Prominent forehead with thick eyebrows that accentuate the bridge of the nose. GEMINI (Im using a Dove because they are messengers just like Gemini) risings are super playful and easy to get along with, they make you feel comfortable and at home in conversation like youve known each other for years. 1st house -A first house stellium will make a person focused on their own self identity and how they project that into the world. It sets up your birth chart. It is how others first perceive you, and how you present yourself to the world. They might have their heads in the clouds, or could potentially be obsessed with religion or spirituality. They always carry a smile and are usually dressed in casual attires. Appearance And The Ascendant | ElsaElsa TAURUS: Frequently large bodied (not necessarily plump or fat), but could also be muscular and sturdy. They will stand and move like trained royalty. But, there is usually a moment when the illusion shatters. They may have unfulfilled dreams, but will help others reach their goals without question. ARIES RISING: 0-959 Aries / 10-1959 Leo / 20-2959 Sagittarius. And you can often walk away from them totally buying into whatever they said until you stop and think some more. They usually have youthful and innocent features. The opposite end of this is an Aries stellium in the seventh house. Thus, at the moment of birth, the ascendant sign appears as we are. Their demeanor will clearly change when the topic of discussion isnt them and a lot of them find significant ways to inject me or I back into it. But, there is still something irresistibly warm and lovable about them. For more info about what a stellium is see my post here. Sport a tranquil expression, along with beautiful smiles, mischievous grins and tinkling laughter.. The overall presence of a third house stellium is someone who is chatty with varied interests and a restless mind. IM SCREAMING I WAS RIGHT I MADE THAT POST A YEAR AGO I PICKED THE RIGHT DAY!! The sign of justice ruled by sweet Venus, Libra risings are pleasant to be around, fair, and naturally attractive to others. Most undoubtedly possess Taurus qualities with a noticeable blend of his or her rising sign.) They could be involved in protests, or working to make changes in the community. 12 signs The 1st House or the Ascendant is the sign rising over the eastern horizon at the time of birth. In astrology, it is known as your rising sign. . The Descendant. But, they act as if they have these important things they have to teach people. Strong bone structure, fierce eyes, etc.). usually gives androgynous, youthful facial traits (Wide forehead, sparkly bright eyes, aquiline nose, narrow V shaped chin, thin lips, high cheekbones etc.). This oppositional energy will create someone who rejects the idea of partnership and who will sometimes overcompensate by asserting their individuality at any cost. Even if they dont know you well, they wont hesitate to correct you and set you straight on something youre wrong about. AQUARIUS: One common trait of this rising sign is a high, well-defined forehead. In this way, they become surprisingly pushy and even forceful. Scorpio rising is an expert at obsession! scorpio rising - eyes similar to taurus rising with being more shadowed, but take on a similar intensity to aries rising eyes. Candid and incapable of guile, insincerity, or phoniness, you project a confident and sometimes arrogant appearance to others. Just wanted to share this really good post from an outside blog that describes the rising in one of the most accurate ways I have seen so far. ], The 12 signs and the human body parts which they rule. Your rising sign is often referred to as the front door to your chart, because it is a symbol of your personality, your soul's motivation, your physical appearance, and so much more. astrology insights. The expansive energy of Jupiter will make it difficult for the person to teach or share their knowledge; instead they will continually be seeking information, not feeling like they are ready to communicate. Check the sign. 8th house -Eighth house stelliums are similar to fourth house stelliums in that they have a lot of factors to consider. The Decans of Pisces. A stellium in Cancer will indicate a desire for freedom in living situations - they may bounce around a lot, or else they may fixate on the perfect home, one they dont have yet. usually givesgentle, delicate facial traits ( petite delicate nose, clear and bright eyes, delicate and symmetrical lips, teeth like pearls, wide forehead, narrow V shaped chin etc.). Often you will see the persons career show up in the sign their stellium is in. If a Leo stellium shows up, things will be different. 7th house -Seventh house stellium people are pleasant, stylish and chameleon-esque. A lot of the Scorpio risings who relate to that are probably Swati in Vedic astrology- Swati struggles with this because Swati is the ultimate middle Nakshatra, so it is always attuned to the hidden world andspace inbetween. Aquarius degrees- 11, 23: With Aquarius degrees on the ascendant, I'm getting mad scientist vibes LMAO jk jk. So thats the end of my post on my observations about the Rising signs Subscribe to my YT Channel for videos on Astrology :),, astrology Cancer: They will be more vocal about their need to create. SAGITTARIUS risings (heart emoji because I think Sagittarius risings need love, especially if youre Jyeshta in Vedic) tend to be very secretive. Your rising sign is the sign that was on the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth and is . PISCES RISING Either this person is clearly very sensitive and sweet or they put a lot of effort into not seeming as sensitive as they really are. Mental Tendencies of the Sagittarius Rising Sign I'm using sidereal rising signs not tropical. ARIES: Astrology Obsessed Nerd rising sign+ physical appearance The person will be much more focused on their own creative potential and could insist on working all alone. Their overall personality is soft and sensitive. Overall, all people with second house stelliums are focused in the material realm, and many like nice possessions, a well-kept house, and being in touch with their bodies through art, sports or dance. I've been exploring this idea for a while now, collecting photographs, looking at faces and making little databases. They try to please all their friends, and their friends become their family. Ascendant/Rising Signs and your appearance & style. Age 10-30 is a good range. Aries ascending usually givesextremely masculine traits (Thick eyebrows,high cheekbones,wide forehead, pointed chin, Sign Quality Differentiation by base outlines (as outlined by master astrologer John Willner): How To Guess The Rising Sign - The hair is sometimes curly or wavy. They are usually tall and slim. Astrology and Physical Appearance - AstralTwelve Blog One thing is happening on a surface level and another thing is happening underneath that and you just cant put your finger on it. But, at other times, they can seem mysteriously distracted by something else. A Taurus stellium here will show a person who wants a stable home with nice things in it, or possibly in nature. Rising Sign & Appearance An idea common to many schools of astrology is that the sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth imparts it's qualities to the physical appearance, as well as making it's mark on personality. Frequently they can look somewhat fragile, but surprise you with their physical strength. Even when not conventionally attractive there will be a certain charm to them their faces have character, whether theyre what would be considered beautiful or not. Often times, this is because they will openly tell you how unique or different they are in contrast to other people. The Ascendant (Rising) Sign Meaning in Astrology Generally, they have well-proportioned features and pleasant expressions, even when theyre not in a pleasant mood. Ultimately, this sign gives us an idea of what you look like, specifically when it comes to your visual and physical attractiveness. What is a rising sign? Correlations in rising sign appearance - Im really happy with everything except maybe the Cancer Rising. art and astrology - Rising signs personalities What Is Your Rising Sign? How Your Ascendant Determines Your Personality This part of the birth chart that . The height is usually above average. Star Stuff PLANETARY DOMINANTS- APPEARANCE Theyre like baby horses, just trying to find their footing so they can grow up to be a magnificent racehorse.Openness and friendliness show in the Archers face and posture. They often have beautiful, clear, sparkling eyes. The Cancer Appearance. Their hair is usually curly and may be dark brown. Aries Rising/Libra Descendant. What does a stellium in a particular house in an individuals natal chart indicate about that person? They may get involved with art. The Decans of Scorpio. They often put their own needs last. They forgive, but they also collect all of the things that have happened and emotionally hold onto them. Astrology And Physical Appearance - Shooting Star You are the combination of your, extra (when i say extra, i mean REAL EXTRA, they really take their times finding the right style and the best way to express themselves, especially being ruled by mars), come off as impatient, that look that says, can have babie faces but with strong features, they look like they dont take shit from anyone, very unique way of walking and posture, since aries rules the head, head up baby, ruled by venus they exuberate natural beauty, usually very well dressed, and always with the best clothes (fabrics that have a luxurious tone to it, even if it is a simple scarf), looks like they take a slow and steady approach to life, can really enjoy going to different restaurants and trying different foods, they have well defined senses, can have a beautiful way of speaking and presenting themselves, they all have that witty aura with dry looking eyes as if they were thinking, their eyes and minds hold soo many information and you can see that by just looking at them, their fashion style is a secondary vocal away to tell something about their personality, theres REALLY A LOT of celebrities with gemini rising, being a mutable sign, out of the four mutables, gemini is the most expressive one, the one that sets the tone where it goes, you never now what to expect from them, can usually really enjoy tattoos, piercings, their fashion sense can go a million different aways, there is just nothing that a gemini rising cant be, very warm and emotional smiles, like a mother smiling for the first time to their child, beautiful big eyes with a watery feeling to it, at first they look shy and in their own space, can come off as highly sensitive in a negative or positive way, their fashion style is usually soft, with particular styles of clothing, they dont tend to speak with their hands, they are usually very still, calm, and perceptible to those around, touchy but not soo touchy if they dont feel like youre going to like it, can be shy in the start and apologize for everything, comes off as very expressive, specially their faces and reactions, they shine and receive attetion even when they are not trying, theyperceive themselves as if they HAVE to be someone in life, they are always in control of their body, they know what they are doing, also in control of their expressions, a dramatic look in their eyes, they know you are looking at them, confident but sometimes can be very insecure so they put even more weight to their public persona, beautiful hairs (a lot of leo risings love to touch their hairs in a very natural way ???? They will usually have full cheekbones, plump lips, almond shaped eyes, attractive smiles and luscious hair. "Never apologize for showing feeling. The thing is, having a Scorpio Sun or Moon can make you very deep thinking too, but the thing about Scorpio rising is that this mode of deep thinking is initiated in their IMMEDIATE, environment, because thats what the rising sign is about. Dark, thin hair. Not a canon birthday, but we know she mustve been born either in 1981 or between September 1 - December 31 1980. pisces They possess a kind, caring face that makes people feel like they can open up to them. With Capricorn rising, you think that you will not get anything you want. This is a very calm and easy going rising sign. Your Rising Sign determines your physical features as well (not just face but body as well.) Some may have a ruddy or weathered look to their complexion, and choose to let their eyes wander around a room, as opposed to holding their gaze in one place. They frequently possess high foreheads. Sometimes, they are compulsive talkers, saying whatever pops in their head in an almost stream of consciousness style. tend to put on muscle easily. This also correlates to each signs ruling planet. They can be gregarious, boisterous and good at getting things done. Your IC and Your Appearance - Jessica Adams: Psychic Astrologer They have such a quiet authority and power and can be very dainty in their mannerisms and everything. PISCES risings - aww man, I love you guys your general appearance sun sign: what people see when they get to know you better. Your decan has a huge influence on your ascendant, it show's the co-planetary ruler of your chart, as well as changes some of your features too. Correlations in rising sign appearance These are just commonalities in the appearance of people with the same rising sign, of course you may have a Leo rising and not look exactly like any of the people portrayed in the post but that's because 1) aspects to your ascendant and the rest of the chart effects appearance to! Physical Appearance and Astrology. Whatever sign the stellium is in will show us what they are trying to express and how they go about it. The opposition to the eighth house, Scorpios home, may make someone who seeks security through destruction of the very thing that makes them feel secure. In fact, they may overdo it just a bit. Extremely expressive features with long limbs compared to the torso even a short cancer rising will often have a lanky look to their arms and legs. It will be obvious how much they are responding to what you think of them, even if this is just what they think that you think of them. Their hair may be red or blonde (sandy blonde or platinum blonde). The Decans of Aquarius. moon sign: Although theyre generally goofy, silly, or carefree, they are surprisingly wise and enlightening, as well. This person may seem to make rash decisions, i.e. So though they are workaholics, that doesnt necessarily mean they are spending all their time on their actual career and ignoring their families too. If you look at what sign the stellium appears in you will see what their focus is primarily. Definitely relating to how Pisces will often become Aquarius in Vedic. Id imagine that the Geminis in question would be Rohini Nakshatra in Vedic astrology, which is described by astrologers asbabylike and wanting to experience bliss all the time much like babies do. Virgoascending ARIES RISINGThere is just something really upfront about this person. ascendant/"rising sign": what people see when they meet you for the first time. They may have crooked legs or scoliosis. They also might wear the color black a lot or incorporate it into their appearance.
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