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Then copy and paste this entire page (or parts desired) into another document on your computer. I will never desert My final Mission, for this is impossible. He receives daily heavenly messages from Our Lord about the Great Tribulation, The Great Warning, Three Days of Darkness, and refuges for the faithful to live during the reign of the antichrist. I was given a very special role in His Plan to save all of His children and today, in my role as the Mother of Salvation, I call out to all of His children. Many well-meaning Christians pull this work apart. O My God, My loving Father, I accept with love and gratitude Your Divine Seal of Protection. Many people have, through these messages, already converted and it is because of this mission that much of mankind will be shown Gods Mercy. My child the pain endured by my Son and His disciples during the time of His mission on earth is identical to that which is to be endured by His followers as He prepares to come again. They will be your armour against My adversary. Pour over us Your Grace of Protection. The month before? The Words contained in the Book of Truth given to Maria Divine Mercy (MDM) give a taste as sweet as honey in our mouths, but once digested, the Truth brings bitterness. Will you, devoted followers of Me, and those who claim to be experts in My Christian or other churches who believe in My Eternal Father, accept the Word of God today? Are you and I among those stars? I Bless you and give you the courage, the wisdom, the knowledge and the Graces to continue My Work on earth. I know every single soul; every part of you is known to Me. Thursday, November 13th, 2014 @ 23:20. Many did and prepared for My Time. Subscribe The Divine. Without the Truth there can be no life. When my Son was resurrected from the dead this was a message for the world. She was one of five daughters who lived in the small city of Corato, Italy. There are also other prophets of God, but their Missions are different. Wednesday, March 4th, 2015 @ 22:12. When the Truth is finally revealed to you, there will be no turning back if you are found guilty of the one eternal sin. My love for you all is everlasting and I desire that you use every Gift, given to you through the Holy Gospels and through these Messages, for the salvation of souls. $14.95. It will open your eyes to evil, when it masquerades as good, to wicked men who spread blasphemy when they say they speak My Word and to My enemies who want to destroy Gods children" When the errors are exposed, you will then realise how much you have to learn and how pride prevented you from accepting My Hand of Mercy and how you are nothing without Me. The Truth in Its Entirety Is always the hardest thing to surrender to as It's contrary to our human pride. Deo Gratias1 Thessalonians 5:16-18Rejoice always,pray without ceasing,give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. shelved 613 times. 1 December 2022 07:43, Message Group 800 to 899, Messages Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Chastisement, China, European Union, Great War, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Last Pope, Maria Divine Mercy, Peter II, Pope Benedict XVI, Russia, Solar System Tsunami., 12 Prophecies That Indicate Trouble Ahead for Papacy AND HOW TO RESPOND IF POPE FRANCIS IS THE FALSE PROPHET By Dr. Kelly Bowring, The Book of Truth (Daniel And Revelation) The Two Witnesses (Elijah The Prophet) Maria Divine Mercy By a soul That is why Christ came into this world. Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul for eternity. For us to introduce you to the Depth, the Love, the Mercy, the Righteousness, the Truth, the Accuracy, the Purity, the Divinity of these unique messages given to Maria Divine Mercy in The Book of Truth would be an impossible task to achieve on this man-made and very imperfect platform. DISCLAIMER: This website and blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls (formerly known as MaryRefugeOfHolyLove), is not associated in any way with Holy Love Ministries (HLM). His simple demeanour meant that few could accept the fact that he was the Son of God. Nor would they have been able to accept the Laws laid down by God for the good of mankind. The Blessed Virgin Mary revealed her last title on earth to Maria and wishes to be known, through this mission, as the Mother of Salvation. I call on Heaven and give my free-will permission for The Father, Son and Holy Spirit the Blessed Trinity; Blessed Mother, The Angels and Saints, and the Souls in Purgatory to do the Jericho Prayer Walk 7 times each day for 7 days around the World. Be at peace, for as they increase with an intense hatred against you, you will know for sure that you are in true union with Me, your Jesus. Free shipping for many products! My Father protects you, My little one, and so you must forge ahead always in the knowledge that He desires souls, for every word which is uttered from your lips, for every word, which is drawn by your hand and for every soul you reach out to. We pledge our surrender, our hearts, and all that we possess, so that we are free of obstacles, as we continue the thorny road towards the gates of the New Paradise. The Book of Truth is contained in Public Revelation and it is important that you do not reject this Holy Book. He has been receiving heavenly messages since 1993 after a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, Bosnia & Herzegovina. around the U.S. and around the 50 States and Puerto Rico; around the White House, around the Government buildings; around President Trump and Vice-President Pence. everyone will be shown their sins in the Eyes of God, The prophesies and messages are contained in the, God the Father, she explains, has given her , The Blessed Virgin Mary, revealed her last title on earth to Maria and wishes to be known, through this mission, as the, The Catholic Church will be taken over by the enemies of God from within and this will lead to the greatest apostasy of all time, The world will witness the rise of Satanism and new age paganism but many will convert during an event which Jesus refers to as . Many were cast into the wilderness and tormented, all because they were messengers sent by God. Never interfere with the Power of the Holy Spirit for this is a very serious sin. For Audio Use: Litany and Crusade Prayers on MP3 (download on link), Crusade Prayers for Priests Clergy Sacred Servants (3 pages) PDF, Crusade Prayers for Priests Clergy Sacred Servants (3 pages) ODT, Crusade Prayers for Priests Clergy Sacred Servants (3 pages) WordDoc, Crusade Prayers for Priests Clergy Sacred Servants (3 pages) WordDocX, Prayers from the Book of Truth (49 pages numerical order) PDF, Prayers from the Book of Truth (49 pages numerical order) ODT, Prayers from the Book of Truth (49 pages numerical order) WordDoc, Prayers from the Book of Truth (49 pages numerical order) WordDocX, Crusade of Prayer Booklet 8.5 x 11 (3 columns) (28 pages numerical order) PDF, PRAYERS FOR USE IN CRUSADE PRAYER GROUPS (61 pages arranged) PDF, PRAYERS FOR USE IN CRUSADE PRAYER GROUPS (61 pages arranged) ODT, PRAYERS FOR USE IN CRUSADE PRAYER GROUPS (61 pages arranged) WordDoc, PRAYERS FOR USE IN CRUSADE PRAYER GROUPS (61 pages arranged) WordDocX, GUIDELINES FOR CRUSADE OF PRAYER GROUPS (7 pages) PDF, GUIDELINES FOR CRUSADE OF PRAYER GROUPS (7 pages) ODT, GUIDELINES FOR CRUSADE OF PRAYER GROUPS (7 pages) WordDoc, GUIDELINES FOR CRUSADE OF PRAYER GROUPS (7 pages) WordDocX, ***Also note, on the homepage of this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, there are several outside links to foreign language websites that have free translated versions of the Book of Truth and Crusade of Prayer. They never faltered in delivery the warnings to Gods people, the prophecies and the Word of God. Every action you take comes from Me Let us rejoice as soon our blindness to the Glory Almighty will be taken away from all of humanity, poor banished children of Eve. I have filled your hearts and souls with the Gifts promised to mankind through the Book of Truth. When they surrender their free will to Me, I can do what is necessary to draw them to the Love of God. The Jesus to Mankind Prayer Groups must be set up everywhere. This is a Gift for the world and many will be saved as a result of this event. saving. Wishing neither to be known, or celebrated in any way, Maria Divine Mercy the name she was given by Jesus says that she had never read the Bible nor had heard of the Second Coming, up to the time she received the messages. Mother of Salvation: The Book of Truth is contained in Public Revelation When people are starved of the Truth of God, they will turn in another direction in order to seek solace. The Truth will be distorted and many will be forced to swallow the doctrine of darkness, which will shine brightly, like a dazzling star. Life of the body becomes yours when you believe in Me and your soul will live forever. Message 849 - 31 October 2022. My dearly beloved daughter, I Am bound to inform My followers that you will become chastised, by certain sacred servants of Mine. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. Please read below: This is Maria . My dearly beloved daughter, by the Power of the Holy Blessed Trinity, I declare that I have given you the Truth. The messages reveal Gods plan to a world in the days leading up to the Second Coming of Christ. OUR LADY: "My beloved son and children of the world, mankind . There is time ahead to renew your lives. These Messages will be the last given to you before the Great Day when I come to Judge Sadly, when I was born they were not ready. This means to open our hardened hearts in all humbleness and servitude to Our Divine Master. No man can know the contents of the Book of Truth, for it was not for your knowing. Brothers and sisters from all over the World and in Christ Jesus: Hope and Faith in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit will be the Sword through which Our Lord will cut the head off the Beast. Here you can find all the Messages up to 4 March, 2015 and the Crusade Prayers. Are you and I among those stars? We love You, dearest Jesus, our beloved Saviour and Redeemer. Today you and I are beginning to witness the same tragedy that occurred 2,000 years ago: the Church, Which Is the Mystical Body of the Redeemer, is about to undergo a new Passion which will conclude in Her Crucifixion. And he said to me, 'Take it and eat it; it will make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey.' The prophecies, contained in the Book of Revelation, are only partially known Or did he believe that I would not warn him at all? In just four years three volumes of the messages have been produced in book format in print and in eBook through Apple, Amazon Kindle, Kobo and Overdrive.,, Also see: 43 Translations of the SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD can be downloaded for free on Google Drive: Without the Truth, Gods children would not have had the means to recognise the prophecies as foretold. Has all heavenly messages and all prayers from Jesus, God the Father and Mary Mother of Salvation. He brings the world the secrets contained in the prophecies given to Daniel and then to His chosen disciple John the Evangelist. Without the Book of Truth, you, My disciples, would be like lambs being led to the slaughter, as you must know that your faith in God will be challenged and many efforts will be made to wipe out all traces of Me, Jesus Christ, off the face of the Earth. He Is Speaking to us, poor lost creatures of dust who have come to foolishly believe to be as gods ourselves. No one, who asks for His Mercy, will be left behind. It brings you the Truth, not only to remind you of My Teachings, but, to prepare you for the attacks on My Church, which will result in the destruction of souls. Please click below for free downloadable copies of the prayers given by Heaven in the Book of Truth, as well as the guidelines given to Maria Divine Mercy from Jesus on how to set-up prayer groups. The difference this time is that these prophecies will unfold in your lifetime and the Truth will be proved to this generation. As It brings the good news, it brings also what we are not willing to listen to, to admit, to accept. Those who live their lives according to the Word of God and who do not know of these Messages have nothing to fear. And he said to me, For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ, I, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, only have the Authority to reveal to you the Truth in these times. The graces given to them enabled them to be strong. We unite ourselves in body, mind and spirit within Your Sacred Heart. around all believers in the world; and around all unbelievers. To prepare you. Does God Exist? My Remnant has been formed. I am not working for Maria Divine Mercy. Jesus once Said to you and to me the following: "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. It was reinforced through all those chosen souls who were enlightened by the power of the Holy Spirit down through the centuries. I draw you to Me and urge you to recite My Crusade Prayers to receive the Blessings, which are necessary for this journey ahead of you. The messages also contain prophecies, many of which took place as foretold to Maria, including the prediction of the resignation of Pope Benedict in advance one year to the day beforehand. Because they were sent into the world they knew, instinctively, the obligations they had to fulfil yet it was not easy. Dont you know Him? I blasphemed against the Laws of the Church, they said, and violated the Sabbath by conducting the Paschal Meal on a different day to the one they deemed to be correct. INSTRUCTIONS: How To Translate Downloadable Documents, Books And Booklets, On This Blog Into 90 Languages Very few were prepared to listen to Him in His own community. Shall you and I deny the Words contained in this Holy Book, our souls may perish in an abyss of darkness so. You must work closely, in love and harmony, and keep in touch with My daughter, Maria. Please click below for a free downloadable PDF copy of the Book of Truth (1613 pages). Because of this I do not want to lose one soul. Even those who do not accept My Existence are being sought out by Me every day. I offer You the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son in atonement for the sins of the world and for the salvation of all Your children. GOD'S AMAZING MERCY: MEDITATIONS BY ST. FAUSTINA'S CONFESSOR AND SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR. My Mission to save humanity is almost complete. You will vilify them in My Fathers Name. Please open your hearts to the Truth. Do not allow differences of opinion to halt this work. You have been led into grave error through your tolerance for sin. Now the time has come for my Son to come again and only those who recognise His voice, because of the Gift of the Holy Spirit, will follow His instructions. It is My Duty, now, to declare the contents of the Book of Revelation to help you to understand that every prophecy contained within it, will happen, for the Word has been laid down. Courage, my dear children, all is in the Hands of my Son, Who will seek out every soul, including the most hardened amongst you. Sadly, no. You are ready to take up your armour to fight to keep My Word alive in a place of desolation. The answer is 'yes'. Time must never be squandered when you are preparing to welcome Me. Cover us with Your Precious Blood, so that we will be filled with courage and love to stand up and declare the Truth of Your New Kingdom. Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul for eternity. These prophecies relate to the future and they will be realized. This website contains a series of messages given to an ordinary married Catholic woman from Ireland, Maria Divine Mercy (psudoname, given to her by Jesus), by the Holy Trinity and the Immaculate Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, on a daily basis since 09 November 2010.She has received over 1,250 public messages as well as a number of private ones, all . You will see these links on the right-hand side column at the very bottom of the listed links. Please click below to read online on this blog the Book of Truth Organized by Year and Month. Let us then observe what was better written in Saint John's Revelation on this subject: So patient has my Son been, for such a long time. Not one of you is loved less than the other. She saw Jesus clothed in a white garment with His right hand raised in blessing. Without sacrifice nothing is achieved, whether it be materially or spiritually. People are not obliged to buy the books, however, as the messages are free to download on this site. However, people have requested that the Book be published as well as the Crusade Prayer Book because they like to carry them and read them in their own time. Even those who do not accept My Existence are being sought out by Me every day. They will be an integral part of the formation and co-ordination of My Remnant army, on earth. It is unnecessary, they will say. The comfort they have been missing is the calmness of the soul, which can only come from Me. The world will witness the rise of Satanism and new age paganism but many will convert during an event which Jesus refers to as The Warning when the world will come to a 15 minute standstill and where everyone will be shown their sins in the Eyes of God. They will declare these messages to be in contradiction to the Word of God. According to her web site, she is "a Roman Catholic married mother of a young family living in Europe [and] says she has been receiving from the Holy Trinity as well as by the Virgin Mary.". In a message received on 11 February 2012 it was revealed that Pope Benedict would leave the Vatican. Shop Mercy You do not know the day or the hour; so therefore, you must prepare your soul as if the time for Me to come is in the next day. Everything I did was for you and everything that comes from My Victory over death is yours. I refer also to those who practice their faith; to those who believe in Me, but who do not visit Me and to all those who remain loyal to the Truth. You have been given the Gifts of the Seal of the Living God, the Medal of Salvation and the Crusade Prayers. It is like a sword piercing My Heart, which will not go away. Oh how they will be confused when they are instructed to do the wrong thing by rejecting My warnings given to all, for the salvation of souls. The Book of Truth (Volume One) by Maria Divine Mercy | Goodreads Here you will find a series of divine messages a European woman, known as Maria Divine Mercy, says she has received from God daily since 8th November 2010. Only when the evil one and those who slavishly follow the lies he promises, are destroyed, finally can the world become calm. When I ask you to pray I simply ask you to confide in Me, in your own simple words. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him. Fulfilled Propheciesof Maria Divine Mercy, Tags: Book of Truth Crusade Prayers Jesus Jesus to Mankind Maria Divine Mercy MDM prophecy Remnant Church Seal of the Living God The Warning Second Coming, Your email address will not be published. This is why I reveal to you the Truth of what is to come, so that I can prepare you. We have lost The Way and The Way Leads us to The Cross. For a short introduction to the messages and prayers in the Book of Truth, as well as a free downloadable mp3 audio recording and free downloadable 2-page pamphlet, see this page: EXPLAINING THE FAITH BOOK SERIES: UNDERSTANDING DIVINE MERCY. The Truth will, no matter how difficult it is for you to digest, set you free. I have been discarded and My Word is tolerated only in some parts, while the other parts have been twisted to suit the needs of sinners who want to justify their iniquities. A closer look at the false prophecies of Maria Divine Mercy For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Then I will give you the peace you crave. I, the Mother of Salvation, will remain your protector and I will answer every request that you make of me. Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? The same will happen again as I prepare the world for My Second Coming. Confusion will be seen everywhere amongst the detractors, whose argument will be riddled with inaccuracies, contradictions and incomprehensible arguments. Nor do I seek to cause humiliation to anyone, although they may humiliate others in My Name. They pay lip service to what My Second Coming means, because many of them really do not know anything about it at all. I will bless each Prayer Group, when they agree to My Direction. The Catholic Church will be taken over by the enemies of God from within and this will lead to the greatest apostasy of all time. Want to Read. When something is UNQUESTIONABLE it leaves no room for any DOUBTS. Until that happens there can be no peace on Earth. My Father promised the world the Book of Truth for the end times. ***, Also see this page for instructions: Saturday, November 8th, 2014 @ 17:05. I Am barely tolerated by those who know Who I Am but who dismiss some of My Teachings because the Truth makes them uncomfortable. My Time will come when I descend from Heaven in exactly the way in which I ascended on My last day on Earth. You must, children, always remember that my Son could never contradict His Church on Earth for He is the Church. I love you, I cherish you and I long for the Great Day of the Lord when I will unite the world and lead you into My New Kingdom on earth. Required fields are marked *. Updated with responsive scrolling, HD images, and more. The official website for the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy Province in the United States of the Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. Thomas once asked Christ "Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?" Terrible errors will be made by My sacred servants when they will follow the wrong fork in the road to My Kingdom. I love you all. With this you will escape the notice of those who will cause hardship in your countries. It has always been Gods desire to intervene in the world by revealing the Truth to chosen souls as a mean to create a better understanding as to what is needed to save your soul. Many became nomads and never found a place where they would be welcomed as a lost son. The messages and prayers are also available for download on this site. You do not have to listen to Me now for everything that God wanted you to know is contained in the most Holy Gospels. Here are two good summaries and preparation guides for the Book of Truth prophecies on this blog: Guide To The Warning And The Second Coming Of Jesus Christ I will have been forgotten about but the impostor will be idolised, worshipped and greeted like royalty, while I will lie in the gutter and be trampled upon. You will gather in every corner of the world and, although you will join in My Remnant Army speaking in many tongues, you will unite as one in Me. I am with each of you standing beside you, just waiting for the day when you will finally surrender to My Call. Pope Benedict XVI was the first Pope to abdicate in over 600 years and it later came to light that there was in fact a "Cardinal Mafia" which worked to remove Pope Benedict XVI and install Jorge Bergoglio ('Pope Francis'). It is not you, but I, Jesus Christ, they push away. Polish Divine Mercy Shrines Divine Mercy Shrine of Krakw | Official Website; Divine Mercy Shrine of Pock | Official Website; Excerpts of the Diary of Sister Faustina Kowalska: Divine Mercy in My Soul; Devotional organizations Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska -; Faustinum Association of Apostles of the Divine Mercy Like my Son, those who remain true to Him will be resurrected in body as well as in soul on the last day. Jesus has now sent his final prophet into the world to help prepare humanity for the New Era of Peace "I wish to bring over 7 billion of God's children home, final, to their eternal Paradise" - Jesus 02 April 2013 My Plan is to ensure that all of you spread My Word and contemplate what I have given you. It is very simple. The Truth will upset many and the Truth will be bitter to swallow, for it is of such magnitude that only those who are strong in their love for Me will be able to accept it.