrial, meaning direct matrilineal, line. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The individuals from the latter period, with significant steppe ancestry, showed strong similarities to modern Irish population groups. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. The paternal haplogroup assignment is determined by defining variants in your Y Chromosome. Answer: It's biblical all the Matriarchs of Scripture descended from Black Women- There is only one Haplogroup for Black women = mtDNA "L". [8] According to geneticist David Reich, southern Britain saw an increase in Neolithic DNA around the Iron Age to the Roman Period, which may be attributable to a resurgence of the native Neolithic-derived population or to Celtic Iron Age or Roman period migrations. Its molecular structure was first identified by James Watson and Francis Crick at the Cavendish Laboratory within the University of Cambridge in 1953, whose model-building efforts were guided by X-ray diffraction data acquired by Raymond Gosling, who was a post-graduate student of Rosalind Franklin. I had a remote viewer once tell me that I have family in Edinburgh and I really needed to check this out. After taking a DNA sample from the skeleton, the researchers discovered something odd. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. However, I believe that the University of Leicester are withholding this information and delaying publication so as not to ID additional putative King Richard III relatives and the need to consult with them about re-internment in Leicester or York. I have my 23 and me DNA results. Z.; Saad, R.; Fares, S.; Amer, H.; Gostner, P.; Gad, Y. It would help us ladies who cant find out whether we are related to the gentlemen in our line. The sample is most consistent with G2a3b1a samples and contains unusually high, rare values for markers DYS385B and DYS458 in this haplogroup G subgroup. It reaches its peak in Europe in Kosovo at 47.5% and Greece at 30%. Bower, Dick (Director) (27 February 2013). Also, in regards to the Y-DNA of King Richard III, does anyone know the Y-SNP or Y-DNA STRs involved? I dont know my family at all. [6], Studies of ancient DNA have demonstrated that ancient Britons and Anglo-Saxon settlers carried a variety of mtDNA haplogroups, though type H was common in both. british royal family haplogroup; Posted on June 29, 2022; By . When scientists revealed last year that an adulterous affair had apparently broken the male line in Richard III's family tree, they vowed to investigate further. The family neither votes nor involve themselves in politics. The Y chromosome is the sex-determining chromosome for males, which men inherit from their fathers. Specimen candidates for further testing were identified noting that some will require Ancient DNA (aDNA) recovery and analysis. This common connection to Mettenhem suggests that Meingaud was closely related to the Robert of 8367. It is believed to have originated with metalworking peoples from the Caucasus or Anatolia who accompanied the R1b-dominant Indo-Europeans on their conquest of Europe in the 3rd millennium BCE. Richard III was childless (his only legitimate son, Edward, died aged 10), researchers looked at the descendants of Edward III, his greatgreatgrandfather. John Frame 1723-1750 & Margaret Hoghead 1725-1797, 29. Genomic signals of migration and continuity in Britain before the Anglo-Saxons. International Society of Genetic Genealogy (2013). The British Royal Family has a long embedded history of residencies that began in London, England, when Windsor Castle was built under King George V's monarchy. Haplogroup R1b is dominant throughout Western Europe. Early studies by Luigi Cavalli-Sforza used polymorphisms from proteins found within human blood (such as the ABO blood groups, Rhesus blood antigens, HLA loci, immunoglobulins, G6PD isoenzymes, amongst others). Any linked pages listed on this page may be broken down into DNA types or groups and there may be specific pages with additional information about a specific person or group. He insisted: We are not in any way indicating that Her Majesty should not be on the throne.. as the father of Edward VII will find the DNA in the surnames Journal and you will then need with both results to play snap on the markers so look for example DYS19 then its number if they are the same its one match you need ten Matches in a court of law to say you are related this will only be a reference if you dont have the DNA of Edward VII and not full confirmation. [28] It was also present among Celtic Britons in eastern England prior to the Anglo-Saxon and Viking invasions, as well as Roman soldiers in York who were of native descent.[24]. John Herbert 1404-1469 & Margred verch Lewys unk, 17. [27] This lineage is often associated with the historic Celts, as most of the regions where it is predominant have had a significant Celtic language presence into the modern period and associate with a Celtic cultural identity in the present day. from ancient times can be limited so there will not be very many Markers recovered to match to, if you would like to talk more my email is Richard had died in battle in 1485 but, before the 21st century, the whereabouts of his body had been a mystery. At the time, Elizabeth Norton, a Tudor historian and author, said that the research could have wide implications for British history. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Particular haplogroups are associated with well-known ancestral groups such as the Vikings . Many were, however, quick to quell any speculation that the Royal Family wasn't today's legal monarchy. International Society of Genetic Genealogy Wiki, French Kings from Henry IV to Louis XVI "Bourbon", ancient Y-DNA, Emperor Nicholas I & II, Russia, House of Oldenburg, ancient and descendant Y-DNA. James B Frame 1834-1900 & Mary Lovica Baker 1844-1918. Full name: George Alexander Louis. Queen Elizabeth II is the 32nd great granddaughter of King Alfred the Great, who took the throne in 871 and ruled until 899 AD. They do respond to fan-mails. Queen Elizabeth II and her husband are cousins. My dna haplogroup is H1. I am also a cousin of Queen Elizabeth but like with Danny Dyer [actor] we are not close enough to meet up for a cream tea. [32] The men are not regarded as phenotypically African and there are no documents, anecdotal evidence or oral traditions suggesting that the Revis family has African ancestry. Kevin Schurer, professor of English local history at the University of Leicester, told The Daily Telegraph in 2014: "The first thing we need to get out of the way is that we are not indicating that Her Majesty should not be on the throne. It is the largest and most widely tested Haplo group. Martiniano, R., Caffell, A., Holst, M. et al. I will have my DNA test results tomorrow. The basic assigned haplogroup for this Group is I-M223. Hywel Fychan Hywel & Agnes Cantilupe 1260-1298, 12. Who knows, this just might be relevant to you! [6][7] Joy Ibsen died in 2008. [citation needed], Geneticists have shown that former American president Thomas Jefferson, who might have been of Welsh descent, along with two other British men out of 85 British men with the surname Jefferson, carry the rare Y chromosome marker T (formerly called K2). Joy Ibsen's mtDNA was tested and belongs to mtDNA Haplogroup J. According to a genetic study in December 2012, Ramesses III, second Pharaoh of the Twentieth Dynasty and considered to be the last great New Kingdom king to wield any substantial authority over Egypt, belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup E1b1a, mainly found in West Africa, Central Africa, Southwest Africa and Southeast Africa. Research concerning the most important routes of migration into the British Isles is the subject of debate. Where can I go to compare my test to the Beaumont ,Campbells and King Jamess line and other kings? She would later be known as Sarah-Damaris Bat Yeshuah Princess of West-Francs. Dr. Turi King has this info and I understand it is to be published in NATURE. I am not aquainted with DNA research and I would need a piece of advice about a question. Richard Clare 1130-1176 & Aoife of Leinster 1145-1188, 8. Historical and toponymic evidence suggests a substantial Viking migration to many parts of northern Britain; however, particularly in the case of the Danish settlers, differentiating their genetic contribution to modern populations from that of the Anglo-Saxons has posed difficulties. Princess Margaret pictured with Peter Townsend (left) in South Africa during the royal tour, 1947. The Royal Family spans 37 generations and 1,149 years. He is my Great Uncle. Yes Haplo Rs appear to be DNA from invading viking nations but amongst the royals and nobles descending from ancient kings, would make sense for Haplo Es to dominate the gene pool. Empress Alexandra of Russia and her children, Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Alexei were identified as belonging to mtDNA Haplogroup H (16111T, 16357C, 263G, 315.1C). [30] An Anglo-Saxon male from northern England who died between the seventh and tenth centuries was determined to have belonged to haplogroup I1. [24], Ireland, Scotland, Wales and northwestern England are dominated by R1b-L21, which is also found in northwestern France (Brittany), the north coast of Spain (Galicia), and western Norway. [10], A third study combined the ancient data from both of the preceding studies and compared it to a large number of modern samples from across Britain and Ireland. The two French kings were separated by seven generations. Specimen candidates for further testing were identified noting that some will require Ancient DNA (aDNA) recovery and analysis. JUST IN:Royal Navy: most glorious 'cutting out' operation in force's history, As TheTalko explained: "Depending on how long ago the split happened means that there could have been several Kings and Queens who weren't actually members of the Royal Family.". Margaryan, A., Lawson, D.J., Sikora, M. et al. In 2004 British historian John Ashdown-Hill traced a British-born woman living in Canada, Joy Ibsen (ne Brown), who is a direct maternal line descendant of Anne of York, Duchess of Exeter, a sister of Richard III of England. the father of john of Gaunt which Philippe did state he was not and evidence found on the record that Edward was away fighting for 11 months and john Gaunt was born in 9 then the sudden descendant female of Edward III wed back into the family line also suggest its true Sorry. Population genomics of the Viking world. And although this would have happened hundreds of years ago, the bombshell find had serious implications for the current Royal Family. [10], Haplogroups E1b1b and J in Europe are regarded as markers of Neolithic movements from the Middle East to Southern Europe and likely to Northern Europe from there. Father: Malcolm III, King of Scotland. Whilst the H1c DNA is most common you might think it would run rampant through Europe including royals, but of course that is not the case. [8][9][10] They share mtDNA haplogroup J1c2c. Date of birth: 22 July 2013. Lilibet Diana Queen's. However, the authors noted that the similarity observed between the various sample groups was possibly due to more recent internal migration. Richard III was connected to these lineages through his great grandfather Edmund, Duke of York - John of Gaunts brother. Previous DNA analysis had determined two female-line relatives of King Richard III still living and five other male-line relatives that have little royal significance. Saturday, 4th March 2023See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. Thomas Ap Gwilym 1356-1438 & Maud Moreley d 1438, 16. Prof Schurer, pro-vice chancellor of the University of Leicester, said: We dont know where the break is, but if theres one particular link that has more significance than any other, it has to be the link between Edward III and his son John of Gaunt. Thus all maternal lines for all the mother's before Dagmar were T2. But I really wish they would not just show the results of the Y-DNA for the men but would also show the mtDNA for them as well. This study concluded that modern southern, central and eastern English populations were of "a predominantly Anglo-Saxon-like ancestry" whilst those from northern and southwestern England had a greater degree of indigenous origin. Copyright 2023 DNA Consultants. For relatives not on your direct maternal or paternal line, you are not likely to share a haplogroup. In some regions, British Neolithic individuals had a small amount (about 10%) of WHG excess ancestry when compared with Iberian Early Neolithic farmers, suggesting that there was an additional gene flow from British Mesolithic hunter-gatherers into the newly arrived farmer population: while Neolithic individuals from Wales have no detectable admixture of local Western hunter-gatherer genes, those from South East England and Scotland show the highest additional admixture of local WHG genes, and those from South-West and Central England are intermediate. Catherine, the then-Duchess . Please click on the links in the articles or to the vendors below if you are purchasing products or DNA testing. [8][9] This research has also suggested that subsequent migrations, such as that of the Anglo-Saxons, did have large genetic effects (though these effects varied from place to place). Britain's monarch has the right to veto a family member's marriage. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Subsequent testing in 2012 on a mummified head, purportedly that of King Henri IV of France, revealed that typing of a limited number of Y-STR's showed a Y-Dna haplogroup of G2a. A blogger on Eupedias genetics forum has deduced the haplogroups of many European kings and queens from living descendants who have been tested. [8] With the large steppe-derived component, they had a smaller proportion of continental Neolithic and Western Hunter Gatherer DNA. British Royal Family:Richard III's DNA and the Succession. In 2004 British historian John Ashdown-Hill traced a British-born woman living in Canada, Joy Ibsen (ne Brown), who is a direct maternal line descendant of Anne of York, Duchess of Exeter, a sister of Richard III of England.
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