We must shrink the Federal Gov't, shrink spending, & stop printing Paul describes himself as a constitutional conservative and supporter of the Tea Party movement. Seven independent agencies would be eliminated and food stamps would be cut by 30percent. In 1995, Paul was certified to practice by the American Board of Ophthalmology (ABO). However, as was pointed out by several media organizations in the aftermath of the incident, Paul had previously authored a bill named after Taylor aiming to make no-knock warrants illegal.[382][383][384]. [324][325] Paul has called Edward Snowden a "whistleblower" and called for Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to resign for "lying" about the phone metadata program that Snowden exposed. *: These candidates were constitutionally ineligible to serve as President or Vice President. A police perimeter was formed that escorted the Pauls away from the crowd, with one of the escorting officers being pushed in the process. [121] McConnell had previously hired Paul's 2010 campaign manager, Jesse Benton, as his own campaign manager. [141] Paul received the 2014 Distinguished Service Award from the Center for the National Interest (formally called the Nixon Center) for his public policy work. From $1.82. Paul was sworn in on January 5, 2011, along with his father, who was simultaneously in the House of Representatives. [281], On July 1, 2020, the Senate rejected Paul's amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act which would have required the withdrawal of all U.S. forces from Afghanistan within a year and brought an end to the 19-year war. "[170] Paul said that the campaign finance violations were "an error in filing paperwork or not categorizing" and that going after such violations would turn the U.S. into a "banana republic, where every president gets prosecuted and every president gets thrown in jail when they're done with office. [219] In March 2014, the Republican-controlled Kentucky Senate passed a bill that would allow Paul to run for both offices, but the Democratic-controlled Kentucky House of Representatives declined to take it up. 4 sizes available. "[45] He also said there was no evidence the surveillance of phone metadata had stopped terrorism. [364], On November 3, 2017, Paul was assaulted by a neighbor, Rene Boucher (then aged 59), a retired anesthesiologist. Paul went on to win the straw poll for the next two years as well, leading to some considering Paul to be a front runner for the nomination, although CPAC attendees are typically considered younger and more libertarian-minded than average Republican voters. Said Paul: "One of the things I like about President Trump is that he said the Iraq War was a mistake. Paul defeated Conway in the general election with 56% of the vote to 44% for Conway. "[184] As of June 2020, according to FiveThirtyEight, Paul had voted with President Trump's position on congressional issues 70% of the time, the second lowest among all Republican senators. [8], Despite his father's libertarian views and strong support for individual rights,[8][9] the novelist Ayn Rand was not the inspiration for his first name. [121], In response to Detroit's declaration of bankruptcy, Paul stated he would not allow the government to attempt to bail out Detroit. [298] Paul says policies such as the war on drugs and mandatory minimum sentencing have particularly harmed minorities. [283] Paul has also stated that President Biden provoked Russia by advocating for Ukraine's entrance into NATO. [338] His remarks generated controversy by suggesting that states should not require parents to vaccinate their children, because parents should have the freedom to make that decision for their children. [117] The filibuster was ended with a cloture vote of 81 to 16, and Brennan was confirmed by the Senate with a vote of 63 to 34. [87], Paul was assigned to be on the Energy and Natural Resources, Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, Homeland Security and Government Affairs, and Small Business committees. In a press release and during the Electoral College session to count the vote, which followed the 2021 United States Capitol attack, Paul argued that the electoral college is an indispensable friend of democracy in checking the danger of centralized power in deciding elections. [54][55] He is also a contributor to Time magazine.[56]. [359], In November 2019, Paul signed a pledge to support a constitutional amendment to limit senators to two terms. [204], In January 2022, a video resurfaced of Paul advising medical students at the University of Louisville in 2013, during which he said "misinformation works, so try to trick your opponents". In May 2019, Paul opposed the decision of the Senate Intelligence committee, chaired by Republican Senator Richard Burr, to subpoena Donald Trump Jr., a close friend of Paul's, to testify in front of Congress about his involvement with Russians during the 2016 presidential campaign. [102] Paul was a supporter of the Cut, Cap and Balance Act, which was tabled by Democratic opposition. [157][158] Paul responded the following day by saying McCain "makes a really, really strong case for term limits", suggesting McCain had become "a little unhinged" as a result of his seniority. [343], At a Senate committee hearing on September 23, 2020, Paul clashed with Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. [21] He regularly contributed to The Baylor Lariat student newspaper. In an interview with the Daily News, Paul [235][236][237][238] Ideologically, the American Conservative Union has given Paul a lifetime conservative rating of 96% and the Conservative Review gave him a 92% score. [282], On May 12, 2022, Paul stopped a vote on a $40 billion spending bill for aid to Ukraine during the 2022 Russian invasion, objecting that it would be the second spending bill for this purpose, and is 3 times larger than the first. Trump is persona non grata. [111], On March 67, 2013, Paul engaged in a filibuster to delay voting on the nomination of John O. Brennan as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. [168], FiveThirtyEight, which tracks Congressional votes, found that Paul had voted with Donald Trump's positions the least out of all Republicans, only voting with him 74% of the time by August 2018. [62], On July 28, 2009, Bunning announced that he would not run for reelection in the face of insufficient fundraising. [374] Boucher was initially sentenced to 30 days in prison, one year of probation, 100 hours of community service, and a $10,000 fine. Digging into the Mystery of Rand Paul's Assault", "Is Landscaping Drama at the Root of Rand Paul's Assault? [337] On February 2, 2015, he told conservative radio host Laura Ingraham regarding vaccinations, that "most of them ought be voluntary". [115] Attorney General Eric Holder responded that the President is not authorized to deploy extrajudicial punishment without due process, against non-combatant citizens. [247], On September 5, 2017, the Trump administration announced the intended rescission of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. With 45 Republican senators supporting him, Paul stated the impeachment was 'dead on arrival'. [58] Paul's father said, "Should Senator Bunning decide not to run, I think Rand would make a great U.S. Ultimately, nine people infected with Ebola returned to the United States, two nurses contracted the disease within the US, and two of the returning travelers died. [11] As a member of the Bowling Green Noon Lions Club, Paul founded the Southern Kentucky Lions Eye Clinic in 2009 to help provide eye surgery and exams for those who cannot afford to pay. [25] His medical work has been praised by Downing and he has medical privileges at two Bowling Green hospitals. [257] Dick Cheney, John McCain and Rick Perry responded by calling Paul an isolationist,[258][259] but Paul has pointed to opinion polls of likely GOP primary voters as support for his position. [326][327] He also filed a class action lawsuit against the Obama administration seeking to end the program. [252] Following the Court's decision, Paul said in 2015, "While I disagree with Supreme Court's redefinition of marriage, I believe that all Americans have the right to contract. [231] He is generally described as a libertarian, a term he both embraced[232] and rejected[233] during his first Senate campaign. [1] A member of the Republican Party, he is a son of former three-time presidential candidate and 12-term U.S. representative from Texas, Ron Paul. In 1998, he joined a private medical group practice, the Graves Gilbert Clinic, in Bowling Green, for 10 years. Senator or continue a potential bid for president. [118], In March 2013, Paul, with Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, threatened another filibuster, this one opposing any legislative proposals to expand federal gun control measures. [197] In the subsequent second impeachment trial of Trump, which sought to convict him on charges of incitement of insurrection, Paul questioned the constitutionality of it due to Trump having left office by the time it reached the Senate, as well as defending him against the charges, "I want Democrats to raise their hands if they have ever given a speech that says 'take back,' 'fight for your country,' who hasn't used the words fight figuratively? [267] In June 2017, Paul tried to block Trump administration's plan to sell more weapons to Saudi Arabia. [366], Boucher was arrested and charged with one count of fourth-degree assault and released on a $7,500 bond. [68] The theme was a UFC "fight" between "We the People" and the "D.C. The campaign attracted $8.5 million in contributions from outside groups, of which $6 million was spent to help Paul and $2.5 million to help Conway. [341], In 2014, Paul argued that the Obama administration and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) were downplaying the threat posed by Ebola virus in the United States. WebRandal Howard Paul (born January 7th, 1963), is an American politician who served as the 46th President of the United States from 2025 to 2033. [225][226][227] Paul has since given his support to the idea that the Kentucky Republican Party could decide to hold a caucus rather than a primary, potentially giving Paul more time to decide whether he should run for U.S. [104], On September 7, Paul called for a vote of no confidence in United States Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner. [18] Paul left Baylor without completing his baccalaureate degree,[20] when he was accepted into his father's alma mater, the Duke University School of Medicine, which, at the time, did not require an undergraduate degree for admission to its graduate school. previous next Pages: [1] Poll Question: Do you think Rand Paul will run in 2024? He also called for the United States to take steps as a counterweight to Russia's strategic influence on Europe's oil and gas supply, such as lifting restrictions on new exploration and drilling for fossil fuels in the United States along with immediate approval of the controversial Keystone Pipeline, which he said would allow the United States to ship more oil and gas to Europe if Russia attempts to cut off its own supply to Europe. [312][313] Paul introduced the Marijuana Businesses Access to Banking Act in 2015 to allow cannabis businesses increased access to banks. The announcement was made through a series of national TV events, radio, and other programs, as well as newspapers in Kentucky. On Friday, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) joined Fox News Laura Ingraham to discuss the way the mainstream media is covering President Joe Biden and whether it is [276], On June 12, 2017, U.S. senators reached an agreement on legislation imposing new sanctions on Russia and Iran. McConnell and Paul Co-sponsor Industrial Hemp Legislation", "Rand Paul Files Bill To Increase Hemp THC Limit And Address Other Industry Concerns", "Dr. Rand Paul Introduces HEMP Act to Relieve Unnecessary Constraints on Hemp Industry, Provide Transparency and Certainty", "Cory Booker And Rand Paul Bill Would Force DEA To Let Patients Use Psychedelics And Marijuana", "Cory Booker And Rand Paul File Bill To Reschedule Psychedelic Breakthrough Therapies And Remove Research Barriers", "Rand Paul: Electing "lesser of two evils" isn't good enough", "Rand Paul: GOP needs to care about more than gun rights", "Rand Paul ends marathon filibuster but fails to block Patriot Act", "Rand Paul: 'I will force the expiration' of the PATRIOT Act", "Rand Paul praises Edward Snowden for doing 'a service' to the U.S.", "Paul: Clapper should resign for 'lying to Congress', "Rand Paul, Warning About Spying, Faults Obama", "Rand Paul finds support in Berkeley, of all places", "Where the 2016 GOP contenders stand on climate change", "Rand Paul: Science behind climate change 'not conclusive', "GOP senators challenge funding for global warming education program", "Republican candidates on climate: 'fake science' to 'carbon is healthy', "Paul Misleads on Natural Infection and COVID-19 Vaccines", It's not just climate change: Some GOP leaders disregard science on vaccines too, "Rand Paul Takes a Shot at 'Liberal Media' While Literally Getting a Shot", "Vaccines should be voluntary: Rand Paul", "Rand Paul No-Show at Senate Vaccine Hearing In The Wake Of Controversial Comments", "Rand Paul says Kentucky living under 'dictatorship of Beshear.' [376] At his resentencing, Boucher received a prison term of eight months, plus another six months of home confinement, and was given credit for the 30 days he had previously served. Paul said he thought a federal bailout would send the wrong message to other cities with financial problems. With two Republicans already in the 2024 presidential race and possibly a half-dozen more in spring, some forward-thinking strategists are already looking to next year, when the eventual nominee will pick a running mate. Paul's grievance with the bill was the accumulation to the debt it would have triggered. Growing up, he went by "Randy",[10] but his wife shortened it to "Rand. [106] In October, Paul blocked a bill that would provide $36million in benefits for elderly and disabled refugees, saying that he was concerned that it could be used to aid domestic terrorists. The Republican Party Red Logo Sticker. [36], Paul was head of the local chapter of the Young Conservatives of Texas during his time at Baylor University. Senator. [44], In February 2014, Paul joined the Tea Party-affiliated conservative advocacy group FreedomWorks in filing a class-action lawsuit charging that the federal government's bulk collection of Americans' phone records metadata is a violation of the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. 2020 Democrats Aren't Having It", "Rand Paul wants Congress involved in Iran decision, says war would be 'a bigger mistake' than Iraq", "Rand Paul Slams Trump Over Airstrike: 'If You Don't Want Perpetual War, You Don't Keep Sending More Targets', "US bill on Russia sanctions prompts German, Austrian outcry", "Rand Paul on Russia indictments: We should focus on protecting elections instead of 'witch hunt on the president', "Rand Paul blocks Sanders's Russia resolution, calls it 'crazy hatred' against Trump", "Burr holds firm despite GOP anger over Don Jr. subpoena", "Senate votes to support NATO ahead of Trump summit", "Senate rejects Paul proposal on withdrawing troops from Afghanistan", "Senator Rand Paul single-handedly holds up $40bn US aid for Ukraine", "Tulsi Gabbard, Rand Paul Placed on List of Russian Propagandists by Ukraine", "Clare Daly responds after Ukraine puts her on list of people who allegedly promote Russian propaganda", "Paul: Keep pushing criminal justice reform in Ky", "GOP Sen. Rand Paul singles out McConnell on criminal justice bill, calls for public pressure on majority leader", "Bipartisan Legislation To Give Judges More Flexibility For Federal Sentences Introduced", "U.S. There is little question that Cruz is trying to position himself for a 2024 presidential run. [254][255], Unlike his more stridently "non-interventionist" father, Paul concedes a role for American armed forces abroad, including permanent foreign military bases. [261], Referring to ISIS, Paul stated: "I personally believe that this group would not be in Iraq and would not be as powerful had we not been supplying their allies in the war [against Syrian Bashar al-Assad's government]. Since neither is likely to pick the other as a running mate, the adviser offered libertarian Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) as a good fit. "And having that extra 3%-4% moving to the Republican ticket in 10-12 key states would be the margin of victory. [103] On August 3, Paul voted against a bill that would raise the debt ceiling. [45][49], On the announcement of the filing of the lawsuit, Mattie Fein, the spokeswoman for and former wife of attorney Bruce Fein, complained that Fein's intellectual contribution to the lawsuit had been stolen and that he had not been properly paid for his work. American physician and politician (born 1963), "Senator Paul" redirects here. [368][370] According to a memorandum filed by Baker the dispute was over Paul repeatedly leaving tree yard debris near his property line with his neighbor. William and Duncan attended the University of Kentucky, while Robert attended a private school in the Washington, D.C. [272] Paul had previously insisted that he would not confirm Pompeo, citing Pompeo's hawkish foreign policy beliefs. The middle child of five, his siblings are Ronald "Ronnie" Paul Jr., Lori Paul Pyeatt, Robert Paul, and Joy Paul LeBlanc. [72] James Dobson, a Christian evangelical figure, endorsed Grayson on April 26 based on the advice of what Dobson described as "senior members of the GOP", but on May 3 the Paul campaign announced that Dobson had changed his endorsement to Paul[73] after Paul and some Paul supporters had lobbied Dobson insisting on Paul's social conservative bona fides. [333] In a January 2020 tweet, Paul said "Despite climate alarmist predictions, humans will likely survive for hundreds of millions of years into the future. soil. Buy Rand Paul For President 2024 Quote T-Shirt: Shop top fashion brands T-Shirts at Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY and Returns possible on eligible purchases Paul, Booker, & Gillibrand Announce CARERS Act", "Senate Could Follow House In Blocking DEA From Targeting Medical Marijuana", "FAQ: What the STATES Act Would Do, and Why It's a Game-Changer", "Rand Paul, Senate Torch-Bearer on Pot Reform, Wants Colleagues on Record", "Rand Paul Pushes Marijuana Amendments On Funding Bill", "Rand Paul backs effort to bring banking to legal marijuana businesses", "Ky voices: Rand Paul: Legalize hemp to aid Ky. economy", "Hemp Growing Finds Allies of a New Stripe in Kentucky", "Sens.
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