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Henry was also worried by the treason of Edmund de la Pole, earl of Suffolk, the eldest surviving son of Edward IVs sister Elizabeth, who fled to the Netherlands (1499) and was supported by Maximilian. Elizabeth married Henry after his victory at the Battle of Bosworth Field, which marked the end of the Wars of the Roses. His host was Francis, the Duke of Brittany, who saw Henry Tudor as a pawn in the game between Edward VI and the King of France. A man who rewrote history and rebuilt the crown, but who was paranoid, manipulative and suspicious; a dark prince with a wintery reign. [45], Henry VII established the pound avoirdupois as a standard of weight; it later became part of the Imperial[46] and customary systems of units. The Field of Cloth of Gold: Royal Revelry. He made huge gobs of money binding his subjects to him with loyalty bonds. The wedding was a triumph but in April 1502 a messenger brought the King the news that his eldest son had died of sweating sickness. They were unpaid, which, in comparison with modern standards, meant a smaller tax bill for law enforcement. Elizabeth of York was Queen consort of England as spouse of King Henry VII from 1486 until her death on February 11th, 1503. We know that Henry attended the wedding celebrations of Arthur and his bride . Why is this ambitious? Several of Richard's key allies, such as Henry Percy, 4th Earl of Northumberland, and also Lord Stanley and his brother William, crucially switched sides or left the battlefield. While there, he feigned stomach cramps and delayed his departure long enough to miss the tides. Yorkist malcontents had strength in the north of England and in Ireland and had a powerful ally in Richard IIIs sister Margaret, dowager duchess of Burgundy. Henry VII ruled from 1485-1509 and had a dubious claim on the throne, spending most of his time before the famous Battle of Bosworth Field in exile and gaining credibility from his marriage to Elizabeth of York. Henry VII comes across as a talented micromanager and financier. Before taking the throne, he was known as Henry Tudor, earl of Richmond. [4] Owen is said to have secretly married the widow of Henry V, Catherine of Valois. In 1501, England had been ravaged for decades by conspiracy, coups . In 1621 Francis Bacon's history of. ||sitemap_index.xml She was Edward's heir since the presumed death of her brothers, the Princes in the Tower, King Edward V and Richard of Shrewsbury, Duke of York. Warbeck won the support of Edward IV's sister Margaret, Duchess of Burgundy. Henry VIII and the Break with Rome Timeline - History If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Penn pointed out that for over half a century no king had passed on the crown without turmoil and Henry knew that what had happened to Richard could happen to him. Their main aim was money. If Penn's interpretation can sometimes seem slanted, its exposition would be hard to over-praise. Henry VII was the King of England and Lord of Ireland from his seizure of the crown on 22 August 1485 to his death. Updates? Some of it is due to his personality--he played his cards close to the vest, unlike his son--and some of it is due to Tudor spin--they were, after all trying to bolster up the royal credentials for a man who didn't have that many. He attained the throne when his forces, supported by France, Scotland, and Wales, defeated Edward IV's brother Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field, the culmination of the Wars of the Roses. ), The Reign of Henry VII. Two themes of his book preside: the permanent vulnerability of Henry's regime, and his ruthless methods of rule. Henry VII is actually a less familiar figure, despite being the same person. Sometimes when reading nonfiction of this type, I never know if it is going to be dry and dull or not. [81], Henry VII and Elizabeth had seven children:[b]. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. With the assistance of the Italian merchant banker Lodovico della Fava and the Italian banker Girolamo Frescobaldi, Henry VII became deeply involved in the trade by licensing ships, obtaining alum from the Ottoman Empire, and selling it to the Low Countries and in England. Henry VII was king of England from 1485 to 1509. [72] Immediately afterwards, Henry became very sick and nearly died himself, allowing only his mother Margaret Beaufort near him: "privily departed to a solitary place, and would that no man should resort unto him. Henry VIII - Tudor History Years of instability, factionalism and his predecessors' penchant for war had seen royal finances severely battered. In 1502 the death of his heir Arthur left the dynasty's prospects with Arthur's 10-year-old brother, Henry. BBC Two - Henry VII: The Winter King, Backdating Henry's reign These bonds were enforced by the Council Learned in the Law, a council of legal advisers who were only answerable to the King. Penn then went on to talk about the heir to the throne, the young Prince Henry, who seemed very different to the King. I thought the way he controled the nobility was fascinating - keeping them in check as well a raising vast sums of money at the same time. [25][80], Historians have always compared Henry VII with his continental contemporaries, especially Louis XI of France and Ferdinand II of Aragon. Alternate titles: Henry Tudor, earl of Richmond, Professor of Medieval History, University of Liverpool, 196780. Overspending by Henry VIII to pay for his lavish lifestyle and to fund foreign wars with France and Scotland are cited as . Doubtless the plotters were encouraged by the deaths of Henrys sons in 1500 and 1502 and of his wife in 1503. According to John M. Currin, the treaty redefined Anglo-Breton relations. He took care not to address the baronage or summon Parliament until after his coronation, which took place in Westminster Abbey on 30 October 1485. Henry was building a myth, the idea that he and his family were the true royal blood of England. What freezings have I felt, what dark days seen! Sonnet XCVII - Massachusetts Institute of Technology I wasn't disappointed because, as usual, he did a great job with the narration. Interesting look at the founder of the Tudor dynesty. In 1837 Henry VIII's tomb was eventually marked in the chapel with a commemorative marble slab. Winter King: Henry VII and the Dawn of Tudor England - Goodreads His history plays depicted the dramatic conflicts of the wars of the roses, which Henry's accession after his victory at Bosworth in 1485 brought to an end. Winter King: Henry VII and the Dawn of Tudor England He cemented his claim by marrying Elizabeth of York, daughter of King Edward IV. [10] A contemporary writer and Henry's biographer, Bernard Andr, also made much of Henry's Welsh descent. [13] When Warwick restored Henry VI in 1470, Jasper Tudor returned from exile and brought Henry to court. Yet in the hands of a narrator as accomplished as Penn, the reign acquires its own, troubling fascination. When Henry VIII Wrestled the King of Franceand Lost He paid very close attention to detail, and instead of spending lavishly he concentrated on raising new revenues. Since he was the second son, and not expected to become king, we know little of his childhood until the death of his older brother Arthur, Prince of Wales. Henry's father, Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond, a half-brother of Henry VI of England and a member of the Welsh Tudors of Penmynydd, died three months before his son Henry was born. [66], Henry wanted to maintain the Spanish alliance. [44] Following Henry VII's death, Henry VIII executed Richard Empson and Edmund Dudley, his two most hated tax collectors, on trumped-up charges of treason. Henry marries Catherine of Aragon. They were also in charge of various administrative duties, such as the checking of weights and measures. Blair Worden's The English Civil Wars is published by Phoenix. He was the first monarch of the House of Tudor. His first son and heir apparent, Arthur, Prince of Wales, died suddenly at Ludlow Castle, very likely from a viral respiratory illness known at the time as the "English sweating sickness". The country was in a perpetual state of emergency and Henrys subjects were scared and resentful. [citation needed], During his lifetime the nobility often criticised Henry VII for re-centralizing power in London, and later the 16th-century historian Francis Bacon was ruthlessly critical of the methods by which he enforced tax law, but it is equally true that Henry VII was diligent about keeping detailed records of his personal finances, down to the last halfpenny;[71] these and one account book detailing the expenses of his queen survive in the British National Archives, as do accounts of courtiers and many of the king's own letters. 7.1 59min 2013 16+. Martin Luther 95 thesis. The marriage did not take place during his lifetime. Many of the entries show a man who loosened his purse strings generously for his wife and children, and not just on necessities: in spring 1491 he spent a great amount of gold on a lute for his daughter Mary; the following year he spent money on a lion for Elizabeth's menagerie. The house of York then appeared so firmly established that Henry seemed likely to remain in exile for the rest of his life. Henry the older was lean and shriveled, rigid with prudence, empty of any hunger other than a desire to secure his throne through the acquisition of cash. It is a sobering reflection for professional historians that the apparently unpromising territory of Henry's reign has recently produced two memorable books, both of them written outside their ranks: this one, and Ann Wroe's biography of the pretender, Perkin (2003), a longer work on a shorter subject. However, this treaty came at a price, as Henry mounted a minor invasion of Brittany in November 1492. [47], Henry VII's policy was to maintain peace and to create economic prosperity. After obtaining the dispensation, Henry had second thoughts about the marriage of his son and Catherine. The parts on how he abused his position and the law to enrich himself while an entire nation watched helplessly are, frankly, pretty relevant to now. When Henry VII called his first parliament he used it as an opportunity to legitimise his reign. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. He passed laws against "livery" (the upper classes' flaunting of their adherents by giving them badges and emblems) and "maintenance" (the keeping of too many male "servants"). Henry started a new policy to recover Guyenne and other lost Plantagenet claims in France. There are an awful lot of books written about the Tudor era, both fiction and non-fiction, so you have to ask whether this book adds anything new. At Rennes Cathedral on Christmas Day 1483, Henry pledged to marry Elizabeth of York, the eldest daughter of Edward IV.