Probably a good idea they stopped making those. Glad to find this comment page and know we are not nuts. like everyone else, Ideal Cookies where the best ever! Ritz Crackers are a great anytime snack, the perfect complement for quick meals, and a versatile base for tasty party appetizers. We stopped at a store in Winston, Oregon and we found "Little Debbie's" version of the Ideal bar. To put that into perspective, consider that the overall global cookies market (i.e. I cannot believe the number of people who remember these cookies! With so many people wanting them I can't believe Nabisco doesn't bring them back--I'd be first in line for a box. Nutter Butter is an American sandwich cookie brand, first introduced in 1969 and currently owned by Nabisco, which is a subsidiary of Mondelez International. This site was so fun to find. Even at 50 every year at Christmas I long for them, well really all year. How can something SO Good, SO Popular, So Beloved, disappear without a trace, a sequel, a follow-up, or especially, an apology?! Vintage Nabisco (National Biscuit Co.) Collectibility and Fun Facts The biscuit containers and the china scoop to retrieve the biscuits, are prized along with: wood crates carrying the N.B.C./National Biscuit Company label, and early metal tins, store . They are the B E S T Cookie and if Nabisco doesn't want to make them anymore, then someone needs to reintroduce them. I can not remember the name. My sister and I have been wishing the same thing all of you are, Nabisco bring them back, "Little Debbie", put them in all the stores where your snacks are soldLiz. It was one of the best treats she couldve given to us. I believe they would sell if they brought them back. Ideal Sandwich Cookies were among the "Best of Nabisco"! I also contacted Kraft and received the same message as Dan in April 2009. I've even told my kids about ideal bars. Ideal cookies were a staple in my house. Ideal bars were the best cookies ever made! Yes just had 1 of those girl scout cookies today. Get the peanut butter filled pretzel bits from Trader Joe's and dip them in melted dark chocolate. My Dad started hiding them in the hall closet, but we still found them!!! please bring back this tasty, tasty treat. But no kidding -Nothing can substitute for Ideals. Here's the link everyone, tell them about it! Discontinuing them to develop a more profitable product may have made some punk executive a bonus but in doing so the Nabisco brand was greatly diminished. Just the population from the 70's who misses this cookie so much would constitute enough people to support reintroducing these! Maybe I will try making them myselfhaaha.might take a few thousand tries. I just wrote this letter to Nabisco: There is an army of us who would love to see you bring back your Ideal cookie bars that you discontinued perhaps some 30 years ago. There must be a warehouse stash somewhere with these. Maybe they didnt make enough profit or something. Bring Back Ideal Cookies on Facebook We hid them in the frige and I can still taste the creamy, fresh peanut butter. Perhaps the FDA considered them addictive; I know that I could never have enough of them. If you want a good substitute, though remember that it's merely a substitute, try the Trader Joe's Chocolate-covered Peanut Butter Pretzels. I miss the darn things too. The quality of the ideal bar was high and I am sure it would be a challenge to reproduce today. I have been watching for those Ideal Bars for years and did not realize that Nabisco had quit making them. Please, Nabisco, Please! Its an idea, and it might be similar. Can ANYONEconvince Nabisco to re-make these cookiesPLEASE, I loved Those Cookies -- Mom used to have to hide them in the 2nd drawer -- they were such a treat -- and I'd love to have them again. google_ad_client = "pub-1475700848612418"; I still look for these cookies when I go in the grocery store hoping they will magically appear. I had always kept an eye out for these and time to time I would find them (and buy a few boxes!!! Send a message to Nabisco to bring Ideal bars back. I haven't seen them for years! Contact Kraft/Nabisco and let them know that there are LOYAL Nabisco customers that want to BUY Ideal Bars! As 1 of 7 kids we would all wait til Mom got home from shopping to check out the bags and be sure she got them. Gastro Obscura covers the worlds most wondrous food and drink. My Mother kept these IDEAL Peanut Butter Cookie Logs in the Bread Box part of our shelvesthey were maybe three inches long and sorta like a flatted log.dark rich chocolate, didn't taste cheap.and had an inner crispy peanut butter filling, with some moisture.something like a Clark Bar taste, only a bit more of a cookie. More and a few times we paid for an empty pack. When I met my husband 25 years ago his favorite thing was an Ideal Bar - and to this day when I ask him what he needs from the store, his response is always "Ideal Bars". Nabisco, if these wonderful cookies are too expensive to make and sell in a package of cookies, how about packaging them as candy bars? Please let me find Ideal PB cookie bars on our cookie shelves. I am so glad I'm not the only one who misses Ideal cookies. I am 48 now and have never had an Ideal cookie and never heard of them. It's great to hear from consumers who are looking for our products because it lets us know how much you enjoy them. I agree, Ideal Bars were the BEST! I am now 58 years old and have never found a cookie that comes close to the ideal peanut butter log. Years ago I ran across these cookies for the last time while on a ski trip at incline village Nevada - I bought 2 bags and planned to bring 1 home but they didn't make it all the way home :-), Holy Crap!!!!! Discontinued Products :: Nabisco :: Discontinued Nabisco Products. She used to hide them so us kids wouldn't eat them all. my mother and I would share IDEAL cookies and talk. The first is the IDEAL Peanut Butter Bars. We need to all call Nabisco! Now that I have my own home I would love to have them back. It was the best store bought. Cookies today do not compare with IDEAL cookies - they were and still are the best! Ha!.NO REALLY. I too was an Ideal Bar Addict. Last I saw them was the early 1980s. I so miss the original Ideal Peanut Butter Bar Cookies. LET US ALL PROMISE TO CALL NABISCO AND PLEAD FOR THEM TO BRING BACK THIS COOKIE. I am going to keep trying and contacting them. I had no idea there were so many Ideal Bar fans out there. I aqree that with all the boring cookies out there and the market for gourmet cookies Nabisco couldn't find a way to market them or sell the recipie to a gourmet cookie company who could market them. The more they get the more of a chance it will happen! Lets face it: Nabisco has changed hands numerous times since Ideal Peanut Butter Bars went off the market and, as far as I'm concerned, the quality of their product has gone WAY down since. all cookies sold all over the world), which was valued at $30.62 billion in 2018, has been projected to expand at a compounded actual growth rate of 5.3% . Was there a special machine needed which cannot get parts anymore? Please, Please start making the Peanut Butter with Dark Chocolate cookies, these are the best cookies, there is no other and will never be any other cookies out there that is as wonderful as these cookies. I would reach into the long, rectangular box; the bars would be cold to the touch, yet even at first contact my chubby hands would leave tell-tale fingerprints on the cookies I touched. Hacked recipe available? Take 2 Ritz crackers, put peanut butter between them, dip in melted milk chocolate, place on a buttered cookie sheet - load up the sheet with them and refrigerate for about 5 minutes. I'd BEG the president of Nabisco to re-introduce them, if it would do any good! It seemed to make the enjoyment last longer. That is absurd in a world where Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are one of Hershey's #1 sale items. Once this decision is made, we stop making the product and the remaining supply is shipped from our warehouse to the grocery stores. I still see these on the shelf but not the Ideal Bar. I would base my weekly calorie intake around these cookies! They were the best ever! Please bring this cookie backit's been gone way too long!! It is more true than not, that if you gave Nabisco a goose that laid golden eggs, Nabisco would immediately slaughter that goose rather then pay to feed it. Very upset when it was discontinued. I am so happy to know that there are this many people that loved the IDEAL bars like me. I sooo love these cookies!! THE LITTLE DEBBIE ONES ARENT THAT BAD AT ALL BUT THEY ARE NOT IDEAL.THE ORIGINAL..SO CMON GANG EVERYONE GO TO NABISCO AND WRITE THEM A LETTER,TELL THEM ALL THE PEOPLE ON THIS SITE AND MAYBE THEY WILL MAKE THEM AGAIN , My favorite cookie above all was Ideal. My kids love peanut butter and chocolate, I know they would devour these! I called it and REALLY let a customer service rep know what they need to do. Nabisco is sure missing out here.they could make millions. i never thought i would be so besotted with a cookie, but i love this cookie and was so disappointed to learn they were no longer made. They get all this old stuff that is hard to find, unfortunately I never heard anything from them. He will be 48 on Monday and I have no doubt that if those cookies were still around, he would eat the entire package. DOES ANYONE KNOW ANYONE FROM NABISCO THAT COULD STRT THESE BACK UP? Come on you guys bring them back. But they did not stay mad long after I offered them another cookie :). My son has never had one. About Trump's Oreo Boycott - The logs were a staple in my cupboards also. I think it must be at least 25 years since they were available. Nothing compares. petition: Nabisco Chocolate Snaps Cookies Ideal bars were the best store-bought cookies ever made. I hope nabisco reads these comments and realizes the disappointment to many famalies with the loss of a simple cookie. Now that I know there are others out there, I will call them again. I thought they might only be a local New England product but see now it was nation wide. You know how they sometimes can find the recipes to old stuff and remake they do it. What I can't understand is why Nabisco a consumer company won't even comment. Let's get on the 'stick' and urge them! I remember his yelling about the peanut butter bars, and I would feign ignorance. I miss them too. I kind of make a substitute with Ritz crackers, peanut butter and melted chocolate chips. My grandmother used to always have Ideal cookies in her cabinet when she lived in Arizona. Signed, Hooked for life. Giggles were shortbread cookies filled with fudge and vanilla cream, like an Oreo. Yesterday a friend gave me a homemade treat that reminded me a lot of Ideal Bars. i didnt no they stopped making them i thought they were hard to find because they didnt make enough.i dont even buy cookies anymore they s__k that was the only cookie. I remember, my step-dad bringing fresh cookies out to us when we would pick him up. What's the problem? I grew up devouring these cookies, they are the BEST ever Nabisco made. MUST. The Best Cookie Ever Made, Please Someone Make Them Again, Are Give Me The Recipe And I Will Make Them My Self.. My absolute favorite store-bought cookie EVER!!! I think of these cookies often. Oreo was one of three cookies introduced by Nabisco on April 2, 1912, with the other twothe Mother Goose biscuit and the Veronese biscuitnow lost to history. The following are links about Ideal Cookies you may find interesting. They're the treats you probably always wanted your mom to buy -- old-school cookies, including both classics and long-forgotten brands. Maybe we could petition to get them backwho is with me, OMG! Oh My God do I have a story about these cookies!!! Please bring them back. Anyone know of a recipe to make them at home? Aside from this, I remember not only the great flavors of those treats but the sheer QUALITY of them and all of Nabisco products. I loved those cookies. I looked up the # myself to be sure I was calling the right place. But I have to askdid anyone else first peel the chocolate off with their teeth before launching into the cookie? The makers of Oreo took the design of a cookie called "Hydrox," and despite it's less-than-appeasing name, it was truly the first chocolate sandwich cookie with creme in the middle. I am so happy to hear that I am not alone in my love of Ideal Bars. Mom would hide them in the refrigerator, but I always found them. Perfect. They were FAR BETTER than ANY peanut cookie and/or candy bar available today, INCLUDING the Nutter Butter cookies you make today. All these comments make me want to cry, for i too lost an old friend when the ideal peanutbutter bars were discontinued, i am a diabetic now but i would give a little toe for a pack of those sweet logs, twix has or had a p-butter cookie that was simalur but nothing compares i will boycot nabisco products till they bring back the best cookie in the world!!! PLEASE bring this cookie back. This Is The Dark History You Never Knew About Oreo Cookies - So Yummy My parents both worked for Safeway in Va. we loved those peanut butter cookie bars in the orange and brown wrapped rectangular box. PLEASE! When Nabisco first started, the biscuit cookies and crackers were stored in large bins, or cracker barrels and sold at country grocery stores by the scoopful. I've written Nabisco, and now the parent company Kraft, several times and I usually receive a form email back. After 30 years of no Ideal ccokies they musthave been to good for us m ere mortals. I am willing to attempt another contact with nabisco whatever will work. Ritz Bits S'mores. Or give it to the Girl Scouys. I would eat them with bananas!! I believe Nabisco stopped manufacturing Ideal Bars because the chocolate the recipe called for was too costly to make. I don't know why the hoopleheads at Nabisco won't make these incredibly popular bars anymore. Wow, I can't believe I'm not the only one craving these cookies, I remember waking up in the middle of the night as a child and going to the fridge for one of these cookies, I would always tip the box forward as to look like there wern't many mom always new who to blame when only one was leftI REALLY MISS THESE COOKIES!! Every once in a while my brother & I will talk about them. I'm about 10 years younger than my siblings and they used to have us begging like dogs just to get the cookies. He was unable to finish his sentance, I replied IDEAL!! I wrote Nabisco and sent the link to this site. I often times tell my family about this cookie. I must say that I am rather in accord with the previous statement by Tom. Something NEEDS to be done here!!! I still check the cookie isle at the grocery store hoping to see these again. Try the frozen treat that inspired Arrested Development's famous banana stand. - Touche, old man! There is nothing that compares to the Ideal cookie which is why it had the perfect name. Still not quite the same.all time faveoriate cookie ever - even better than Mallowmars! I too grew up with the wonder that was Ideals cookies and I miss them terribly. I try every new peanut butter cookie I see, but none quite compare to Ideals. From my earliest childhood I remember that distinctive packaging that housed the best cookies ever made. Nabisco kept the other fruit-flavored Newtons (raspberry, strawberry). Please Nabisco bring back the Ideal cookie, Check this out. Fan of SnackWell's Devil's Food Cookie Cakes grapples with new version I would buy fact I know my entire family would buy them There were utterly AWESOME. This was and still would be my favorite cookie. This was a big deal for him since he never packed his own lunch. I MISS THEM TO THIS DAY!!! The best ever cookie. I LOVED THEM and MISS THEM. Go to this page and leave them a request to BRING BACK IDEAL COOKIE BARS!!! google_color_link = "A74403"; I was thinking about these cookies today and found all your comments. That brand would be Hydrox, the second banana of the cookie aisle, which these days simply cant compete against the marketing juggernaut that is Oreo, even if it did get a bit of a head start. Maybe someday we'll get 'em back! Like everyone else I LOVED these cookies. You also need to bring back the Lemon Cooler and Cherry Cooler cookies! For example, while Nabisco was stuck spending money on a costly transformation to remove the lard from the cream in its cookies, Hydrox cookies were already kosher, which for decades gave them an advantage in the market. There were air gaps between the various layers of the one cookie I ate so far. Oreo Flavors You'll Sadly Never Get To Try Again - Loved Ideals-The Very Best! Not identical, but MUCH better than the Little Debbie's version. Come on Nabisco make my day!!!! These cookies were the source of numerous battles in my house. Is it that difficult for them to reintroduce an item that was truly loved and enjoyed? I have tried the "similar" to Ideal Cookies, but nobody can capture that flavor and the joy that those cookies brought to my family. "Squeaky wheel gets the IDEAL" Put this in your Header to Nabisco. It appears we're not alone! These were the BEST cookies by far!! I agree, bring them back. Little Debbie has Peanut Butter Crunch Bars that are very very close to the Ideal Bars. They sent some coupons to me in the mail and stated they would report my request. We all should go to the keebler web site and leave our coments there also. Regenstein explained that the process of koshering an oven is done by a rabbi with an unexpected tool: a . I thought I was the only one who really missed these cookies! There is a Facebook on bring back the ideal cookie .someone said they talked to nabisco and they said they would consider it if enough people pushed for them back. I too wish they would bring them back. Maybe if everyone emails Nabisco, they'll bring our favorite cookie back. Very sad when something that evokes such passion is discontinued.. Wow, I thought that I was crazy for still looking for these great dark chocolate covered cookies. Of course Mom would hide them from us and I could not wait until I grew up so I could buy them for myself. To date the closest I've seen to this most stupendous but unavailable product is the peanut butter Twix. i thought my husband and i were the only ones that missed these cookins, boy was i wrong. NOW!!!!!! Dad always got a pack when we all went to the grocery as a familywe'd open the pack while shopping and they were gone before we hit the register! This is a dark time in cookie history, one Hydrox partisan, Gary Nadeau, wrote, according to the Wall Street Journal. I was sitting in bed and the name just came back to me so I Googled "Ideal"! google_color_bg = "E7F0EB"; As a holiday ritual, my brother Steve and I used to sneak away early from family dinners and drive to the local WaWa grocery store to buy Ideal cookies. Please Nabisco bring them back . Oh yesHow I remember those cookies "Ideal Cookies" they were the best cookie I have every eatenI wish Nabisco would make them again. Please Nabisco, Ideal or whomever owns the recipebring them back! Little Debbie just doesn't get it done. I CAN REMEMBER WHEN OCTOBER CAME AROUND WE STARTED LOOKING IN THE GROCERY FOR IDEAL COOKIES. I too loved these wonderful cookies. My Mother would buy these and send them in our lunch boxes for dessert and they we super-delicious!!!! Can't believe they're gone for good My sister and I were trying to explain this cookie to my youngest daughter today. I need one for myself!). I thought I was the only one who missed these cookies. Those packages sure did go fast! Surely someone out there has enough influence on some high level executive at Kraft Foods to reintroduce this extraordinary cookie!!! They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy. Maybe it will be a slow day and they might make a story of these great cookies and all the devote followers craving their return.. Perhaps this way Nabisco might open their eyes. These were the best cookies ever and I would give my first born child to have one of these again. I moved to Texas in the early 70's and couldn't find them anywhere. We also search for this cookie but now the truth is out we will stop, kind of sad. Check out Little Debbie's substitute, Peanut Butter Crunch Bars: I can't peel the chocolate off them like I did on the Ideals, but they're quite acceptable. Now - as to starting a "petition" - any suggestions and who would like to sign?! Thanks, Mark. I really think Nabisco (Kraft) needs to re-evaluate product selectionsand give the people what they want! I would love to get my hands on them again. NABISCO..PLEASE BRING THE IDEAL COOKIES BACK!!!! LEMON COOLERS! I remember them well. Get them home intact, if possible, refrigerate or freeze, get a glass of ice cold milk, or fresh brewed tea, and eat, a little touch of Heaven! Nabisco, the maker of Oreo cookies and other treats, said its NJ plant's approximate 600 workers have either retired, transferred or were looking for other jobs. 1901 The name Nabisco is first used as part of a name for a sugar wafer. Those cookies were both of our favorites. Please, Nabisco, bring them back! Im 49 and that was the best cookie ever made lets all call Nabisco i would buy the recipe if they'd sell it to me damn i loved them cookies. Nabisco, please bring them back!!! With all of the 'retro' trends these days in fashion and automobiles (love the new Camaro!) Like some of you my mom would have to hide them. I was hoping to put the Ideal Bar in my search engine and find them on line somewhere. My mother bought the Ideal peanut butter bars for my father (I don't know why he was allowed to hog them). Since were so loved there is no doubt they would be a best seller. Ideals were what I thought of! Do we have to wait until the Kraft foods no longer has the patten on the cookies. Please bring them back Nabisco!!! You won't be sorry!! My friend (RIP) and i would walk to the corner store (even in th snow) and buy them..great memories of growing up..i miss those cookies !! I have been looking for these cookies for 35 years and would love to have some again. - Bring them back, you knuckle-heads! JPC. They were expensive, but worth every penny. They look and taste exactly like the original "Ideal Bar". I look for IDEAL cookies every time I am at the grocery store hoping to see that Nabisco has reintroduced them. I hadn't been able to find those for years either, but found one today (hooray! I wrestled with my weight as a kid in the late 70's, yet every once in a while my mom would secretly buy a box of these rich logs of dark chocolately goodness, if only to show her undying love for me, her only begotten son. Well once upon a time my Mom bought these cookies and I faked being sick to stay home from school so I could find where she hid them. I'll sign a petition too! The problem, you mightve guessed, is its name. Please bring it back if for limited time. It is Little Debbie Peanut Butter Crunch cookie bars. Roll into small balls and place on ungreased or parchment lined cookie sheets. I too am a lover of the Ideal Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars. I have wanted these cookies for decades. I would, I loved them. Very similar to my memory of the Ideal Peanut Butter bars but not made as well. Id be willing to guess the cost of a package today would be upwards of $10; I'd pay $15 for a pack! Write to this addy Kraft Foods Global, Inc. Consumer Relations Group 1 Kraft Court Glenview, IL 60025. I was telling some co-workers about Ideal cookies the other day and one of them googled the name. Even though I feel cookies made from scratch using the finest ingredients can't be beat. I believe that is why they discontinued them. Ideal cookies were a great part of childhood. Sounds like this cookie has a "Cult" followingha! LET'S GET MOVING ON THIS! I also have food pages for the 80s and 90s. At this point I knew I had a problem. For one matter, the peanut butter in Twix is way too sweet - and they have milk chocolate instead of a "fudgy" dark chocolate. Once Nabisco had removed the lard, mainly for health reasons, going kosher became possible. Reeses' stix are not the same but still evoke some of the same taste. He was going on about what happened to "his" peanut butter bars. These were definitely the best cookies. I dream of these cookies. It's funny; now that I am middle aged and have enough money to buy these at any time they are not available. These teeth-melting treats were promoted heavily, but disappeared after a few years. They were hands down THE BEST cookies EVER made!!!! Whenever I eat a Reeses peanut butter stick, I think of the Ideal Bar and how much better it is. Through the years I told so many people that my ALL TIME FAVORITE STORE BOUGHT COOKIE was Nabisco's Ideal cookies. A current Facebook thread on the topic is full of tales about quests for the item. google_color_text = "000000"; Still, it is the Oreo that has become the icon.. PLEASE!!!!! Again, thanks for contacting us, and I hope you'll continue to enjoy our products. Had to google it and found this thread. My brother and I could eat a whole package of them in one sitting back when we were kids (ahhh, the good old days of a speedier metabolism!). !I wish Nabisco would bring them back!!!! I have been trying to remember the name of this candy bar for yearsI was talking to my mother tonight ( 85 years old) and was reminiscing about the clark bar type of cookie I used to crave.the name Ideal name came to my mind..I googled it and Here I am !! Why is Oreo banned in USA? Older Women Hairstyles. Everyone that leaveas a comment on this page should go to and tell Nabisco that you want those cookies back!!! As a matter of fact,they were terrible. Thanks. (Two words: Cheez-It.). I copied the link above someone posted and left the same story to nabiso, if everone does this, we might have a chance!! my Daddy just passed away recently @ 86 so these memories are running rampant through my mind. They have a section where you can contact them and request they bring back Ideals.
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