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God Will Make a Way - Daniel Rodgers - Sermon Outlines - SermonSearch See, I am doing a new thing! x\[~fwm#K:'uA> b] HIHCp_w/XvG403[7*n We are a completely new creation and we have a new Spirit living in us! Get Over Your Past: New Year, New Theme, New You? Isaiah 43:18-19 (NLT) 3) SEE IT For I am about to do something new. 6:10; 53:1) & relates them both to the Prophet Isaiah. INTRODUCTION: When we come to salvation in Christ we are made new. Practice makes perfect. 2. 3:8-14; Jn. Application: The children of Israel had experienced great spiritual blessings throughout their history. Celebration. A) God is saying to all of us who have failed, Its not over, I have plans for your life I am Sermon Notes for Isaiah 41:10 by Chuck Smith - Blue Letter Bible x]Qs]~Ti'! 43, God has just reminded Israel of all of the great things He had done among them. God gave them wealth - they used it to abuse the poor. Allow God to show you who they are. We should never allow these mistakes, setbacks, failures to enslave us to the point that we are captive to the past, New Year 2016 1. God gave them truth - they lived and proclaimed a lie. Application: If you are continually looking behind you cannot see where you are going. Bible > Isaiah > Chapter 43 > Verse 2 Library Free Downloads eBibles Isaiah 43:2 169 0 obj <>stream See for inspirational ideas to serve Christ in the city. Isaiah 43:18-19 ~ A Year of New Things ~ "See, I am doing a new thing <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> MAKE A FRESH START (Isaiah 43:18-19) - Weefree Ministries Tagalog Sermons at Bible Study Materials: New Year Sermon six things the . What happened to the conclusion? Jesus is our way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. PDF Isaiah Chapter Outlines - Grace Notes See, I am doing a new thing! Bottom Line: Let go of the past and look forward to what God is . Leaders Notes: A deeper question for members to articulate what newness or a new thing look like to each person. God, through the prophet Isaiah, is telling us that we have the ability to place the past behind us. We are to discern that path that God is making and walk alongside Him as He forges a new path forward. Isaiah chapter 5. DOC A New Thing - Black Preacher Sermon Outlines Paradise Do you see possi-bilities or problems? Scripture: Isaiah 43:16-19 A Season for a New Beginning David Cawston Isaiah 43:16-19 '' This is what the LORD says- he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, ''Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. Isaiah 43:16-21, Denomination: This path is not for one person but a people. root]: to know by seeing; care, recogni-tion, acknowledge, aware of, understand. TEXT: Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. While Israel's deliverance from Babylonian captivity would be similar to its deliverance from Egyptian bondage, God was going to do a much greater . And when we encounter a problem, it goes to these thought highways where we canquickly resolve the issue. 18 Remember ye not the former things, neither . God wants us to: a) Dont expect past victories to sustain you (v.18a), b) Dont allow past failures to paralyse you (v.18b). He says, "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you" ( Isaiah 43:2 ). <> 1) ( Isaiah 6:1-4) Overwhelmed with a vision of the emphasized holiness of the majestic God. And as the holy things are being watered, the dead, dying, decaying things of the flesh begin to rot and return to their proper place. Our focus last year was on being a dynamic disciple, after listening to 12 months of preaching on that theme, has there been any noticeable difference in your life and my life as Scripture (Isaiah 43:1-7) verse 1: "But now thus says the LORD.". Learn from them and let them go! Rivers in the desert. Isaiah chapter 1. Or something we commit to do on our own? The slate has been wiped clean; were starting over fresh and clean. Isaiah 43: 16-21 To wisely follow him, then, is to redeem our time (Eph 5:16). When we do that, we have picked up our baggage and taken it with us as we leave the cross. Based on Isa. God Gives a Mulligans So, how does it feel to be on the winning side? Letting Go of the Past -Isaiah 43:18-19 tnt371240 February 23, 2017 Spiritual Development Debt, Forgiveness, Letting Go, Making a way, Past In Order To Move Forward, You Need To Leave The Past Behind 18 "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. <> I have resolved to stay married, 8:12 . DATE: SEPTEMBER 27, 2015 . % about to do something new for you! God used the power of foreign nations to enslave them and bring sufferings and hardships upon them, but he will now destroy the power of those nations. These outlines were developed in the course of my ministry as a preacher of the gospel. He wants to make all things new for us! Being reborn doesnt xksg# 8 iFIbf$] @1i#{]nw]bn>5g_g>fjsqJ\~uv-IHyQ%u%Ht%n_J=~uqgX_4y9_"h*)0 f0S_95;O"3>J Excellent - Very Compelling!! See, I am doing a new thing! It highlights the miracles of the journey and how good God is. Our God is an awesome God. Let us therefore join Gods great and new things in 2019 while we put Christ first in our time, our finances, and our relationships. Always be ready with a clever quote, statistic or Scripture story with PRO. Approach God with an open and humble heart. The desires of the past will be replaced with a vision of the future. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> I saved you from certain death. Isaiah chapter 2. 2. (See Romans 8:31-39, a counterpart of Isaiah 43:18-19) Whatever may be holding us back wrong thinking, past mistakes, failed relationships Jesus Christ has already died for them. Isa. All Rights Reserved, In this inaugural message for 2019, Pastor Ben encouraged the church with the same directive the prophet Isaiah gave to Israel in Babylon. Help me to process the emotional scars of the past so that I can move forward to the future. We see it in the changed lives of many people who have In Isaiah 43:2, the Lord gives great assurance about His protection on His children as they face deep, turbulent waters. We have been told that we can test and approve of Gods good, perfect, and pleasing will. Isaiah's Vision Of The Holy God (6) 16 Judah's True Hope: The Messianic King (7-12) 20 Prophecies Concerning The Nations (13-27) 27 . God is far more interested in your future than He is in your past; Yes, forget about the former things. %PDF-1.3 In fact, when I was a child, my family had one for a pet. Visit the web site to browse or download . 1:5; 1 Pet. Required fields are marked *. Outlines. 43:18-19) The way of God is to start fresh we are held captive by our past. x}[o7{-a$g0@$se/oXxf+,.ou_\_.>>WBg/?D]?u`/ixOW~\>+~~p53.& bL0vqa-ve/_|d(QpY5,N>t> KSw_^ M$ot3@5=Z.?YiLz#{R+=]>:pyjAQ#g:)nk! MPkRpLs&n-J zB8OL \&O0Z read more, Denomination: Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. How can I look at things differently to seeor perceive the newness God wants to bring? HS-8725 A New Thing : Isaiah 43:18-19 . 3. The book of Isaiah also includes several prophecies about the coming Messiah their (and our) ultimate Deliverer, Jesus Christ. Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I will do something new What does this mean in Isaiah 43:19? Read Isaiah 43:18 Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. How can we do that if we are not even attempting to discern what His will is in a particular matter? Isaiah 43:18 (NLT) 2) ANTICIPATE IT But forget all that it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. Disobedience has consequences. Redemption through God's grace (43:1-28) Despite Israel's failure and subsequent punishment, God has not cast off his people for ever. \{+c?hwi. 7 O,={pVY|+6gGv]nIIT:[O2o`l,K]ER-w%6"&.ohmkoS? 8g{]&`nU6lVw)Ef{AV'$oz0{I'&EvZcQ2RW1n8+7t1Y*SOIUO's,}YW]TUS1*InS"lB M>5F|L3 F U[E-RO7!& ^M5, By Pastor Garth Wehrfritz-Hanson Lord of the Lake Lutheran Church Their old faith was not sufficient enough to de-liver them from their present problems. Facing tax collectors with no money. For those who don't know let me explain mulligans. But with God, nothing is impossible. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. PROPOSITION: To motivate the hearer to seek a new vision and a new in-terest in the things of God. Yet that doesnt mean its easy to just release all the wreckage of the past. Who here has ever made a new years resolution? Lets anticipate Him doing something great. Sometimes the Lord calms the stormsometimes He lets the storm rage and calms us. hTkk0+c(z?%&Mv7CbJNe+`a$=WL34$0$npVYg"R[`TJpd:]/)~K)|SViv/kvg~$}n~@ar2SkeG2\:0q2Y$UwuUs'-|SwgzS. <>/Metadata 133 0 R/ViewerPreferences 134 0 R>> hbbd``b`$[A} \A e $4t&F#?O % First I want to discuss when we give a mulligan. It has to do with the total giving of yourself, as in the husband-wife relationship within marriage. Behind every support specialist, Bible study editor, graphic designer, and accountant is a Sunday School teacher, kids volunteer, or small group leader. The word new speaks of something recently created or presented to us. 19 See, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not be aware of it? Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? God is able to move our sin as far as the East is from the West. endstream endobj startxref Like Israel under captivity, we are prone to either fight our own battles or resign to our own fate. What a great encouragement it is to know that He will not let us drown . Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? ISAIAH - Sermon Outlines. Org (1:1) Introduction to the Book of Isaiah. When God Does A New Thing - Sermon - Isaiah 43:16-21 - SermonSuite