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Joe questions what motivated Ryan into saving people and discovers it was because of his father's death. 6.In music, the term texture refers to the: a.blend of rhythm, meter, and pulse in music. The duo escape and return home, only for it to turn sour for Joe as he discovers Claire having read his book and expresses her disdain of it. Permit us know well-nigh information technology through the Study button at the bottom of the folio. Haydn, Symphony No. Composers began to put their name on their compositions and expected to be compensated; Virtuoso women singers began singing in several Italian courts; Patronage increased in the courts of the nobility. This instrument, which was very popular during the Renaissance, is called a: According to the text, the Renaissance period was known as: The following example is played on an instrument that was very popular during the Renaissance. The use of church modes helps give Gregorian chant its characteristic "otherworldly" sound; Church modes and modern scales both have seven tones between each octave; They were the basic musical scales used in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. True The composer pictured above is best known for taking older forms and styles and redefining them in modern ways. The following composition, featuring 40 voices, was written by: With Hardy distracted at the evacuation center, cult members capture Parker and bury her alive. They find a lead to a bunker, to which they find out that it's a boot camp of followers and are forced to kill the followers in training. (:11), The following excerpt represents a melody without harmonic accompaniment. Which of the following statements best describes the music in this audio recording? Pentatonic scales, found in many early American and children's songs, only use five pitches, hence the moniker "pentatonic. According to the text, in rondo form, the repeating themes are separated by: This piece of music is an example of: The following excerpt represents melody by itself without harmonic accompaniment. Which of the following terms does not refer to a basic musical texture? The active voice for the sentence, you are advised not to eat junk food. (4:32), Which excerpt is an example of accelerando? Which of the following best describes the music in this selection from Machaut's Notre Dame Mass? In music notation, the symbol that indicates the duration of silence is called a ____. :28. 3 in E-flat major, Op. After killing Louise, Ryan gets into a confrontation with Amanda, who tells Ryan he needs to be punished for sleeping with Joe's wife. Quickly and professionally. Most of the notated music that survives from the Medieval period is secular in nature. answer. It has two identical sections followed by a section that ends with "Grant us peace" instead of "Have mercy upon us"; It has three sections, thought to represent the Trinity. Which of the following composers envisioned operas as "musical dramas"a combination of all the arts? wensleydale cheese sauce. Weston is brought to the crime scene where he meets Agent Gina Mendez, the head of the case. (:28) answer. 3:41. MUSI3405: Final exam listening samples Flashcards | Chegg.com You may choose either scenic design or costume design. [player 1:55]. (player 4:32), The following excerpt has smooth melodies that imitate one another on entrances. When a note is emphasized more than others, usually by being played louder, is called a(n), A mechanical or digital device that indicates tempo on a scale of beats per minute by emitting sounds or flashes of light is called a. The composer of this selection is: player 10:26 Jacob Obrecht The Renaissance was the Golden Age of: Choral composition for small ensembles What element of the musical style of the following piece indicates that it is from the Renaissance period rather than the Medieval period? By writing in a minor key; by using a slow tempo; by having descending melodic lines representing falling tears. The lute imitates the voice's upward leaps and so becomes more prominent than before. During the Classical period, opera buffa (comic opera) plots were based on myths and historical figures. What is the name for the various level of loudness and softness in music? How does John Dowland express sorrow and melancholy in Flow My Tears? (player 3:11). Which of the following correctly describes this excerpt from the Pope Marcellus mass? Beethoven. (:26). I am so sad, Mayza," Janie whined. Which of the following forms is not based on the principle of contrast? FEEDBACK: See p. 139 1 / 1 pts Question 2 Listen to the following two excerpts from Handel's Messiah. Which of the following best describes the music in this recording? What are two ways of lengthening the value of a note? An important Romantic composer founded The New Journal of Music, an influential musical periodical in which this same composer frequently published his own musical criticism and promoted the works of other musicians. Which of the following statements are true of Gregorian chant? The following excerpt is an example of Renaissance a cappella choral music. Liszt Which of the following excerpts is most likely a composition by Paganini? Jordy, upset because he revealed important information to the FBI, kills himself by swallowing and choking himself on his own bandages. Which of the following statements about secular music in Paris in the Middle Ages are accurate? His name is: Changes in tempo were rarely found in music of the Romantic period, in keeping with Classical period values. (player 12:15). . Fell free get in touch with us via phone or send us a message. Let us have a look at your work and suggest how to improve it! Which of the following statements best characterizes the "mood" of the Romantic period? False. While Claire tries to escape with Joey, they are blocked by various followers and Roderick puts an ankle monitor on her. What symbol at the beginning of the piece indicates the key that a piece of music is in? (00:11) True. He wakes up in the lighthouse, and his confrontation with Carroll comes to blows. When Carroll's son Joey (Kyle Catlett) is abducted by his father's followers, the FBI discovers that it is the first step in a wider plan for Carroll to escape custody, humiliate Hardy, and be reunited with his ex-wife Claire (Natalie Zea). texture in the second listening clip differ from the first. The following excerpt comes from a famous aria in one of Mozart's most enduring operas. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) . :40, The dynamics in this example is best described as: This is called: Kester arrives, ready to flee with Maggie. Joe is informed by Roderick of losing the bunker, which causes Joe to snap at Roderick to not make orders anymore. There had to be a way to make Italian performers incorporate dynamic changes in their playing. This composer pictured above wrote The Blue Danube, arguably the most famous waltz of all time. False The following excerpt is an example of Renaissance a cappella choral music. Emma sees Paul's captive, Megan, as a threat and instructs Paul to kill the woman. The melodic and harmonic construction of music around a central tone toward which other tones gravitate is called. [player 2:35], The following difficult piece for the violin was written by one of the few musicians of the time who could play it. Which of the following composers wrote this symphony? Which of the following statements are true of music in the Renaissance? The plague known as the Black Death; Literary themes of sensuality; The Hundred Years' War, Hildegard of Bingen claims to have written O Successores after being inspired by a. Two simultaneous pitches of the same letter name and pitch (e.g., C, G, or D) constitute a harmony. It is polyphonic. (player :25), From a Renaissance composition having its roots in folk songs. (player 1:30). In general, operatic arias of the Romantic period, for example those by Giacomo Puccini (1858-, 1924), provide good examples of homophonic, Musical texture refers to how melody and harmony, Which of the following terms does not refer to a, The musical texture that consists of a single, Which Classical genre is represented by this. An angry and injured Joe Carroll escapes with Claire to a secluded island lighthouse. This music example illustrates a chord played one, Consonant harmonies usually provide a feeling of, The following excerpt represents melody by itself, The following excerpt represents melody with, Which of the following types of texture does it, Which of the following choices is the defining, This music passage is an example of: (:16), The following excerpt represents monophonic, The following excerpt represents polyphonic, This piece of music is a good example of: (:20), The following music excerpt features: (:17), This music excerpt is an example of: (:31), The following excerpt represents homophonic. This is an example of melody without harmonic accompaniment. False Correct! This excerpt most likely falls in the category of: (Play :17), A characteristic of this excerpt that suggests it is from a medieval Mass is: This could be due to the use of conflicting harmonies, melodies, or rhythms, or it could be due to the use of dissonant musical intervals such as the tritone. This music example illustrates a chord played one note after . If you play the white notes of the piano from C to C, you are playing a _____ scale. Weston and Mendez begin searching for information on possible suspects for the murders and only identify one person, Carlos, who has been missing for over a year. That excerpt did not represent melody by itself. tempo. The two most important French composers of organum and discant during the Medieval period were: In the early days of the church, the only music allowed during the service was: The dates for the Medieval period are generally considered to be: Which of the following were secular genres in the Medieval period? Two simultaneous pitches of the same letter name and pitch (e.g., C, G, or D) constitute a harmony. From the following composers, select the one that best understood the intrinsic nature and potential of the piano as an expressive instrument: The following choral work, based on the German Bible, was written by: MethodFemale students volunteered to take part in a discussion on the psychology of sex. (:22), The following excerpt is consonant. Hardy relays his suspicions to Parker, who has the transport van pull over. Which six categories or classifications of instruments are used in the western (or European) music? A varied repeat of the first section with a return of the two original themes. The dates given in this course for the Classical period are: What common Classical period genre does this excerpt represent? . It is by Pierre Francisque Caroubel; It is a fast dance in triple meter known as the galliard; It is found paired with a passamezzo in Terpsichore (1612). Romantic composers worked with traditional forms but expanded them in innovative ways to meet their expressive needs. The following excerpt represents melody by itself without harmonic accompaniment. Which of the following are characteristics of melody in Gregorian chant? Syncopation is often used in jazz settings. A melody consists of a succession of: Pitches. . 2.2.What type of people worked. It is the word Alleluia sung to the free rhythm of Gregorian chant. The name of the composer pictured above, who wrote more than 600 art songs (lieder), is: During the Romantic period, most composers were: Independent business persons, earning their living by performing music, writing music for specific occasions and commissions, and collecting royalties on published music. How did the city of New York memorialize those that died in the fire?What impact did this have on the citizens of New York? Gregorian chant that has one or more melodic lines added to it. What was the official certification given to The Following (2013) in Japan? Frustrated, Weston asked Ryan why he had ignored all of his calls and messages in the past year while Weston was struggling with after-thoughts of the case. Read the following story excerpt and answer the question that follows: "Nope, I am not going to try out for the track team," Mayza told her friend. Which of the following statements are true of early organum? This could be due to the use of conflicting harmonies, melodies, or rhythms, or it could be due to the use of dissonant musical intervals such as the tritone. A chord made up of three notes (root, third and fifth, or do, mi, sol) is called a, A combination of tones that feels unstable and demands onward motion toward a stable chord is described as being. True From the Classical period onwards, sonata-allegro form was replaced by other forms as the basis for most instrumental music. His name is: Which of the following excerpts features frequently changing tempos? Identify the opera in question. Listen to the audio clip. Pitch is related to how fast something vibrates; In general, string instruments with longer strings can play a lower-pitch sound than instruments with shorter strings. Dissonance can be a powerful tool for creating tension and drama in a musical composition. See production, box office & company info, A solid thriller despite obvious shortcomings. Hardy shoots him but Maggie escapes. Which of the following is a salient characteristic of secular music from the Medieval period? The following excerpt represents melody with harmonic accompaniment. Their fight takes them to a boathouse where a rogue gunshot ignites tanks of gasoline; Hardy manages to escape as the building explodes with Carroll trapped inside. Ryan Hardy and his team obtain video footage of the immolation incident and he recognizes the victim (Todd Faulkner) as a literary critic who gave Joe Carroll's book a scathing review. The following selection is from Berliozs Symphony Fantastique. The episode's ratings reached a series high and was watched by 11.18 million and earned an 18-49 rating/share of 4.4/12. (player 5:37), Which of the following selections is an example of a Renaissance consort? :34, Which one of the following excerpts belongs to a large choral work from the classical period? 1, 4, and 7 LG 13_ M, CH 32 LISTENING QUIZ_ Mozart_ Piano Concerto in G Major, K. 453, I LG 22_ MUL1010.pdf, CH 34 LISTENING QUIZ_ Beethoven_ Symphony No. Contemporary Period Assessment - Subjecto.com Consonant harmonies usually provide a feeling of false. Christe eleison. That excerpt did not represent melody by itself. What is the technique of playing the notes of a chord one after the other (instead of simultaneously) called? he climax, the climax, the falling action, and the new stasis. Your username and password for GeorgiaView is the same as your DSC e-mail and Roadrunner Portal login. Which of the following excerpts is most likely a composition by Paganini? 3:26, The rhythm of the following example suggests that the piece was composed during the Classical period. Resurrection ( The Following) Resurrection (. None of them reacts in time. Ryan then receives a call from Joe who informs Ryan his story is not done yet. Joe eventually lets Claire reunite with her son. In contrast to the Renaissance, where vocal and choral music took center stage, instrumental music established itself as the most significant genre of the Baroque period. Play :32 It has irregular rhythms. The following composition is a work by: Which of the following are the main properties of musical sounds? Which one of the following excerpts may be classified as chamber music? Why was the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris important? What is the type of scale that uses the twelve tones of the octave called? (:28) false. Which of the following are common male voice types? There is a main theme that is varied in each repetition. :37, The following musical excerpt is from the Classical period. As Hardy and the FBI launch a raid on their compound, the cult retaliates with an attack on an evacuation center in Havenport, giving Joe the chance to get away safely. The use of secular tunes and theatrical singing in Catholic church music; Catholic church music used noisy instruments and complex polyphony; Catholic church music had lost its purity. Read the following story excerpt and answer the question that follows: "Nope, I am not going to try out for the track team," Mayza told her friend. According to the text, which of the following are Post-Romantic composers? (:11), The following example features a steady pulse played by the bass. In the lower center, at the front of the picture, there is a harp; In the lower left corner of the picture, there is an organ or regal; In the middle-right edge of the picture, an early keyboard instrument is seen on the table. According to the text, Romantic composers abandoned the principles of unity and variety in pursuit of more innovative and expressive sounds. The police secure both Claire Matthews ( Natalie Zea ), Joe's ex-wife and mother of his son Joey ( Kyle Catlett) with whom Ryan had an . :25, Which of the following excerpts exhibits Baroque rhythmic characteristics? Rick Kester (Michael Drayer), who is responsible for killing Faulkner, is also uncovered as another of Joe's followers. (:07), The following excerpt represents polyphonic texture. The following example from the Classical period may be classified as a/an: Paul and Jacob are able to escape with the help of other Followers disguised as FBI agents. What was one of the most influential innovations that helped spread and popularize Renaissance secular music? The earliest surviving operathen called dramma per musicawas written by a member of the Florentine Camerata named: Tempo is an Italian universal musical term that refers to the speed at which a music composition is played. The Five was a group of nationalist composers who sought to incorporate elements of ______________ in their work. The three main types of musical texture are monophonic, homophonic, and. (play :25). Mayza changes her mind, and realizes that her goals can still be accomplished on the team. There are also two higher voices with more active, syncopated rhythms. Composers and arrangers can introduce some elements of variation in a piece of music without altering its basic form. The characteristics of a melody may be best described in terms of: Does the following excerpt move mainly by disjunct, conjunct, or repeated tones? Usually, folk tunes, songs, spirituals, and hymns are not good examples of strophic form. Top rated: 4 Lowest rating: 2 Summary: Articles about Music 152 & Harmony Final Test Answers - Quizzma The most salient compositional aspect of the following excerpt is: (00:35).Imitation between voices. Kyrie eleison. The concert version of Hedwig's Theme actually incorporates two themes: Hedwig's Theme and the Flying Theme or "Nimbus 2000", the name of Harry's broomstick. They bring him to the FBI's main office to see if he can be of any help. Who is credited with the creation of plainsong? Which of the following was NOT known as a composer of choral music? Which of the following is a composition for an orchestral ensemble? Music created in medieval Europe and later can come alive and be reproduced today thanks to. Rules and logic are less important that the free expression of human feelings. Which of the following were sacred genres in the Medieval period? The texts for mass were in Latin; Some texts were used for mass only on specific occasions, such as Christmas; some texts for mass were used day after day. 1:54. the following excerpt is dissonant quizlet. Kyrie from Palestrina's Pope Marcellus Mass. :26, chord accompaniment and clear, strong cadences, The texture of the following example from the Classical period can best be described as: Antonn Dvork was inspired by his Hungarian Dance No. and pitch (e.g., C, G, or D) constitute a harmony. The sudden quiet and crescendos leading to important parts of the piece are examples of changes in. True or false: The higher a note is placed on the staff, the lower its pitch.