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Male. Age three years Height about 3 feet 5 inches. 11 shoe. Pearl street. Pocket-knife. Guttapercha comb holding heavy head of black hair. Female. Sister of David Faloon. Age thirteen. Weight about 110. The demolition expert "Dynamite Bill" Flinn and his 900-man crew cleared the wreckage at the Stone Bridge. Black and white plain skirts. Age sixteen to eighteen. [22] The club was never held legally responsible for the disaster. Hair cut short, very dark color. 15 cents. Weight about 160. Age thirty. Rusty door key in one pocket. Woolen stockings. 38 cents in change. Age twelve years. Blue and white striped dress. One week's growth of sandy beard, mixed with gray. Long black hair. The flood lasted only 10 minutes, but the destruction and fear continued . Blue spotted calico dress. Small tooth-pick. Female. Blue shirt. Female. Common gingham apron. Light hair. Hair cut close. Vol. Blue dress, red braid bottom. Black gray mixed pants. In 2009, studies showed that the flood's flow rate through the narrow valley exceeded 420,000 cubic feet per second (12,000m3/s), comparable to the flow rate of the Mississippi River at its delta, which varies between 250,000 and 710,000cuft/s (7,000 and 20,000m3/s).[4]. Gold watch. Hand-knit open-worked sacque. Age about fourteen. Dark hair. Age six. Long breast-pin with brilliants. Gray underskirt. Handkerchief marked "E. Plaid dress. Age about thirty. A flood in 1936 killed another 25. Spring heel button shoes. An hour after the dam's failure, a 60-foot wall of water and debris smashed into the thriving 30,000-person community of Johnstown at 40 miles per hour. Recognized by her mother. McD." A strong surface low pressure of around 1000 mb is centered over Kentucky at this hour and heavy rain is falling . Age fifty. Height 5 feet 2 inches. Female child. Height 5 feet. Red calico waist. Papers, keys, etc. Black hair. Pennsylvania History, v. 80, no. Tin tobacco tabs. Breast-pin. Age about twenty-two. Wife of Moses Owens. Black hair. Red mustache. Eyes unknown. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Laced shoes. Beale explained that this is a list of the flood victims as they were brought to the various morgues, embalmed and numbered by the undertakers. Female. Blue woolen shirt. Coat with fur collar. Brown eyes. Female. Coarse laced shoes. Small foot. $49.85. At his father's request sent to Irish Catholic Cemetery. Light hair. Found and coffined at Tunnellton, Pa. Too badly burned for recognition. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Height 4 feet 2 inches. Ladies' hunting-case gold watch. High gum boots. "Rool" with W.H. Woodvale. Membership grew to include more than fifty wealthy steel, coal, and railroad industrialists. Child. White. Heavy build. Auburn hair. Flannel shirt. White handkerchief, red stripe border. About five years of age. Male. Weight 135. Weight 225. Age two years. Age about twenty. Supposed to be Ernest Mayhew. In 2008, the bridge was restored in a project including new lighting as part of commemorative activities related to the flood. One chased band ring. Purse with one cent. White underclothing. Two gold band rings. White. White and black barred flannel skirt. Blue striped calico dress Gray striped flannel underwear. As it hit Johnstown, all hell broke loose. Silver ring. A few weeks old. Barefooted. Red hair. Light complexion Blue waist. Witnesses Charles Diamond, E.B. Charred in Pershing's field in a burnt drift pile beyond recognition. Large. Height 4 feet 2 inches. Height 5 feet 6 inches. The dam was 72 feet (22m) high and 931 feet (284m) long. Dark hair. Sacque with beads. Age sixty or sixty-five. Weight 135. Black hair. Brown corkscrew coat. False upper teeth. Gingham dress. Brown hair. Full face. Plain gold ring on third finger of left hand. 2 Aug. 2006. Large bar blue and white gingham waist. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. (Mr. Female. Pink bow in hair. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Of Maple avenue, Woodvale. 2. Checkered knee pants. Black pants. Most remained on top of the dam, some plowing earth to raise it, while others tried to pile mud and rock on the face to save the eroding wall. Black jersey. Black stockings. Black hair. Age thirty-five. Light eyes. Gray and black striped knee pants. Small earring, white setting. Chain with cross attached. Small earrings. Male. Age about forty-five years. Valuables gotten by Laurence McGuire. As railroads superseded canal barge transport, the Commonwealth abandoned the canal and sold it to the Pennsylvania Railroad. Weight 130. Small earrings. The other three investigators, William Worthen, Alphonse Fteley, and Max Becker, did not attend. Broad and full face. White cotton underwear. Fourteen years old. About ten years of age. 56 cts. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Between twenty and thirty houses were destroyed or washed away, and four people were killed. Twelve years. Female. Black hair slightly gray. Height 5 feet 8 inches. Dark high button shoes. Brown dress. Combined with the failure of the Walnut Grove Dam less than a year later, the Flood brought national attention to the issue of dam safety.[29][30]. Weight 160 Height 5 feet 9 inches. Woolen skirt Blue belt around waist. On May 31, 1889, the world took notice of a small town in Pennsylvania. Age eleven. Residents were caught by surprise as the wall of water and debris bore down, traveling at speeds of 40 miles per hour (64km/h) and reaching a height of 60 feet (18m) in places. Black hair. Kaktins, Uldis, Davis Todd, C., Wojno, S., Coleman, N.M. (2013). No valuables. Plain string and bag around her neck. Lady's hunting-case gold watch and chain. Female About eight. Black hair. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Red shirt with white stripes Dark striped stockings. Female. Height 5 feet. Plaited underskirt with edging two inches wide. Red, blue, black and green plaid dress, woolen goods Red flannel skirt. Age forty-three. All toes off left foot except small one. Screw-driver. Female. No shoes. Blue dress. Son of Dr. L. T. Beam, 142 Market street, Johnstown. Black silk dress White collar. Blue and white barred handkerchief. Little jug charm in pocket. Brown dress. Age fifty. Gold watch and chain. Fair complexion. Gum boots. Female Blue gingham apron. Male. Full beard three-fourths gray. White. As a result of this criticism, in the 1890s, state courts around the country adopted Rylands v. Fletcher, a British common law precedent which had formerly been largely ignored in the U.S. State courts' adoption of Rylands, which held that a non-negligent defendant could be held liable for damage caused by the unnatural use of land, foreshadowed the legal system's 20th-century acceptance of strict liability.[31]. Black pants Toy pistol. Black woolen stockings, home knit Buttoned shoes. Valuables given to Mrs. A. Female. Age seventy. Age twenty-four. Thin silver ring on third finger of left hand. Age eight years. Worked with H. Martin, Wire Mills. Male. Hazel eyes. Dark dress. Male. Female. Plain heavy gold ring on third finger of left hand. White and blue stripe dress. Plain gold ring. In an updated, the newspaper reported that Pennsylvania railroad officials said "that over 200 dead bodies have been counted floating down the . Light hair. Open faced silver watch. Blue polka dress. Head severed from body. Dark hair. Female. Red and black checkered skirt. Identified by her husband. Gray eyes. Age about fifty. Quite aged. Carpenter's lead pencil. Two collar-buttons. to "M S. Market street, Johnstown, Pa. Open faced gold watch. White handled knife Mixed woolen knee pants. Age about six. Black knee breeches with white thread running through the material. Light complexion. Height 5 feet. Empty purse Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Gingham waist. The South Fork Dam in Pennsylvania collapses on May 31, 1889, causing the Johnstown Flood, killing more than 2,200 people. Bunch of keys. Two sisters and three brothers lost. Female. Female About thirteen years. Female Age seven. Weight 150. Height about 3 feet 9 inches. Derby hat and paint brush found with body. Gold leaf earring, diamond set in centre Old number lost. One pair new gum boots. Female. Harvey D. Williams. White handle pocket-knife. Male child. Ticket of admission to Johnstown Opera House Prospect, June 11th. Male. Buttoned shoes. Age eighteen. White. Red moustache and beard. Black and swollen. Brass hair pin. Female. Aged. Letters found on body. Sandy hair Plain ring on third finger of left hand (with initials inside "C. R. Height 4 feet 5 inches. Papers, etc. Red calico dress. Wire bustle. Portage street, Conemaugh Borough. Age about fifty. Eighteen months old. Badly burned. The reason people are hating on it now is because Hurricane Harvey just happened so Red Cross' response to it is being criticized and it is bringing up memories of how they always operate. Bracelet on left wrist. Round face. Weight 140. Black coat and vest with small bar cloth covered buttons. Supposed to be Richard Worthington, a laborer, judging by receipts found on his person. Jersey jacket. Gray hair. Female. Female. Valuables given to his son-in-law. Female. Adding to these factors, slag from the iron furnaces of the steel mills was dumped along the river to create more land for building. According to records compiled by the Johnstown Area Heritage Association, bodies were found as far away as Cincinnati, Ohio, and as late as 1911; 99 entire families died in the flood, including 396 children; 124 women and 198 men were widowed; 98 children were orphaned; and one third of the dead, 777 people, were never Red and white striped jacket. Weight about forty. Black cashmere dress. Ring with set and name inside. Bodies filled morgues in Johnstown and river towns downstream until relatives came to identify them. Rosary. An autograph album near her hand belonged to Blanche S. Wilson. Gold band ring. Black dress. White lace collar. Height 4 feet 4 inches. Heavy set. Female. Female. Light hair slightly gray. Age thirteen. Black and white barred underwear. 20 years in drug store. Pair of cuff-buttons. Child. Hair light brown. Buried at St. John's, June 9th. Small gold ring. Lace shoes. height. Height 5 feet 7 inches. Age seventeen. Low round forehead. Dark complexion. Slippers. Female. Large. Brown and mixed cotton socks. Bodies from the Johnstown Flood were found as far away as Cincinnati, Ohio. Female. Age fifty-five. Height 2 feet 6 inches. Very light mustache. Body delivered to G.C. Download. In 1889, he and his family were living about 20 miles down river from Johnstown in the town of Lockport, Pa., where he was born. Red bandana handkerchief Blue and white cotton hose. Buried at Grand View. Male. Age about thirty. [1] Barton arrived on June 5, 1889, to lead the group's first major disaster relief effort; she did not leave for more than five months. Light hair. Very large. Son of J. L. Smith, marble cutter. Plain old-fashioned earring. Pearl street, Johnstown. Coleman, Neil M., Kaktins, Uldis, and Wojno, Stephanie (2016). Red suspenders with drawers supporters. Aged about five years. Brown or hazel eyes. Deformed. Red and white waist. Like. Of Germantown, Philadelphia. Brown hair. Silver ring and gold ring on second finger of left hand. Black pants. ($1.68, keys, etc). Female. Age about forty. Plain ring on finger of right hand. Low shoes. Pin with square and compass. Pocket-knife. Grand Army Badge. Valuables placed in hands of her son Patrick. Age about thirty-eight. Age about thirty-five. [3] With a volumetric flow rate that temporarily equaled the average flow rate of the Mississippi River,[4] the flood killed 2,209 people[5] and accounted for US$17,000,000 (equivalent to $512,707,407 in 2021) in damage. Weight 50. Button shoes. Mr. Young, the clerk, has the rings. Buttoned shoes. Female. Onthe body was found regis- tered letters, a receipt bearing date of February 13, and the name of Mrs. Anna M. Dairny, Beaver Falls, Pa. Frengle has been in the habit of keep- ing considerable money in the house, and at the time of the attempted bur- glary had about $2,000 in his possession. Knee pants. Age five or six. Dark hair. Barred flannel skirt. National Guard. Sent to Prospect. Female. Postal card and envelope addressed to M.J. Murphy, 1030 Callowhill street, Youngstown, Ohio Valuables taken by M J. McAndrew. The burst dam sent a wall of water and debris, 40 feet high and half a mile wide . Striped flannel shirt. Male. Known as the 'master of the art of narrative history', is an American writer, narrator, historian and lecturer. Necktie. Age eighteen months. Breast-pin shape of star. David McCullough was born on July 7, 1993 ,and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Body nude. Charm with different metals set in. Key. Black stockings. Weight 250 to 300. Male. Winter opening hours have begun for the Johnstown Flood Museum and Heritage Discovery Center/Johnstown Childrens Museum: we are CLOSED Tuesdays and Wednesdays; OPEN Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays from 10:00 am-5:00 pm; and OPEN Sundays from noon-5:00 pm. Female. has a watch, book, and over $12 in money which was taken from body of George Geddes. Wife of J. W. Tross. Lead dollar with hole in it. White. Blue shirt White undershirt. Female. Female. Age about ten. Gray woolen coat Blue calico waist. Dark hair. That flood also reached Pittsburgh, where it was known as the Pittsburgh Flood of 1936. Chinaman. Blue and black barred flannel skirt. Male. Red flannel dress. One bunch of keys. Pocketbook. Found just below Lincoln bridge. Gold filled teeth. Boy. Male. Age about sixteen years. 1528. Match case. Brown eyes. Claimed by James Blander, his brother-in-law. Three bunches keys. IED New Advertisements. Brown bib. This month, authorities . Pocket-knife, black handle. Female. Eyes unknown. The Pennsylvania Railroad restored service to Pittsburgh, 55 miles (89km) away, by June 2. Heavy plaited chain and locket. 1869.") Small earrings with ball attached. Scapulary. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Male. Blue and white striped waist. Female. Brown and white gingham apron Gray skirt with white stripes. Black coat and vest. Age ten. Sex unknown. About forty-five years. Age forty-five. Weight 45 pounds. Brown ribbon around neck. Blue waist. The Johnstown flood is a story of humans manipulating nature without due understanding and caution. Black and white flannel petticoat. Weight 135. Scapular around her neck. Height 4 feet 3 inches Dark hair. Green cloth basque. Height 5 ft. 7 in. Sleeve-buttons. Height 5 feet Small rolled plate ear-drops. Low cut shoes, laced. Red waist, worked. Large. Brown suit. Blue waist. Female. Male. Purse $1.57 Pocket-knife. Two door keys One comb Penknife Pocket-book. temporary shelters. Knee pants. Leather coin purse Ten cents. Male. Button shoes. Height 4 feet. Male. Black waist. Male. Red hair. Jean pants and coat. During the middle of the flood, rumors circulated that a dam upstream of the city was going to fail, and this sent citizens in a rush to get to higher ground, fearing a repeat of 1889. Small piece of lead-pencil. Female. Buttoned shoes. Gold head ring. The valley had large amounts of runoff from rain and snowfall. Full face. Black stockings. Red flannel underwear. Valuables. Pair of steel knuckles Key. Female. One gold ring, wide, with two hearts on it. Rather slender. With a population of 30,000, it was a growing industrial community known for the quality of its steel.[7]. Age ten years. One dollar gold ear-rings. Male. Heavy head of hair. Male Age twenty. Large seal ring on little finger of right hand, set gone. Privacy Policy | Terms of Service, Membership, archives, facility rentals & more, Johnstown Flood Museum/Heritage Discovery Center/Cultural Programming, Johnstown Children's Museum/Children's Programming, Los Lobos to headline AmeriServ Flood City Music Festival 2023, 99 entire families died, including 396 children, More than 750 victims were never identified and rest in the Plot of the Unknown in Grandview Cemetery, Bodies were found as far away as Cincinnati, and as late as 1911, Four square miles of downtown Johnstown were completely destroyed, The pile of debris at the stone bridge covered 30 acres, Flood lines were found as high as 89 feet above river level. Child. Blue and white barred gingham bib Small chased gold ring. Supposed to be William F. Beck, husband of Mrs. Blanche Beck (337), years 29 Machinist, worked in Gautier. Large Brown gray hair. Red underwear. Small plain gold ring and one thimble. Black jean pants. About eighteen. Blue eyes. Height about 4 feet 6 inches. Gold watch, No. Franklin street, Johnstown. Green corded petticoat. Buried in St. John's Cemetery. Buried in lot 143, "Grand View.". Medium weight. When the flooding began, the area's telegraph lines were down, preventing anyone. Johnstown, Pa About three-fourths of body. Slim waist. Pair blood stone cuff-buttons. Valuables given to George Millheizer. Home A Bustling, Industrial City . Pennsylvania's South Fork Dam exploded and unleashed a 40-foot wall of water. Female. Purple coat with small black stripes. Buried at No. Heavy brown hair. [3] A hydraulic analysis published in 2016 confirmed that the changes made to the dam by the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club severely reduced its ability to withstand major storms. No valuables. Age about thirty-five. Height 4 feet. Removed. Collar-button and cuff button. Age twenty-six. O'Connell, of Washington street. Female. Unfortunately, Parke did not personally take a warning message to the telegraph tower he sent a man instead. Paper No. Gray hair. Age thirty. White dress. John Parke, an engineer for the South Fork Club, briefly considered cutting through the dam's end, where the pressure would be less to create another spillway, but eventually decided against it as that would have quickly ensured the failure of the dam. Female Age six. Female. Female. This led to American law changing from a fault-based regime to one of strict liability. White handkerchief with red border. [2], According to records compiled by the Johnstown Area Heritage Association, bodies were found as far away as Cincinnati, Ohio, and as late as 1911; 99 entire families died in the flood, including 396 children; 124 women and 198 men were widowed; 98 children were orphaned; and one third of the dead, 777 people, were never identified; their remains were buried in the "Plot of the Unknown" at Johnstown's Grandview Cemetery.[18][1]. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. Age twenty-two. Age thirteen. Small red mustache. Locating the bodies was a challenge. The debris carried by the flood formed a temporary dam at the bridge, resulting in the flood surge rolling upstream along the Stoney Creek River. Male. Two knives. Earrings. R.R. Male. Colored. One pin. Ring, marked I. Female. Identified by her mother. Red flannel underwear. Age twenty-five. On June 5, 1889, five days after the flood, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) appointed a committee of four prominent engineers to investigate the cause of the disaster. Gingham apron. Brown hair. At Johnstown, the Stone Bridge, which was a substantial arched structure, carried the Pennsylvania Railroad across the Conemaugh River. 3, 335363. At first supposed to be George Helsel, but found to be a mistake. A jury convened by a county coroner to investigate the cause of the Johnstown Flood that swept more than 2,000 people to their death on May 31 found on Saturday evening . Seersucker dress. the "Robber Barons" Hounded by the media, members of the club donated to the relief effort. Black ribbed stockings. Two rings on left hand. Female. Button shoe. Red moustache. Age thirty-five. Wore a scapular. Johnstown, Pa. Age thirty. Weight 130. Long brown curly hair. Female. Height 4 feet 5 inches. Weight 150. Jeff Lees said the body that was found on the 2nd flood of the garage in the 1500 block of Franklin Street around 5:00 p.m. Sunday was severely decomposed. Reddish brown hair. Old scar on left side of face. Watch. Sandy hair mixed with gray. Large door key, had been broken and repaired. Age about eight. It's a story of great tragedy, but also of triumphant recovery. Taken to German Catholic Cemetery. Red and black striped skirt. The perceived injustice aided the acceptance, in later cases, of "strict, joint, and several liability," so that even a "non-negligent defendant could be held liable for damage caused by the unnatural use of land. No clothing. $103. Buttoned shoes. Very fair and fine looking. Body taken by Mr. Thos. After the flood, survivors suffered a series of legal defeats in their attempts to recover damages from the dam's owners. Blue dress. Could not remove ring. Male. Weight 75. Dark barred pants and blue calico waist with white flag figures. Ear-drops with glass set. Gray eyes. The John Schultz house at Johnstown, Pennsylvania after the flood. Five years old. Saloon-keeper, Clinton street. Age twenty. Watch chain. Large lips. (106) 6.8 1 h 4 min 1926 ALL. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Two finger rings, one carved, the other ruby. Dark hair. Black stockings. Brown hair. Weight 150. Slippers. Weight 65 Height 4 feet 6 inches. Identified by brother. Found in front of Cambria Iron Co.'s office. Red short basque with red buttons on it. Crippled in both feet, and wore steel leg supporters. Found in arms of Miss Brown. 2023 Johnstown Area Heritage Association Cork-screw vest. Light twilled cloth dress. Female. Supposed to be Teny Rubert, married to Sabene. Dark blue suit. Calico dress, brown figure. Long gold breast-pin with stone setting.